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New PS3 game SW:Force unleashed
Posted: 2006-07-30 10:36pm
by Penitent Tangent
The graphics are breath-taking although this could be pre-rendered, I am not sure.
News Article
The AI is brand new and said to be "extremely intelligent". The maps are all dynamic so the damage is never the same way twice and it never goes away. But anyway words cannot decribe how awesome this is watch the movie
BTW sorry if this is a repost but the search function is not working for me right now.
Posted: 2006-07-30 11:09pm
by Hotfoot
It's so very painfully pre-rendered, especially that last bit. If you read the article, it tells you point-blank that it was pre-rendered.
God damn I'm getting annoyed at this crap. Game developers - cease and desist with the bullshit, please. We don't want to see your fucking pre-rendered videos unless this is yet another freaky-ass RPG that's 90% cutscenes. We. Want. Actual. Gameplay.
I know, it was a proof of concept video (what the hell?), but you know what? Fuck it. I know for a fact that what that video is selling, they're not gonna bring to the table. At best, we're going to get a stripped down version of Jedi Knight with some more wanktastic force powers. Every so often, there may be a mini-game involving tossing debris up into a TIE Fighter, but that's pretty much it. I'll believe "extremely intelligent" AI when I see it, and the maps being totally dynamic? Bah, probably have a large amount of debris or normally invulnerable debris that gets broken up in pre-scripted sequences, but that's about it.
This is literally a game where anything and everything could be broken and it wouldn't matter, because at the wanktastic levels of power they're showing, the jedi could jump or fly anywhere on the map without needing any special unbreakable terrain, but it won't happen.
But maybe I'm just cynical. When I see actual gameplay footage of this in action, I could very well be a kid in a movie theater, but the last several Star Wars games have been entirely uninspiring.
Posted: 2006-07-30 11:28pm
by Penitent Tangent
Well they did say these were the graphics the developing team were shooting for but granted thats not much of a guarantee. Even if the graphics are not quite as good as depicted here I do have high hopes for the dynamic enviroment. I have seen a few demonstrations of what physics engines can do on the PS3 and i was really impressed. My fellings towards this game is cautious optimism I really hpe it looks this good, cause if it doesn't Sony is screwed.
Posted: 2006-07-30 11:53pm
by Hotfoot
Sony is pretty well screwed anyway. When the PS3 comes out, I'll be able to buy an X-Box 360, a Wii, a DS, and a handful of games for each, all of which will work when I buy them, all for the same price as a PS3 bundle, which is likely to be have a 10% or higher critical defect rate.
Posted: 2006-07-31 12:04am
by InnocentBystander
Why must they torment me so? WHYYYYY! No game could ever be so good . . . Or could it?
On a side note; Who didn't love using force choke to completely ruin a stormtrooper's day by tossing him into the air, or into a wall, or down a pit, or into a ceiling, or through a window...
I like killing Stormtroopers

Posted: 2006-07-31 12:09am
by Lt. Dan
InnocentBystander wrote:Why must they torment me so? WHYYYYY! No game could ever be so good . . . Or could it?
On a side note; Who didn't love using force choke to completely ruin a stormtrooper's day by tossing him into the air, or into a wall, or down a pit, or into a ceiling, or through a window...
I like killing Stormtroopers

Oh ya, throwing them off cliffs, up in the sky, into walls, and the trooper screaming, powerless to do anything. Fun times.

Posted: 2006-07-31 12:09am
by VF5SS
So is this game basically going to be Psy-Ops with a liscense? Psy-Ops was a fun game save for the horrible end boss fight.
Posted: 2006-07-31 12:15am
by Penitent Tangent
Lt. Dan wrote:InnocentBystander wrote:Why must they torment me so? WHYYYYY! No game could ever be so good . . . Or could it?
On a side note; Who didn't love using force choke to completely ruin a stormtrooper's day by tossing him into the air, or into a wall, or down a pit, or into a ceiling, or through a window...
I like killing Stormtroopers

Oh ya, throwing them off cliffs, up in the sky, into walls, and the trooper screaming, powerless to do anything. Fun times.

I want to see the lightsaber in action they deliberately were not showing what it can do. I think we might see a little dismemberment this time.

Posted: 2006-07-31 12:18am
by Lt. Dan
Penitent Tangent wrote:Lt. Dan wrote:InnocentBystander wrote:Why must they torment me so? WHYYYYY! No game could ever be so good . . . Or could it?
On a side note; Who didn't love using force choke to completely ruin a stormtrooper's day by tossing him into the air, or into a wall, or down a pit, or into a ceiling, or through a window...
I like killing Stormtroopers

Oh ya, throwing them off cliffs, up in the sky, into walls, and the trooper screaming, powerless to do anything. Fun times.

I want to see the lightsaber in action they deliberately were not showing what it can do. I think we might see a little dismemberment this time.

I almost felt bad for the last one. He got fucked. Hard.
Posted: 2006-07-31 12:27am
by Sharpshooter
Looks like it'd be fun if they actually do keep with the idea they set in the video, but as Hotfoot called it, it's hideously apparent it was pre-rendered. These guys have to seriously brush up on the art of bullshitting people into thinking it's real - not that I encourage that sort of thing, but I find it amazing how obvious they let it be.
Posted: 2006-07-31 12:47am
by DarkSilver
Yeah...Star Wars mixed with DBZ...
Wanktastic Jedi FORCE powers! Let's hurl around Stormtroopers like ragdolls! Look! See how awesome these Jedi are! They can stab thier lightsaber in the ground and all the Stormies fly backwards!
So fucking awesome!
Yeah right....None of that will be in the game, except for cutscenes, and even if it is, it won't feel like Starwars.
Posted: 2006-07-31 01:34am
by DesertFly
DarkSilver wrote:Yeah...Star Wars mixed with DBZ...
Wanktastic Jedi FORCE powers! Let's hurl around Stormtroopers like ragdolls! Look! See how awesome these Jedi are! They can stab thier lightsaber in the ground and all the Stormies fly backwards!
So fucking awesome!
Yeah right....None of that will be in the game, except for cutscenes, and even if it is, it won't feel like Starwars.
I don't know about that...the last couple of Jedi Knight games have started to get there. All they really needed was true rag doll physics to realize their true potential.
Posted: 2006-07-31 02:50am
by Noble Ire
I'll reserve judgement on the game itself until I see some actual gameplay footage, but...
As much as I enjoy tossing around Stormtroopers in JK and JA, I think having them screaming "Help me!" as I dash them to pieces against walls or dismember them might sour the effect a bit. Previous games only gave you a muted "Argh." Of course, this is coming from a guy who once replayed a portion of Halo 2 half a dozen times just so a gaggle of idiotic marines could survive an engagment with a Hunter.
Posted: 2006-07-31 08:41am
by Lord Pounder
It doesn't blow my skirt up much TBH. It certainly doesn't make me wanna buy a PS3.
Posted: 2006-07-31 09:28am
by Yogi
Lt. Dan wrote:InnocentBystander wrote:Why must they torment me so? WHYYYYY! No game could ever be so good . . . Or could it?
On a side note; Who didn't love using force choke to completely ruin a stormtrooper's day by tossing him into the air, or into a wall, or down a pit, or into a ceiling, or through a window...
I like killing Stormtroopers

Oh ya, throwing them off cliffs, up in the sky, into walls, and the trooper screaming, powerless to do anything. Fun times.

We could do that all the way back in Jedi Knight I.
Posted: 2006-07-31 10:01am
by Arrow
I read the same IGN article in the Xbox 360 section last week (
Link), and IIRC, its coming to the PC as well. Sony can blow me.
Posted: 2006-07-31 10:09am
by InnocentBystander
Yogi wrote:Lt. Dan wrote:InnocentBystander wrote:Why must they torment me so? WHYYYYY! No game could ever be so good . . . Or could it?
On a side note; Who didn't love using force choke to completely ruin a stormtrooper's day by tossing him into the air, or into a wall, or down a pit, or into a ceiling, or through a window...
I like killing Stormtroopers

Oh ya, throwing them off cliffs, up in the sky, into walls, and the trooper screaming, powerless to do anything. Fun times.

We could do that all the way back in Jedi Knight I.
You could, I don't seem to recall that... Well, it's better in Outcast anyway.
You guys remember the saber realism flag you could turn on in outcast, I love that. Simply touching the saber would slice up a stormtrooper, and all the little storm trooper bits were individually dismemberable.
I'm going to reinstall that game when I get home from work I think

Posted: 2006-07-31 10:13am
by Vympel
The "Force Unleashed" concept doesn't bother me. As long as it's at least as fun as Dark Forces, Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, Jedi Knight II: Jedio Outcast, and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, I'll be happy.
The pre-vis itself (also available on youtube) is interesting- look at the Stormtroopers. They're like Clonetrooper Phase II (RotS style) suits mixed with the classic Stormtrooper helmet. I wonder if this is just hasty rendering or indicative of a post-RotS, pre-ANH game setting- which would be pretty fun.
Of course, the last level would have a door open and Darth Vader step in, and then he would kill you.
I like the way they think:
In terms of being "accurate" with the use of the Force, we're committed to creating powers that are logical and believable extensions of the Force as seen in the films, and provide tremendous gameplay opportunities. As a diehard Star Wars fan myself, I know that one of the big questions fans have when they see the video is "Why is that Jedi using Force lightning?" It's a legitimate question, but we think it'll make a lot more sense to everyone once they know a bit more about the story. I think we've got a story that will please everyone from the most hardcore to the most casual of Star Wars fans. But we're not talking about that just yet…
Many of us will be familiar with that concept, and annoyance at the whining that, for example, a Jedi can't crush someone's skull as easily as he can crush a metal column (Dooku, AotC), because ... just because.
Posted: 2006-07-31 10:06pm
by Elaro
Vympel wrote:The pre-vis itself (also available on youtube) is interesting- look at the Stormtroopers. They're like Clonetrooper Phase II (RotS style) suits mixed with the classic Stormtrooper helmet. I wonder if this is just hasty rendering or indicative of a post-RotS, pre-ANH game setting- which would be pretty fun.
That's my best guess as well. Like you pointed out, the stormies have the hybrid armor, and they're antagonistic to the Jedi. This game could be set during the time where the Jedi went into hiding, and the subsequent Force user search-and-destroy/kidnap for training.
Posted: 2006-08-01 12:30am
by Azrael
This game better give YOU force powers for all the money you've have to spend getting to play it.
Posted: 2006-08-01 02:05am
by Shadowtraveler
I dunno. This seems like a bit of a bullshot to me.
Posted: 2006-08-01 02:35am
by Noble Ire
Shadowtraveler wrote:I dunno. This seems like a bit of a bullshot to me.
If they want to, and are given enough time to develop it, I don't doubt that they can give the player Force powers like those seen (the TIE fighter kill might be a bit much, but the rest is just an evolutionary step up from JA). I'm not sure about the graphics, though.
By the way, I'm not one to comment on spelling, but I found that typo oddly amusing.

Posted: 2006-08-01 02:37am
by Darth Garden Gnome
Noble Ire wrote:By the way, I'm not one to comment on spelling, but I found that typo oddly amusing.

Tycho is certainly
disappointed in you. Guess they can't all be as popular as truthiness.
Posted: 2006-08-01 02:44am
by Noble Ire
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Noble Ire wrote:By the way, I'm not one to comment on spelling, but I found that typo oddly amusing.

Tycho is certainly
disappointed in you. Guess they can't all be as popular as truthiness.
Huh, I must have forgotten that one. Nevertheless, I ended up essentially coming to the same conclusion.
Posted: 2006-08-03 08:05pm
by Praxis
As far as I've heard, that's nothing more than a tech demo, not a game.
InnocentBystander wrote:Why must they torment me so? WHYYYYY! No game could ever be so good . . . Or could it?
On a side note; Who didn't love using force choke to completely ruin a stormtrooper's day by tossing him into the air, or into a wall, or down a pit, or into a ceiling, or through a window...
I like killing Stormtroopers

Force jump + force pull while over a group of stormtroopers in Jedi Knight 2 amused me for endless hours.