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Getticg Sick of Trillian Fighting with my Router

Posted: 2006-09-10 05:37pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
I have a Linksys BEFSR41 (of which I never can remember the user/pass for; I've made a txt file on the hard drive for when I do get it). Trillian, being the buggy and fucking criminally-neglected-by-the-dev-team piece of bloody pus-infected worm-ridden feces it is, likes to randomly disconnect for stupid reasons and only offers very cryptic reasons like "Error while connecting (Error Code: 0). Disconnecting." or "General error when attempting service redirection on service 6." I've tried looking through the Trillian forums, but they're fucking worse than useless. Unplugging and replugging my router fixes the issues, but I'd much rather not have to break my housemates' internet access just to appease Trillian's cunt ass. :roll:


Posted: 2006-09-10 06:00pm
by Seggybop
Use gaim?

Posted: 2006-09-10 06:18pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Seggybop wrote:Use gaim?
Very seriously considering that, actually :P

EDIT: Especially since it's alread installed...

Posted: 2006-09-10 06:25pm
by Straha
I'd suggest MIranda IM myself. It's open source, not a memory hog ::COUGHCOUGHTRILLIANCOUGHGOUGH::, and highly customizable.

Posted: 2006-09-10 10:46pm
by Redleader34
miranda IM Is a bitch beacuse it does not render links in AIM oproperly IE if I typed in one of AOL's shortcuts.... The HTML link does not remnnder.. I like Gaim myself.. but it hates my internet so I could not use aol for it.. just my poion on the two

Posted: 2006-09-10 10:59pm
by EnsGabe
If you're going to install GAIM, I highly recommend using the latest beta. They have done what I thought had been impossible and replaced the default soundset so that it doesn't shatter your eardrums with craptitude.

Also, I've been using it for weeks and have been fine.

Posted: 2006-09-11 12:02am
by Ace Pace
Straha wrote:I'd suggest MIranda IM myself. It's open source, not a memory hog ::COUGHCOUGHTRILLIANCOUGHGOUGH::, and highly customizable.
Oh, i'm sorry, 18MB for running 5 windows is alot while keeping logs open?

FInd the setting thats screwing up. :?

Posted: 2006-09-12 04:05pm
by Vertigo1
Miranda IM + AimOSCAR for the win. :) Right now I have five IM windows open and its only using 3.4MB of memory, so yes Trillian is a fucking HOG by comparison.

Posted: 2006-09-15 12:06am
by Dominus Atheos
Where did you get your router from?

And what version is it?