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Questions Regarding Perfect Dark Zero...

Posted: 2006-08-08 06:41am
by Big Orange
I have a few questions regarding Perfect Dark Zero a FPS that was released while back on the newish X-Box 360:

1) Who are the main characters in this game, what is the overview of the game's plot?

2) What is the best mission in the game?

3) Are the graphics and sound excellent?

4) Is the multiplayer strongest mode in this game; is the Co-op single player the most popular game mode?

5) What sort of bad guys do you face; is their AI good?

6) Is Perfect Dark Zero better than the original Perfect Dark?

Posted: 2006-08-08 07:01am
by Bounty
6) Is Perfect Dark Zero better than the original Perfect Dark?
How can it be?

Anyway, here's the story summary and links to reviews. That should help a bit.

Posted: 2006-08-08 08:15am
by Big Orange
Bounty wrote:
6) Is Perfect Dark Zero better than the original Perfect Dark?
How can it be?
Well I thought Perfect Dark was excellent game on the same level as GoldenEye in terms of gameplay, graphics and level design. I mostly liked Perfect Dark's single player mode even though the plot was patchy in places but then again GoldenEye had the benefit of being based on a film. In Perfect Dark I thought the earlier missions where you infiltrated the dataDyne complex, broke into Area 51 and rescued Carrington from dataDyne goons were much better than the later missions when the Skedar were introduced. I get the impression that Rareware are competent on gameplay and making solid games on the N64 and X-Box 360, but they are awful scriptwriters and even I could write out a better storylines for their videogames than the Rare staff could.

Posted: 2006-08-08 08:19am
by Bounty
I get the impression that Rareware are competent on gameplay and making solid games on the N64 and X-Box 360, but they are awful scriptwriters and even I could write out a better storylines for their videogames than the Rare staff could.
The Rareware of GoldenEye and Perfect Dark is no more. The team disbanded long before the end of the N64 era and those who were left jumped ship during the sale to Microsoft.

In fact, the Timesplitters series is more of a "Rare" game then PDZ in terms of who worked on it.

Posted: 2006-08-08 09:26am
by Big Orange
I heard about the original GoldenEye team essentially breaking up following the completion of Perfect Dark, but I'm not really talking about the game programmers themselves I'm talking about the people at Rare who write out the characters and stories for the games - they're not very good.

GoldenEye was based directly on the film so that doesn't count. but when it came to Perfect Dark Rareware had trouble in fleshing out a good original setting or a really interesting storyline. And looking at Perfect Dark Zero's storyline, it seems like Rareware lacks imagination (but Perfect Dark: Initial Vector was a surprisingly good book - lets hope Greg Rucka writes out a more interesting plot for the next Perfect Dark game).

Re: Questions Regarding Perfect Dark Zero...

Posted: 2006-08-08 10:05am
by Manus Celer Dei
Big Orange wrote:I have a few questions regarding Perfect Dark Zero a FPS that was released while back on the newish X-Box 360:

1) Who are the main characters in this game, what is the overview of the game's plot?
Joanna Dark, her father, their tech support woman, a few others. Plot revolves around the head of Datadyne trying to acheive immortality via some generic ancient device that harvests lifeforce or something. Not overly inspired, really.
2) What is the best mission in the game?
The "Escape" level where Joanna busts her father out of a Datadyne research-lab place they were holding him in. Very fun
3) Are the graphics and sound excellent?
Oh yes
4) Is the multiplayer strongest mode in this game; is the Co-op single player the most popular game mode?
The multiplayer is definately better than single-player. I've not really played co-op much.

5) What sort of bad guys do you face; is their AI good?
Pretty good
6) Is Perfect Dark Zero better than the original Perfect Dark?
[/quote]I'd say they're about the same, really.

Re: Questions Regarding Perfect Dark Zero...

Posted: 2006-08-09 11:49am
by Big Orange
Manus Celer Dei wrote:
Joanna Dark, her father, their tech support woman, a few others. Plot revolves around the head of Datadyne trying to acheive immortality via some generic ancient device that harvests lifeforce or something. Not overly inspired, really.
Well that's not surprising since even GoldenEye and Perfect Dark both had fairly thin storylines, despite the fact their single-player modes were uniformally excellent. I get the impression that Rareware will be subjected to another shakedown by Microsoft and they would perhaps introduce proper script writers (my guess).
The multiplayer is definately better than single-player. I've not really played co-op much.
That was the common opinion for GoldenEye and Perfect Dark as well (even though I played the single player for both games more often).
5) What sort of bad guys do you face; is their AI good?
Pretty good
Do they use squad tactics, covering fire and use radios?