Re-investment in industrial production: -100 points
Construction of Shipping Vessels: -220 points
Commence Production of 1 ROS Zulfiqar Class Armored Cruiser: -80 points (of 160, to complete next turn)
400 points spent.
"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."
--The Lord Humungus
In the Year of our Lord 1891, the Great Experiment began. A nation born from Commercial Enterprise and the rule of Business instead of Nationalism began in Earnest.
Timid Airships take to the skies around the coasts and shores as quick and nimble boats of steam weave in and out of the myriad of small islands. The small and crowded seas around Crossroadia become rich with shipping boats, vessels of commerce and trade. Money begins to flow as the High Executives watch earnestly and plan their next move.
In the Shipyards of Toric an agreement is honoured as the production of small Torpedo Boats is begun for a neighbouring ally while near by, a massive Drydock of rare size begins to take shape. In the great Fortress City of Shyron, The top scientist and Research crews from the many consolidated businesses of Crossroadia begin to plum the depths of Science and Industry, seeing what new forms of Technology can be brought forth into being.
Trees are felled, Houses are built and Factories are made ready. The thick clouds of industrialization begin to choke the skies as the nation of Crossroadia comes to life.
Glory to the Lord High CEO!
Re-investment in industrial production: -100 points
Construction of Shipping Vessels: -200
Initial Construction of unnamed Vessel: -80 (of 380, to be completed in four turns as funds increase)
Construction of 40 Okha-class Motor Torpedo Boats: -20
The fleet sat in anchor out beyond the delta in Colombo's great port, a dozen gunmetal forms out-of-place in the gay afternoon sun. Wisps of black smoke marred the tropical sky, rising from the stacks of the arrayed steam-ships and the industrial heart of the city of Colombo. A stream of men marched antlike down to the docks, cargo transported directly to the quays by rail as the men of the II. Divisao de Exercito made to embark. Civilians and army engineers joined the long file, and there were great cargo ships riding the waves as well.
Joaquim Mouzinho de Albuquerque surveyed the busy scene with satisfaction. Significant assets had been funneled to the Colonial Office for this expedition, and it represented the most formidable maneuver by the Royal government in years. The Rainha de Goa, the Rainha de Portugal, and the Rainha de Timor were all powerful units, fast and well armed. Their handmaidens included the protected cruisers Sao Carlos and Sao Tome, along with four of the new torpedoboat destroyers. The rest of the fleet consisted of cargo vessels, their hulls filled mostly with nonmilitary cargo.
Joaquim smiled. These ships would make steam towards the East Indies in due course, their hulls full to bursting. It was time for the Royal State to expand once more.
Turn 1 Production
75 points, laying keel of NRA Infante Henrique o Navegedor
(Nossa Senhora de India-class)
90 points, laying keel of NRA Rainha de Macao
100 points training: I. Terco de Fuzileiros
(5,000 marines, good training, limited heavy equipment)
35 points: Preparation of supplies for the establishment of a new colony and fortress overseas
100 points reinvestment
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
News From Crossroadia, Keal laid of Mammoth Ocean going trade ship
Several notable offices from Ship manufactures where present at the Edenton shipyards of Toric today as the first rivet was driven into the keel of a yet un-named ship of immense proportions. Lord Admiral Fredrick Fandango himself drove in the first rivet with a bronzed Hammer in a ceremony earlier today with much fanfare.
The ship itself, currently called H-1 by the owners, is being touted by it’s backers as “a Mobile Embassy that shall spread the glory of Crossroadia and share it’s knowledge with the nations of the world” Upon it’s completion, slated between 3 to four years, the ship is scheduled o begin a tour of the many nation of the Indian Sea. Stopping at any port that shall give it entrance for the purposes exchanging goods, diplomats and knowledge.
The grand vision is being lampooned by some in the press as a waste of resources and a foolish endeavour. However a signed note by The Lord High CEO himself, was quoted as saying “The Construction of this vessel for the betterment of Crossroadia shall improve the lives of it’s people and the lives of those abroad.” The Lord High CEO, who did not attend, is rumoured to have a hand in the construction and finalization of the plans for the ship.
The ship itslef, which is modelled upon an earlier ship of equally massive size know as “The Great Eastern”. Is said to be a marvel of forward thinking design. Sketches of the ship realised to the press show that the old Paddlewheels and Sails of the original design are gone. The single propeller is now tripled to three to drive the ship forward and a multitude of safety improvements have been made to assure all passengers of the utmost in comfort and reliability.
The party from the Inspectorate worked it's way through the Yards. A few were dismayed at the amount of foreign brainpower being put to work in the upper echelons, mostly British and American, but most were simply resigned. No nation in this part of the world was with out such advisors whether they admitted it or not.
The part of dignitaries was shepered around the yard, shown the ever growing collection of machine shops, fabrication lines and metal works. Currently the yards could handle the construction of few vessels at a time, the resources in the backwater exile were too small. But the Shogun was determined to change that, to gather the force to retake their homeland.
But the centerpeice of the tour was undoutably the SNS Nagato, the keel was already being laid down on the central slipway. It was the center of a swarm of workers and machinery. Not yet even a skeleton, with in a year the workers of the yard would have turned this collection of parts into a great warship of the Shogunate, the first of a new class.
Raba Naval Yard
Island of Simbawa
Alliance of United Kingdoms
Admiral Richard Walker, First Sea Lord, surveyed the two massive hulks before him. These two keels, now covered with scaffolding, swarmed with workers, and abuzz with activity, would soon be transformed into mighty warships. In under a year these two great battleships would join the ever growing ranks of the Alliance Royal Navy.
The Admiral slowly turned to leave, pausing to stare at the harbour itself. Merchantmen, some foreign, some flying the five-stared jack of the AUK, slowly moved to and from the commercial docks. In between the cargo ships swift torpedo boats darted back and forth. Beyond the main harbour, Admiral Walker spied the distant profiles of an Alliance cruiser squadron, heading out to patrol commercial lanes far beyong the islands of the Alliance.
First Turn Production:
90pts x2, laying keels for 13,500 tonne TMS Neptune and TMS Mars (Neptune-Class)
60pts x2, begining construction on two 6,000 tonne Indefatigable-class Armoured Cruisers
100pts, reinvestment (with Rares)
Last edited by A-Wing_Slash on 2006-10-06 07:09pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kapitein ter Zee Claus van der Felde smiled as he watched out from his command, the Armoured Cruiser De Ruyter and saw the magnificient blue sea. It always appealed to him, spoke to him. He loved the sea.
Today was his first day on station at Serang. The Sunda Strait was an important shipping line, and the Batavian Conglomerate would not tolerate any pirates in its water, now or never. It was his job to hunt them down and allow for a safe passage.
First turn production
Re-investment in industrial production (with Rares): -100 points
Construction of Shipping Vessels: -120 points
Production of 1 Cerberus Class Protected Cruiser: -80 points
Commence Production of 1 De Ruyter" Class Armoured Cruiser: -100 points (200 points total, finished in 1 more turn)
400 points spent.
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC GALE Force Euro Wimp Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.
Recently, tensions had flared up between the Muslim and Christian populations of the island. Some of the former Dutch settlers called upon Oz to protect them. The Governor decided to come to their aid. Accordingly, the 3rd battalion, Sirmoor Rifles has been dispatched to take control of the main city (Ambon). Escorting them are the cruisers Theseus and Endymion.
The dockyards were busy. Orders for two ships of an new class the Admiralty was calling "Monitors" had come in, for completion six months from now. Based largely off parts from the Victorias, they were slow 4500 ton ships, but well armored and armed, with relatively low freeboard, which had it's advantages and disadvantages. The first had already been named: Terror.
Additionally, another battleship had been ordered. 2500 tons heavier than her predeccesors, it would be 120 ft longer overall, with a new turret arrangement. Protection remained largely the same, but the designers predicted it would be 50% more survivable, due to the greater amount of floatation the new design had. It had largely the same armament, but they'd come up with a new arrangment of the main guns, into 3 turrets along with a new single motion breech mechanism, designed by Welin.
A seventh Hawke-class cruiser had also been ordered, along with a prototype battery powered submersible torpedo boat, that Mr. Nordenfelt had designed. The Fleet Air Arm was also being increased, with an additional 5 Mercury-class dirigibles ordered.
Nordenfelt Guns was busy turning out Lee-Nordenfelt rifles as fast as they could. Besides rearming the Citizen Military Force, the Government had decided to begin raising another regiment. In preparation for this, they needed to turn out the rifles and cannon required.
Timor Sea
Victoria and Empress of India sighted their targets. "Range: 3,000 yards. Bearing: 260." The guns trained on to the target, and then elevated to the appropriate level. Inside the conning tower of Victoria, an electrical contact was closed by the Chief Gunnery Officer. The six guns roared. Four shells fell short, one hit the target, and one over shot. Note was taken of how many shells fell where, while the guns depressed, and cleared, shells were rammed, followed by powder, then the breaches closed and gun re-elevated. Seventy seconds after the first salvo, the guns roared again, and the shells demolished the wooden target.
1st turn builds
90pts - 2x Terror-class Monitors completed next turn
100pts - 1x Fearless-class, completed in 3 turns
80pts - 1x Hawke-class, completed in next turn
24pts - preparation for raising of a new regiment
5pts - 5x Mercury-class
1pt - 1x prototype sub
100pts - reinvestment
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
Madras Times Cohen Loses Face on New Budget; Naval Expenditures Greatly Increased!
Prime Minister Reginald Cohen lost a major battle in Parliment yesterday with the passage of the annual budget. While his major spending programs, including his education plan, remained intact, the final budget included an unprecidented amount of military spending.
"These expenditures go against everything the People's Republic stands for. If we abandon those principles, we are in danger of going down the very same path that lead Europe into the Great War," said Cohen in a speech before the vote.
Cohen's Modernist party took particular exception to the construction of new cruisers, whose purpose, they alledge, is not merely to defend home waters, but to project power across the region.
President Greene pledged never to use these new ships in aggression, but said their creation by Parliment was still worrying.
"I feel that the lawmakers who approved this spending are acting not out of the interests of mankind, but out of fear, and are blinded to the detrimental impact of these new ships will have on international relations," the President said in an interview with the Times
Kuntal Nehru, leader of the Internationalist party in Parliment and the major architect of yesterday's events, dismissed these fears as baseless. Nehru cites the large number of Modernist MPs that defected to his side on the vote as proof that his position is in line with the will of the people.
"Clearly, the President and the Prime Minister are concerned about this nation, but they are ignoring the major threat that other, more nationalistic groups pose to us. The fact that we must depend upon foreign powers to protect our shipping is an outrage. No one is suggesting that we act ggressively, and I feel that President Greene misrepresents us when he claims that we are. All my party wants is self-sufficiency for the People's Republic, because it is only when we are able to defend ourselves that we will be able to spread freedom and stability to other nations."
This is shaping up to be one of the major defining points of the next election, which the Prime Minister has set for six months from now.
1st turn build
100 points- reinvestment
100 points- PRS Freedom class battleship, to be completed in three turns
80 points- Initial construction for PRS Security, new class of Armored Cruiser, to be completed next turn.
60 points x2- Initial construction for two more PRS Security class Armored Cruiser, to be completed in two turns
In the governor’s palace, Archduke Franz Martin stood close to a window of his office, looking at the ships just leaving the harbour. Turning his head to the left, he looked at one of his visitors and said:
“This is going to be an interesting year, don’t you think so, Arnold? With such a Neujahr...”
“Kaiserliche Hoheit, all years are interesting, but I agree, this one is special. Our consolidation is finished, the larger islands of your domain have reached their potential again after the devastation of the hurricane. Our factories are rebuilt, the dockyard expansion finished, the plantations blooming and our population growing,” the State secretary for Infrastructure and Industry responded.
“I wish I could go with them, to retake what is ours…”
“Kaiserliche Hoheit knows that this would be too dangerous. The Nachrichtenbureau managed to find out where the Hungarian renegade reprovisions his ships, it is time to remove this thorn in our side, but your highness cannot risk yourself on such an operation. Their torpedo boats are dangerous, but is is a good shakedown trial for our new destroyers. And Linienschiffskapitän Johannes Fischer is a very good commander and knows what he is doing. A strike now will hit them off-balance, but a lucky hit can kill even the Emperor-King’s personal representative,” a man in the uniform of a vice admiral pointed out.
“Your Highness’ courage is not questioned; the fleet knows that you fought at Lissa and have earned your uniform.”
“When will the Ferdinand Max and its detachment reach their target?”
“In two days, the cruisers could be there faster, but the troop transports are much slower. I hope we catch them at anchor…”
Ship construction:
2x 60 pts for 2 protected cruisers, Battle-Class (need 2 turns until completion) 120 pts
2x 30 pts for 2 unprotected cruisers, City-Class (available next turn) 60 pts
6x 12 pts Torpedo boat destroyers, Chimäre-class (available next turn) 72 pts
1x 6 pts Torpedo boat (available next turn) 6 pts
Material for base construction 40 pts
Reinvestment in Industry and Research 102 pts
400 pts
Off the Coast of Baubau, Muna Island
Flying Bridge of the SNS Mogami
The squadron steamed into the natural inlet, the once pristine waters churned to a murky brown by shell fire. The Mogami and the Oyodo had dropped quite a few rounds into the pirates who had previously occupied the bay. Ahead of them forged four torpedo boat destroyers, guarding against any of the fools there having second thoughts.
The two cruisers had bombarded the pirate port until a white flag had been run up the flad. No more would the haphazard pirate vessel stream forth to harass the fishing vessels and coastal traders of the Shogunate proper. Most had been destroyed and when the Marines landed the rest would soon follow.
Already they were climbing into the motor launches which would carry them to the jetty. They would fan out and chase down any former pirates. They were also under strict orders to demonstrate good will to the natives. Not hard when much of the division was local, not Japanese. And as the Army had learned, it brought with it strong intoxicants, trade goods, and modern farming impliments.
It made it so much easier when the natives welcomed you with open arms.
Off the Coast of Kindadai, Peleng Island
Conning Tower of the SNS Kashima
A similar scene played out before this detachment. If anything the pirates had been less inclined to fight. They were fewer in number, not suprising considering their proximity to the mainland. A few shots had been fired and they had hastly surrendered to the two protected cruisers standing out to sea.
The second wave of Marines was already ashore. The pirates were being rounded up and held. The whole thing being conducted with exquisite care lest they offend the natives. The Imperial Army had gotten to be quite good at this.
Diplomatic Communication sent to all Shogunate Embassies
By the grace of his Majesties forces, the Islands of Muna and Peleng have been cleansed of outlaws, brigands, and murders. Too long have have such scoff-laws prospered, raiding the trade of the Shogunate and molesting it's peoples. Such injustice cries out to be avenged.
As of (insert appropriate date) the Shogun's forces have taken the main ports of the islands. The despicable sea bandits which have so outraged the civilized people have been destroyed. Those of the guilty parties who survived have been taken into custody and will be held pending trial for their conduct.
The Mighty Shogun has extended the protection of his forces to protect the peoples of these islands. They have been victims of these offenders against all that is good as surely as have those of our Home in Exile. In the spirit of all that is good and just we will now extend the benefits of enlightened rule to these people. In time they will reap the bounty that comes from True Civilization.
Dawn at the Coast of Bintan Island, at the mouth of The Straights of Malacca
The great Battleship Prometheus lay at anchor in the large natural bay bisecting the island. Already large cargo boxes where being unloaded from the four Protected Cruisers. Their cargo holds, largely empty of munitions and normal goods of war, had been stuffed to bursting with goods and supplies for the new base of operations. Already the sounds of hammers on nails were heared ashore as great trees where filled. Brush fires where set to clear the smaller vegetation, as the area was made ready. Watching from high atop his cabin on bored the Prometheus, Captain Theodore Moz looked on.
Picked to over see the ‘police’ actions, that where by now well on their way through the straights, he smiled as looked at the industries sailors hard at work. Pride swelled within him as he knew he was apart of the first step to something much more.
Nightfall in the Straights of Malacca near Paula Ransang, two days later
The drive that had begun at the isle of Mapur had now swept like a lightning storm through the countless islands of the Straights. The combined forces of the twin coastal Patrol Detachments had taken many a lazy and complacent Pirate by storm. Nearly twenty small yet deadly torpedo boats and ten Torpedo Destroyers tore through the small islands, ferreting out aged ships that had grown fat attacking hapless cargo vessels. Now the unwary pirates found themselves prey to weapons of war they had never dreamed of encountering.
The nimble torpedo boats picked off the larger slower ships, while driving the rest. Word reached pirates further along the coast, the message was sent to escape and flee for their lives. Making sail toward the other end of the straights, their brief hope of escape was dashed as the Twin Protected cruisers Pata and Patra opened fire with a blaze of shells. The great Iron ships lay between the islands of Karimunbesar and Rangsang, cutting off the pirates retreat and ensuring their doom. Now as word was sent back to the Flagship at Bintan of their success.
The Office of Kuntal Nehru
Parliment Building
Kuntal Nehru smiled to himself as he read the telegrams from across the People's Republic. Things were going well for his party after their victory on this year’s budget. The numbers for Internationalist candidates were up across the board, even in areas that were traditionally Modernist. The old British settlers, never happy with the loss of international prestige a Modernist administration brought, were of course a large part of this gain, but many native Indians and expatriate Americans were starting to side with the Internationalists.
His expression soured as he read a report out of Cuddalore. He had to read it again to make sure his eyes were working correctly.
"What the bloody hell is going on," Nehru muttered under his breath. The Cuddalore twelfth was where the city's University was located. Bhatta had been his handpicked challenger to the Modernist MP, and, though he had no chance of winning in an area so full of European radicals with their self righteous principles against having an adequate defensive force, he should have been able to force the Modernists to spend time and money defending a constituency that they thought was a shoe in. Bhatta had strong ties in the area, and would have been able to motivate enough Indians to get out and vote to at least partly balance out the students and faculty from the University. Who was this Bill Merriam, and how dare he endanger the party's chances of taking Parliament?
“I want George Benet in my office, now,” Nehru told his secretary. He tore the dispatch in two and threw it in the rubbish bin. He went back to reading the rest of his news, but his pleasant mood was gone.
Benet arrived in his office 15 minutes later. The short, pudgy Englishman was breathing heavily, and had to wipe the sweat away from his brow with a handkerchief before he collapsed into the chair Nehru’s secretary offered him. Benet was a MP for a different constituency in Cuddalore, and had been put in charge of coordinating the Internationalist party in the area. He withered under Nehru’s piercing glare.
“Uh, Mr. Nehru sir-”
“Who,” Nehru interrupted him angrily, “is Bill Merriam, and why was I not informed about him earlier?”
“Ah. So you already received the news,” Benet answered, fidgeting in his seat.
“Well, sir, Bill Merriam is a Professor at Cuddalore University, quite a controversial one in fact. Before today, we didn’t think he was anything more than a kook, a crazy American radical. We didn’t take him seriously when he said that he was going to challenge Bhatta for the nomination. It was supposed to be open and shut, sir.”
“What the hell is a radical professor from Cuddalore doing running under the Internationalist ticket?” Nehru asked.
“Well sir, his views aren’t in line with most of the older members of the University staff. He agrees with us on foreign policy, and the naval buildup. In fact he says we should have gone farther than we did. You see sir, uh, he’s something of a, um, a Marxist, sir.” Benet’s voice began to give out as he finished his sentence.
“A Marxist?” Nehru considered this. Karl Marx had fled to India as the Great War wore on and the English government began to clamp down on those they considered to be hampering to the war effort. He had set himself up in Cuddalore, attempting to spread his ideology to others, but hadn’t met with much success. People had been more focused on holding back the vengeful natives who were attempting to drive the early Republic into the sea then lead a proletarian revolution. After the war, the government supported liberal reforms, and so the few socialists Marx had converted before his death were unable to get much traction among the people. So far. “Since when has Marxism been popular enough to get someone elected?”
“Er, the students of the University have taken a liking to him. Apparently his class is quite popular. Also, the natives seem to agree with his philosophy, because, well, you know sir…”
Nehru did know. Despite claims to the contrary, capital was still generally spread along racial lines in the Republic, whether because the whites were still on average better educated then the native Indians or because of racial biases, Nehru did not know. He was an exception to this; after he retired as a Colonel in the People’s Republican Army, he and other former officers pooled their resources and built a large arms company in Poonamallee. On the whole though, most of the countries wealth was concentrated in the hands of the white minority. With the support of the students and the natives, Merriam might have a chance…
Nehru shivered. Best case scenario, Merriam bungles his campaign and drives the Indians off and into Modernist hands, and he goes down in flames, Nehru thought to himself. Worst case scenario though, he wins, and socialism starts to spread to other constituencies. Nehru was a liberal, an industrialist, and he despised socialism and everything it stood for.
“Alright Benet, go back to your office and write this back to the party office in Cuddalore. They will tell Mr. Merriam that he either eliminates the socialist parts of his platform, or he receives no funds from the Internationalist party. We might have to allow him to run under our banner, but he won’t get any endorsement from any other member of the party,” Nehru said as Benet nodded.
“Alright sir, of course sir,” he said, glad that Nehru’s rage had subsided. He got up, bowed his head, and practically ran out the room so as not to give it a chance to bubble back up.
40 points spent on applied research.
60 on infrastructural upgrades.
300 points on 10,000 more men with Thor's Hammer Artillery.
The Nautilus, Observation Deck, Chamber B-7.
The deep ocean was filled with wonders, and the Nautilus' lamps illuminated them for those aboard the scientific vessel as it slid through the water silently. The Prime Minister sighed, even as the strange fish at these depths approached the bizarre, bright thing.
"Another ten thousand being formed up for the artillery." He lamented. "And a push for a militarized Nautilus-variant increasing. Sometimes I wonder why we left Europe at all."
The other man was, perhaps surprisingly, the leader of the opposition party. And one of the natives. European gentry would be shocked by the scandal of this man being dressed in a similar manner to the leader of Luminiferia. "I can't say I disagree with the sentiment." The man's voice was heavily accented, but he spoke English well enough. "War's coming. Everyone can smell it."
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.
Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.
Chancellor Gerschmidt reviewed the latest memoranda and notices from his secretaries. As Royal Chancellor of the Germanic Kingdom, it was his duty to stay apprised of all state business. The last two weeks had been remarkably hectic, with the passing of the former queen and the coronation Ranavalona. A lovely young girl, he thought, and he had been half-tempted to marry his eldest son to her, currently serving in the Teutonic Cavalry on maneuvers. It was only a passing thought, though, as the young Queen was a very potent political tool to be used for the benefit of the Kingdom. The people loved her, as they had her mother, and supported her whole-heartedly.
As a final rememberence for the now-passed queen, Sea Marshall Raeder had been able to get funding approved for a new naval squadron, the Raoseherina Squadron. That meant the new keels would be laid down, and hopefully the whole squadron would put to sea in a timely fashion, as piracy was on the rise.
40 on research
100 on infrastructure/industry
100 on new Seejager class dedicated to the new Queen
80 For half-completeion of 2 Hermann Class ships
80 For shipping
Will do story-post when I'm not sick.
Last edited by CaptainChewbacca on 2006-10-15 07:55pm, edited 2 times in total.
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker
January 5th, 1890
Imperial Navy Dockyard, Miramare
"I christen you Stockerau - sail safely and guard the seas from enemies of the Emperor !" after speaking Countess Jaunecker smashed the bottle of champagne on the new unprotected cruiser's bow.
The last brakes were removed, and the 1500t hull slid down the slipway towards its element.
In three months, it and its sistership Salzburg due to launch in one week will be valuable additions to the fleet.
The two divisions of the Reinha Armada's Eastern Squadron cut through the warm tropical waters, the effluence of their stacks marring the blue sky with trails of black smoke.
The Rainha de Goa was a member of an aging but effective class of armoured cruiser, her 8-inch main guns poviding significant power in concert with her broadsides of casement-mounted 6-inchers. On her cramped bridge, Admiral Federico De Soya stared in consternation through his telescope.
Ambon island, the small but well-populated isle off the coast of Seram Island, the Eastern Squadron's destination, was on fire. Black pillars linked the iddylic little port to the heavens above, and the roar of cannon could be heard.
"The Sao Carlos will make steam for Ambon to assess the situation. the Sao Tome will escort the transports to Seram. The First Division will form up on the Rainha de Goa and make steam for Ambon as well, in case our fire is needed upon arrival."
Whomever was causing such trouble so near to Portugal's soon-to-be reclaimed colony would find their actions examined and judged.
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
Pieter de Beer, current Directeur of the main governing body of the conglomerat, the Raad van Bestuur, looked out over the main plaza of Batavia. It was a pleasant day, sunny and the gulls flying low over the houses.
He hear someone harrumphing behind him and turned around. His chief of staff, Jos Dragt had materialised just two steps behind him. He did it a lot and it seemed to his favourite sport to freak out the boss.
"Jos," he shook his head, "one of these days I have the guards shoot you for doing that."
"But sir," he didn't bat an eyelid, "that would certainly inconvience your daily routine. That would be terrible."
"Oh well," he shook his head. "You didn't come her just to spook me, did you?"
"No, sir." He handed him a folder. "We have reports trough intelligence contacts that the Crossroadians are performing military operations in and around the Strait of Malacca. At least one battleship has been sighted."
"Any reactions from the bordering nations?"
"None so far," Jos answered. "Regardless their reactions, it sheds a certain light on them."
"Certainly. Come to think of it, they might think about doing the same thing in ourwaters. And we can't have that. We will dispatch a battle group into the vicinity and show our flag."
"Very well," Jos nodded. "I will issue the orders."
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC GALE Force Euro Wimp Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.
The landing of the troops had gone off without a hitch. The 3rd battalion, Sirmoor Rifles had taken up residence in Fort Victoria (oddly enough, named as such before the arrival of the battalion), and helped enforce the control of the government in Ambon City.
The 2nd Cruiser Squadron's was ordered to then patrol the surrounding area. It was at this point that it met Real Estado del India's Eastern Squadron. Their orders had covered the possibility of a situation like this occuring, though not specifically about Portugeuse ships. Theseus ran up signal flags indicating an intent to communicate. Endymion steamed west.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
Their Majesties' Armoured Cruiser Furious
North East of Ceram Island
TMS Furious and her companion, the unprotected cruiser TMS Centaur, were on the last leg of their patrol of the islands and seas to the north east of the AUK. Over the course of four weeks, the two ships, as well as another unprotected cruiser, TMS Emerald, had sunk or captured a multitude of pirate ships. The Emerald had been sent home a week before with three pirate prizeships, and now the other two ships of the north east patrol were steaming back to port.
Captain Arnold Bradshaw was in a happy mood. His patrol had been a great succes, sweeping the North East Islands of pirates with negligable casualties. However, his happy mood was soon broken by his XO's bad news.
"Skipper, the observation tower's sighted a group of ships off to starboard. We can't be sure at this range, but they apear to be warhips." Captain Bradshaw cursed out loud, then snapped into action.
"Helmsman, bring us about. Set course for those warhips. Signal officer, inform the Emerald what we have seen, and order her to come about and follow us in. We need to find out whose out there."
An hour later, as the Portugese cruiser squadron had been indentified, the Emerald changed course and began to steam back to port with all speed to relay this information to the Admiralty. Meanwhile the Furious moved still closer, and began to signal the Portugese ships.
"Signal the vessel with the following message:
"In the name of Her Royal Majesty, Maria III Ana Wadiyar de Braganca, we ask your intentions and the reason behind your attack on this island. We advise and warn that Catholic missionaries are likely at work in Ambon City, and hope you have both a good reason for your actions an have taken precautions to minimize damage to those holy in the eyes of God."
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
"The lead cruiser is signalling, sir! I can't make it out, it's rather complicated."
"Retrieve the signal flag. Run up flags X-ray and Yankee Tango Three. Load the forward guns."
"Sir? They outnumber us three to one."
"Don't question my orders. Let it never be said that Englishmen shirked from a fight."
(OOC: X: Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals.
YT3: I cannot read your signal lamp.)
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
Joint Communique from Russia, the Crown Colony of Australia, the Most Honourable Nation of Nippon, the Republic of the Filipinas and the Incorporated Republic of Crossroadia to the Royal State of India.
Your most Royal Highness,
It is with great apprehension that we have witnessed your sudden and unannounced attempt to colonize the island of Seram. This move, in light of its abruptness and proximity to our home waters, does not meet with approval in the view of our most honorable powers. As such we ask that you remove your ships and colonists to the port from which they departed with the greatest possible alacrity to prevent actions which would not be to the benefit of any power from being taken.
In an unrelated matter, it has come to our attention that you have sought the return of Timor to your sovereignty from the Alliance of the United Kingdoms. While in our view your claim to the island is no longer valid we would support a treaty between your two powers providing your Royal Highness with monetary reparations for the loss of the island in return for a guarantee that you renounce any claims now, or ever, to any territory east of the ninety-fifth longitude.
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan