Nova Andromeda wrote:-10 homeworlds and hightech are good for quick games that involve a minimal amount of strategy. Perhaps we should consider this for our last SEIV game?
This may be the last one. I only like 10 homeworlds and high technology because the game's faster that way.
-Because grilfriends never get in the way? I actually don't mind a game taking a year or more to complete so long as it doesn't eat up much time/day.
A lot of people probably do mind if it takes a year or more. All of our games took six months or less. Well except B5. But there's RP for that.
-That's my point. Once a player gets that far ahead through ability alone they deserve to win unless another player makes a truly stunning comeback. You'll have to tell me about this Great Alliance after the game. I wonder when you managed to put it together. BTW, you can always conceed the game and agree to continue w/ everyone versus the top player.
It wasn't so "great" really. I put it together after I lost my war to Nephtys. And, ability alone isn't the only factor in SE:IV games. If you are that competitive and want a 1v1 there is always King of the Hill on Shrapnel Games forum. I asked about a ladder earlier and nobody's really interested.
-You still haven't addressed the point that ganging up on a player is inherently unfair, basically a voter system, and far worse than all the gamey options listed in your file.
It isn't unfair if it's decided by a game mechanic, whether somebody's powerful or not. If you're powerful a lot of smaller lesser empires might be necessary to hold the powerful player off or defeat him/her. As long as this is decided through in-game mechanics I don't see a problem.
-I don't believe in fairy dust and that includes your invisible hand (which remains undefined btw).
Invisible hand refers to the free market in economics. People look after themselves and a hypothetical everybody gang up on another player only happens if it's in their best interest.
You're worrying to me sounds like worrying that all the banks, all the oil companies, all the whatever you want to name it would team up and gogue the consumer when if there's healthy competition that's not a problem because there's like 10 people in our games.
-You really think players aren't playing to win? I beg to differ. The fact that SDN players have a history of ganging up on other players when they were threatened with losing is very strong evidence you are wrong.
No they are playing to have fun. Several times this has happened.
1. ST Mod - Borg and Ferengi versus the Klingons, the Romulans, Kirk's Federation and Picard's Federation. Things looked pretty bleak for awhile and Trogdor had an unstoppable force of 150 super duper warbirds each one of which could kill 30 Borg cubes. I and Nephtys did not quit even though at the time it seemed like we had no hope because it was fun.
2. B5 - I could have won on turn 20.
3. Adamant - I knew on turn 30 I was fucked.
People on SDN team up because it keeps you alive to keep having fun. In ST Mod we had a rule that you couldn't completely destroy another player, just absorb him (and he had to listen to you, couldn't backstab).
-I don't like to rely on vauge ideas about a player's styles or habits. If we want to play a certain way we should write it down IMO.
I understand how some people might not like e-mail wheeling and dealing or a flurry of PMS and would rather just play SE:IV and kill. Restricting how someone plays is unenforcable unless you define exactly what it means to "gangbang."
-A gang bang is when two or more players attack one player. Usually, the attack is coordinated or involves one or more of the players taking advantage of the weakened position of the target player. One player attacking multiple players and getting owned doesn't count.
Define weak. Define strong. Define coordinated.
-Contact doesn't matter because you obviously can't hurt another empire you aren't in contact with.
Well I see the problem.
You think that a number of players attacking a lesser number of players is inherently wrong. I do not. I only consider it wrong if an OOC deal is made between players based on OOC factors like, whether the person's a friend, before the empires meet, instead of IC factors. And even then I honestly don't really care if two or more players gang up.
And even if they did. There's always the invisible hand. That is, greed.
-It is a problem and has popped up. However, it is not at all unique to SEIV.
I don't see it as a problem.
-As someone who isn't half bad at strategic games I can say that it annoys me to no end when other players gang up on me just because they aren't as good. It's one thing if I agree to such a handy cap to begin with (which I'll do if I'm really that much better than another player), but I've lost track of the number of times I've had to fight off 3 or more players at once.
I would consider it flattering if players teamed up on me all the time.