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Good alarm software?

Posted: 2006-09-08 10:55am
by Gandalf
In a thread in AMP, some people mentioned having software that played an mp3 file on cue.

Does anyone where I can find decent software in this genre? The few I tried via googling were just awful.

Posted: 2006-09-08 10:59am
by Ace Pace
No need for software.

Following steps are valid for WMP.

Create playlist, call it whatever you want, I called it alarmclock, inhabit it with the tracks you want to play, remember, if you want it to shuffle, you have to have shuffle working before closing it.

Put playlist in folder A. Now in Folder A, create alarmclock.bat, do this by creating a text file, then renaming it to have .bat in the end, remember, file extensions must be visable for this(folder options).

Batch file should be.

start "random gibrish" "C:\Documents and Settings\Daniel\My Documents\Batch scripts\morning.fpl"

Replace the path with the exact path to your morning playlist, just copy paste the path in explorer, and add your exact filename.

Save batch file. Double click it to see if it works, if it works, good.

Final step is making a scheduled task.

Control panel, scheduled tasks, add new task, Next, Browse, find your .bat file,add it, configure as needed. When finshed with the wizard, try running it.

This is probebly a long and overcomplicated version, but I find it works easily and is easily disabled.

Posted: 2006-09-08 11:14am
by Azazal
I use this one Karen's Alarm Clock Pretty simple really, just set the time and point it to whatever file you want to use to wake up to. It's been working fine for me for over a year now.

Posted: 2006-09-08 11:29am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Heh, I've been using Karen's for a year too. Does what it needs to do and you can use playlists for some randomness each morning.