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Ahhhh! Lost my e-mail when I upgraded!
Posted: 2006-09-28 07:55pm
by mjn6172
OK, short version of a long story. I just bought an Ipod. When I tried to install Itunes, I found out that I had to upgrade from Windows ME to Windows XP. Well, I'd been planning to do that for a while, so I backed up everything important (or so I thought), then I installed the upgrade version of Windows XP. It didn't require reformatting my computer, and all of my old files and saved games are still here so I thought everything was OK. Then I went and checked my e-mail and found that ALL of my old messages had disappeared. The settings and everything are all correct, and I can get new messages as they come in, but all of my old messages have disappeared. Does anyone know what I can do to get them back, or am I just truly screwed here

Posted: 2006-09-28 07:57pm
by Sharp-kun
What do you use to read e-mail?
Posted: 2006-09-28 08:14pm
by mjn6172
Sharp-kun wrote:What do you use to read e-mail?
Sorry, I should have mentioned that. I use Outlook Express.
Posted: 2006-09-28 08:32pm
by atg
One of my customers had a similar problem last week.
Check the directory C:\Documents and settings\(USERNAME)\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\("Long number squence" or guid eg: {FD4B077D-66E9-4ED9-9BC0-DAB516496EC2})\Microsoft\Outlook Express\
From the sounds of it there should be two of the "long number sequences" or GUIDs, one will have the old data files, the other will have the new ones created when you started Outlook Express after the upgrade. You should be able to copy the old ones on top of the new ones and have access to your old emails.
Posted: 2006-09-28 08:41pm
by White Haven
And the lesson you should take away from this is that having all your data in any one place is always, always bad. See about setting your email service up to foreward your emails to a webmail address, particularly Gmail for its massive storage capacity, if at all possible, that way you have a nice, searchable archive of everything if you ever have an accident with your mail again.
Posted: 2006-09-28 08:55pm
by mjn6172
atg wrote:One of my customers had a similar problem last week.
Check the directory C:\Documents and settings\(USERNAME)\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\("Long number squence" or guid eg: {FD4B077D-66E9-4ED9-9BC0-DAB516496EC2})\Microsoft\Outlook Express\
From the sounds of it there should be two of the "long number sequences" or GUIDs, one will have the old data files, the other will have the new ones created when you started Outlook Express after the upgrade. You should be able to copy the old ones on top of the new ones and have access to your old emails.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you! You've saved my life here

And yes, I'll definately set it up to forward all my incoming mail to a g-mail account just to keep this from happening again. Thank you again, you're a real lifesaver