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Wow, I have WOW.

Posted: 2006-07-24 10:31pm
by Knife
So I know I'm always late to these new fangled things, but my wife just bought me this thing for my birthday and while I've played things like Neverwinter Nights and the such, this is my first MORG.

So, while this thing is installing, I thought I might ask a question or two; like is there way too many Paladins in the various realms or is there any particular realm I'd like to be in (with all you killers around here who play) etc....

Posted: 2006-07-24 10:42pm
by Lonestar
Sign up on Garithos, Alliance side if you can.

Posted: 2006-07-24 10:50pm
by Nephtys
Be wary of being a Paladin. I know lots of people who LOVE their pallies, but in WoW, a paladin is NOT A holy cleanser of eeevils, who kills stuff.

In WoW, a Paladin is a field medic with plate armor. Kay?

Edit: Oh, and I play on Mannoroth, with a few others here. Good place, if you can stand an older server with a lot of high-powered players.

Posted: 2006-07-24 10:54pm
by Lonestar
Garithos is a fairly new PVP server, and I just started playing on there (With the mighty Gnome Warrior Underpants).

My lvl60 Mage is on moonrunner.

Posted: 2006-07-25 12:08am
by Knife
I was thinking either warrior or hunter at this point. Waiting for udates to download.............damn.

Posted: 2006-07-25 06:56am
by Namarie
Knife wrote:I was thinking either warrior or hunter at this point. Waiting for udates to download.............damn.
hunters have to be about the easiest class ever. You could stick it on auto shot and then go afk to have a snack while leveling. ^_^

Posted: 2006-07-25 07:10am
by Mr Bean
Knife wrote:I was thinking either warrior or hunter at this point. Waiting for udates to download.............damn.
Biggest reason why I don't get into MMO's if they are six months old or later. Good luck with that.

Also note be careful what server you go on, some are rampent with gold farmers(And thus things are at 400% inflation making it hard for you) while others are population empty.

Pick a nice medium server.

Posted: 2006-07-25 08:55am
by Knife
Mr Bean wrote:
Knife wrote:I was thinking either warrior or hunter at this point. Waiting for udates to download.............damn.
Biggest reason why I don't get into MMO's if they are six months old or later. Good luck with that.

Also note be careful what server you go on, some are rampent with gold farmers(And thus things are at 400% inflation making it hard for you) while others are population empty.

Pick a nice medium server.
I got a fairly new one, full of newbies it seems.

Posted: 2006-07-25 09:58am
by NeoGoomba
Knife wrote:I was thinking either warrior or hunter at this point. Waiting for udates to download.............damn.
If you go Warrior, don't put too many points into your Protection talent tree, since until you get to level 60, you'll be doing a lot of soloing, and while Warriors have it hard enough to solo (no heals, and only hamstring to help you escape), Protection Warriors SUCK...that is until you start going into dungeons.

Posted: 2006-07-25 10:45am
by Ghost Rider
  • Servers: Find a new one, likely not prone to both fuckups AND guild drama.
  • Do you want to raid or not? The asking is simple, levels 1-59 you will never hear of 60 it's pretty much the only thing left to do. Don't be folled by the idea of "But all those dungeons?" I've done each over a hundred times and after the tenth...they begin to suck hard donkey balls.
  • PVP: Don't ...unless you love grinding or are bored. the rewards are nice, but take longer then they should to acquire them.

1. Raid: When you and 39 yaboos go off to kill a very big set of monsters in a dungeon at level 60.

2. Meatshield: A joking terms given to warriors who perform the task of standing in front of an enormous foe for the sole sake of being beaten upon so other do not.

3. Squishie: A class that has low armor class and hit points.

4. Tank : a term used to describe class that are MEANT to hold a monster in palce.

5. Aggro: A term used to describe how much does a monster hate you thus you holding it's attention.

6. DPS: Damage Per Second. Literally how much damage per second you can do via weapons, clas and abilities.

7. Pullers: A person who using a ranged weapon pulls a monster or monsters to the group to be killed as to not grab more then what the group can handle.

We'll run down classes:

1. Warriors: Tanks, primary, DPS secondary. You are really meant to tank, and you will learn to love or hate it.

2. Paladins: Heal + Cleanse in the endgame. Healing all around. Paladins are not Holy Warriors...more like Priests in Plate.

3. Priests: Healers. Yes, you can do damage, but that is not your primary reason to be in a group.

4. Rogues: Damage, 'nuff said.

5. Hunters: Ranged Damage and Pullers.

6. Mages: Magic using damage dealers. Also they make water and food....and if you choose this class you will hate the request for water and food.

7. Druid: Jack of all trades, but used primarly as a healer in end game raiding.

8. Warlock: A unique mix of classes. Is a damage dealer with many spells doing damage over time. Honestly the hardest to start but definilty a class that has recieved improvements.

9. Shaman: A damage dealing class with healing abilites. Fun to solo with, but in the upper levels a pain to play well.

Posted: 2006-07-25 11:14am
by Stofsk
I don't understand why they thought turning the Paladin into a 'medic in plate' was a good idea. The only reason anyone plays a Paladin is because they want to be the knight in shining armour, with either a shiny sword and shield or a big ass warhammer. If you want to be the healer you play a Cleric or Priest. Is there more to the Paladin?

I'm not bitching about WOW, I'm genuinely interested in why they chose this route.

Posted: 2006-07-25 11:25am
by Ghost Rider
Stofsk wrote:I don't understand why they thought turning the Paladin into a 'medic in plate' was a good idea. The only reason anyone plays a Paladin is because they want to be the knight in shining armour, with either a shiny sword and shield or a big ass warhammer. If you want to be the healer you play a Cleric or Priest. Is there more to the Paladin?

I'm not bitching about WOW, I'm genuinely interested in why they chose this route.
This applies that in EQ Paladins easily exceeded warrior(or in the eyes of Tigole and Forar...who were big in EQ end game and are currently two of the higher developers) ability to tank. So because of this, they decided that this will never happen in WoW, for tanking.

As for healing and cleansing? Mostly because of the incredibly banal nature of the raids in WoW and classes in general, you get slotted into pigeonholes at the end game. Sure a Paladin can dish out huge damage, but their role is better served by cleansing and healing because in the end game that is needed more because that's how encounters are created. Take for instance the Priest or the Druid. Both can do immense damage but the developers look at them as "Healing Class A" and "Healing Class B".

Posted: 2006-07-25 11:30am
by Alan Bolte
The trouble with the healing classes is that not enough people play them. If there were a glut of priests, no one would mind having a priest dps. And a feral druid with warrior experience can do very well as an off tank. There's just practically no druids.

Posted: 2006-07-25 11:40am
by Ar-Adunakhor
If you play a Priest expect to get whispers from people you have never met asking to run Scholo, Strat, and any other 5-10 man instance. Constantly. I used to have random people asking me to run Scholo while I was in BWL. I once even had someone ask if I wanted to run Scholo while I was in it. I had to ask the party to stop so I could write up a special bitch-out for that guy. :P

Anyway, are there *still* not enough healers? I would have thought that would fix itself. Hell, the entire reason I went priest is because if you know your shit then you can write your own ticket to whatever raid you want to go on. One would think people would see the inherent power in that.

Posted: 2006-07-25 11:51am
by Gil Hamilton
There is a little bit of flexibility in the classes. For instance, with my druid, I made a feral spec (which can heal just fine, and don't let anyone tell you difference), but I've also tanked most instances and have even tanked stuff in Molten Core (including Majordomo Executus... that was an interesting fight. It was one of the rare times that we didn't have an overabundance of warriors). I've even been a mobile crit buff/DPS in Molten Core. I suppose Molten Core isn't really endgame content anymore, though. Since as 40 man raid goes, Molten Core is very very simple.

However, due to the nature of the beast, GR is right. There is no use for a feral druid in BWL or beyond, when if you aren't contributing to pumping out heals, decursing/depoisoning, and being an innervate slut for your favorite priest, then you are taking up a spot for someone who would. It's just the nature of the encounters; things in the end game content are just doing so much damage that anything tanking them that isn't designed to be kited (or something Special Circumstances, like, say Razorgore) that you have to generate all sorts of healing to counteract the massive damage to the raid. You can't afford to be creative.

That is, after all, what PvP is for and why I enjoy PvP. Mostly because that is an opportunity for me as a feral druid to put on my DPS gear and drop some 2000 point Ferocious Bites (I can't wait for Ferocious Bite Rank 5 in the next patch) on something squishy, or be an unstoppable hate machine in Bear Form, plus being able to switch out, step back, and heal when the Zerg hits. PvP is very satisfying in that way, when you can slap the shit out of a bunch of Alliance asswipes who thing that full Tier 2+ gear they get from countless hours raiding is a substitute for being able to play well in an organized fashion (though now the fashion for them is to queue up to a bunch of battlegrounds and PUG hunt, to avoid fighting good groups and not getting deserter status rather than take their beat like they were good players).

Posted: 2006-07-25 11:53am
by Gil Hamilton
Alan Bolte wrote:The trouble with the healing classes is that not enough people play them. If there were a glut of priests, no one would mind having a priest dps. And a feral druid with warrior experience can do very well as an off tank. There's just practically no druids.
This is my history. I started the game as a protection spec warrior and now my main is a feral druid. This makes me a very good tank, I think. In non-raid instances, I can tank just as well as any warrior.

Posted: 2006-07-25 05:08pm
by ArchMage
Dont come to Nathrezim, were full. :P

Posted: 2006-07-26 01:25am
by LordShaithis
I played a paladin to level 39 before I deleted him in disgust and quit the game. It's Diablo II only with a far slower pace and a lot less fun.

Graphics are nice though.

Posted: 2006-07-26 09:06am
by Alan Bolte
What server are you on, Knife? I'm sick and tired of joining guilds that procede to fall apart, then going a month or two looking for a new guild. I'm willing to level something new, but only if there's someone on there already to level with. I have two friends with WoW, but one has been largely unavailable for quite some time, and the other just levels characters to 20 or 30 then gets bored and starts a new one.

Posted: 2006-07-26 06:01pm
by Knife
Alan Bolte wrote:What server are you on, Knife? I'm sick and tired of joining guilds that procede to fall apart, then going a month or two looking for a new guild. I'm willing to level something new, but only if there's someone on there already to level with. I have two friends with WoW, but one has been largely unavailable for quite some time, and the other just levels characters to 20 or 30 then gets bored and starts a new one.
It's a realitively new server called Sentienals. I'm up to a mighty level 8

Posted: 2006-07-26 06:52pm
by Ghost Rider
Knife wrote:
Alan Bolte wrote:What server are you on, Knife? I'm sick and tired of joining guilds that procede to fall apart, then going a month or two looking for a new guild. I'm willing to level something new, but only if there's someone on there already to level with. I have two friends with WoW, but one has been largely unavailable for quite some time, and the other just levels characters to 20 or 30 then gets bored and starts a new one.
It's a realitively new server called Sentienals. I'm up to a mighty level 8
So what class did you pick?

Posted: 2006-07-26 11:16pm
by Alan Bolte
also race. lol.

Posted: 2006-07-26 11:58pm
by Knife
Ghost Rider wrote:
So what class did you pick?
Dwarven Hunter, just got to 10 and playing around with pets. Wolves apperently don't like being a pet. :?

Posted: 2006-07-27 12:07am
by Alan Bolte
Lol. Everything hates being a pet when you first capture it. You just have to feed it so it stays happy. Given time, it'll become loyal to you.

Posted: 2006-07-27 12:11am
by Crossroads Inc.
Always go for that which isn't already totally overdone.

Be a Gnomish Female Warrior!
A Male Orcish Hunter!
Or an Undead Priest!

Go for the not already sone to death :D