Valve sets fire to hornet's nest. Hornets swear profusely.
Posted: 2006-09-23 05:41pm
Valve has decided to implement an algorithm to determine new prices for weapons in Counter-Strike: Source.
Predictably, the Steam forums have gone absolutely apeshit, with numerous 14 year olds screaming and crying about how their precious bastion of unchanging gameplay will now... experience changing. And how any change whatsoever will "destroy" competitive gaming.
Folks, I think we're looking at next week's Weekend Web.
Here are some excerpts from the cacophony of impotent rage: (i have embiggened some of the choicest cuts)
hahahaha the little shits have even made an "online petition"
Predictably, the Steam forums have gone absolutely apeshit, with numerous 14 year olds screaming and crying about how their precious bastion of unchanging gameplay will now... experience changing. And how any change whatsoever will "destroy" competitive gaming.
Folks, I think we're looking at next week's Weekend Web.
Here are some excerpts from the cacophony of impotent rage: (i have embiggened some of the choicest cuts)
i killey my clans pub afters this.....
Lets see what pubbers do if they dont have any servers tp play on!
Well, there's updating a game and then there's breaking it.
Valve this is by far, the worst idea you have ever had. Great job ruining the ♥♥♥♥ing game. You my friends are morons. You don't deserve to have rights to this game, you are ruining everything the game stands for.
Why the weapon pricing should not change (constructive)
Counter-strike is a game based on strategy. Part of that strategy has always been the buying of weapons. From what you get first round, to what you buy on a save.
In no way, does changing the price weekly help the public or competitive community.
I'm mostly a competitive players, so I'll give you their perspective:
Most people were anxious of this update, and most thought that they would just change a few guns and it would be something we could get used too.
However now we can never get used to the update because weekly the prices will change. If this update goes through, and there is no way of completely turning off this form of pricing... YOU WILL HAVE COMPLETELY KILLED THE SOURCE COMPETITIVE COMMUNITY.
I know you don't want that because you wouldn't have fixed SrcTV if you didn't want it to succeed. You also would not have fixed de_train to the point you have.
But this update needs to not come out, or give a cvar option that can turn it off completely.
***Please keep this thread relatively clean language and pointwise. I want to this to be constructive not just some young childish rant.
Thank you be friendly
-Dan "Toast"
man I don't know about him but a free paint job would be pretty awesomeDoes anyone remember when Valve made an April fools day update news that said in a new update they were going to make the shotgun jam, and you would have to clear it manually and write it down in a log book? I read the update and I was like "HAHA they got us again!! ...wait, its September"
Here's why dynamic updates are bad: CS is a "sterile environment", like chess... the environment is always the same, and the outcome is solely determined by outplaying the other person. An unsterile environment would be like Monopoly, where the gameplay varies based on a random variable.
Bringing variables into CS will change it from being a game requiring only playing ability, into a game of chance. Not by much, but enough to kill it for anyone who plays something simple and repetative for years straight. People that swear by CS are usually the same people that hate games with dice or cards or any variable they can't control, like myself.
I really, really hope they don't do it. Hear that Valve? Please, Im begging you. This is the only game I like. I haven't played anything but CS for at least 5 years. Please don't d--k it up, please. I never ask you for anything... just look at my postcount.
Not only does this suck, but its not like we have the option to not update anymore. Anyone who doesn't like it is screwed out of their money because the game is going to change whether we like it or not.
Could you imagine if you had a car for 5 years and then all of the sudden the dealership comes out and paints it lime green?
I really doubt that the prices were perfectly balanced by a couple of dudes over half a decade ago.This is a real horrible gimmick idea that is going to kill counter-strike: source. The game is very finel balanced and you really cant make a huge change to it like this without hurting the entire game. Maybe im just overreacting, we will see when this change goes into place, but I predict its going to ruin CS: source.
For those of you that don't understand, the competitive community runs off of strats that are based off of money. If you have $4k you buy rifles, and if you have less than $3k you save as a team. Having to continuously check the prices of guns will throw off strat-calling horrendously, especially since in our community the guns normally used are: AK47, M4A1, AWP, MP5, TMP, USP, Deagle, Glock. Thats all. Ingame leaders are used to seeing four people type their money and then instantly make a decision whether to buy or save and then call a strat to execute. If the money is constantly changing, then we are just gonna get ♥♥♥♥ed over and over again as we have to adjust our strat calling week-to-week.
hahahaha the little shits have even made an "online petition"
Save Source for Competitive Gaming
Created by travis peterson on September 22nd, 2006 at 10:17 pm AST
This update is exactly this:A horrible idea. The update is going to change the weapon system so that the guns are operate like a stock market. As more people buy a certain gun, that price goes up. In addition the weapons not used so much will be cheap. This is going to ruin competitive gaming as we know it as you are now going to be limited to a certain gun at a certain time. The update in essence is going to make the decent/good guns very expensive and the horrible guns for cheap.
Valve has always valued their user's opinions. However, they are now going to ruin one of the best games they have going for them. Counterstrike Source. By having this update where the weapons and equipment's prices will fluctuate, they're going to ruin the gameplay for all serious gamers. Years of practice and hard work has gone into perfecting strategies for this game, and with this all of that will be ruined. No longer will you be able to always have an "eco" round and "deagle" rounds when the deagle costs as much as an MP5. So, if you truly want to keep source good, and keep it the way it should be, sign this petition. The entire purpose of this is to either have an option to turn off the money fluctuation on a server under a sv(server) command or take it off entirely. Thanks for reading this and please sign it and pass it on.