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[Computer trouble] Windows freezes on load up

Posted: 2006-09-06 11:26am
by 2000AD
When i start up my computer it gets stuck at the Windows Xp loading screen (XP logo with the loading bar below it). The loading ba keep going but nothing happens, even after i left it for an hour.

It will load up in safe mode though, where i uninstalled some games to free up space and then defragmented the hard drive (twice), but it still isn't working.

I have been away for two weeks and on the first day back it worked fine. All i did was install the the new version of a BF2 mod (21CW, none of the other players have complained about problems though and it's been out a week or two) and play a few games. The next day it locked up.

Does anyone kow what's going on and how to fix it?

Posted: 2006-09-06 11:29am
by Zac Naloen
When that happened to me, i have no idea what the cause was.. but it happened after i moved the computer from uni to my house. Booting it up in safe mode and then restarting fixed it..

Posted: 2006-09-06 11:53am
by Arrow
Ok, here's a list of suspects:

1) Spyware/Hijackers have gotten into your system and didn't install "properly" (cough) and fucked up your configuration data/drivers.

2) You have a bad driver install.

3) Bad RAM or way too aggressive RAM timings. You can check this with Memtest86; if it runs for 10 or 12 hours without error, your RAM is fine.

4) Bad Harddisk. Have you noticed if other files are corrupt?

5) Corrupt CMOS. Have you had any power failures around the time this problem started? If so, then I suggest you reset your CMOS (turn off your power supply, open the case, set the CMOS jumper to clear, pull the battery, wait 30 secons, replace battery, place the jumper back to default, and turn your system back on).

I'd reset the CMOS first, and if the problem persist, I'd run memtest. Should memtest pass, I'd reinstall Windows. Finally, if that doesn't work, I'd try another harddrive.