Uraniun235 wrote:I think what he means is how the shipset was tied to the race portrait.
Bingo. Love the design, hate the designer, that sort of thing. Anyway...
The following is a stream-of-consciousness sort of thing for the benifit of those who don't yet have the demo (and just for the hell of it).
Ooh, the introduction is nice. Really bold, full, flavorful - aw, shit, they cut it badly.
Like the new layout, a bit more glam and shine than the other one. But why the hell does Escape close the window BEHIND the window you're looking at when selecting from names and shit? I lost my first empire's layout that way.
Hey, distinguishment between empire and race names! Spiffy! And they even give you more detailed portraits and let you define your physical type! And the sidebar pictures in some of the later areas are nice compared to the last game's.
Hmm, I'm not too sure I like this government system. Yeah, it's nice to have. I'd rather have a point-buy style system rather than a total binding thing. Society doesn't seem as bad on this, but again I'd rather have a point-buy for that. Racial traits, too - and for that matter, I'm kind of dissipointed with the balancing on those. Those weaknesses seem like a slap on the wrist compared to what you can get for taking a few hits for the points, and the lower-level pros seem kind of weak, especially compared to the heavy-hitters. Weak. And I still can't understand why Emotionless is still so high up, even if it did get knocked down by two grand from the last game.
Why do they have a plasma missile picture for Drones?
Oh, Trogdor, don't worry about sight - there's an option to have SEIV-style system omniscience as well as shortened sight requiring sensors.
Tabbed ship and unit numbers? Aw, hell. Can't we just have a number box so we can configure it EXACTLY as we want, especially for those of us with a love of odd numbers?
Uh-oh, more tabbed stuff in the victory conditions page. I
really don't like these static numbers.
WHAT. THE. HELL. Empire data file error?
OK, starting up the game now. The system layout is nice and purty. Oh, and you can change between 2 and 3-D view styles too.
Dicking around with Empire Options. Races in Empire? Nifty. Asides from that, though, it seems to be a lot of the same stuff from SEIV. Moving on.
Neat, the Intelligene window now keeps track of your success-failure rates for operations. It also looks like they'll let you control the percent of points used for stuff with arrows instead, so I guess they kept their word, sort of.
Research - wait, what the hell were you talking about, Trogdor? They've got sliders up the wazoo, and even arrows with percents for precision divying. I already stated my preference, but it's still sort of nice. Hmm. The arrows won't auto-repeat when held, so you have to click again and again. The expected results bar is interesting, though. And the way the window is set up, you'd think you could click the various headers like Cost and Name to have them ordered in different ways, but can't.
Ooooh! It looks like you can level up your colonizing tech to beyond the initial level! Maybe you'll be able to create colony modules with some facilities and such pre-packaged within!
How does Chemestry somehow equate to plasma warhead weapons? That's more of a physics sorta thing, inn'it?
Wierd. Some of the special techs (like crystalurgy and biotech) give you whole new ship hull types. This could get mighty interesting.
Hmm. There's some fluff material on planets now, stuff like gravity, temperature, even a little portrait of the surface. And there's a new entry, Radiation Level, measured in MRads per year. Maybe radiation effects and weapons got tweaked to something more useful. As far as planet reports go now, they're broken into different tabs and the like, including population make-up by race, abilities, cargo, and the like. And speaking of race, there's a new factor - migration.
And Sweet Zombie Jesus, what has happened to my display? I tabbed over to this notebook window to jot this down, and when I bring the game back up the upper window is all borky in the pictures, and gets worse once I do a right-click.
Neat-o! You can bring up a whole system report to give you the low-down on all the stuff inside there like anomalies and the like!
Hmm. They relegated view controls to the function keys and shifted functions like the game menu, research, intelligence, and the like over to Shift+ combis. It'll take a bit of retraining to get used to.
More video cock-ups. I don't even know if I'll be able to save given the way this has gone. The main window and menu seems fine, but go into any of the listed items and it's totally borked.
HELL. EVERYTHING is gone at this point. Designs, research, planet report, construction - it's gone, gone, gone. I'm going to have to give it another shot later, since I have to get some sleep.