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Anyone see the Arcade game at Costco?

Posted: 2006-10-11 02:01pm
by TrailerParkJawa
They are selling a stand up arcade game for $2000 that comes with I believe 100 games. The most notorious of them is Street Fighter II but there are lots of cool games from the golden age of arcades as well. Titles like Burgertime, Centipede, Moon Patrol, Defender, Robotron, Missile Command, etc.

I've been going over to the nearby Costco and playing Street Fighter at my lunch break, I swear I might cough up the 2 grand and buy that thing. If it fits in my Subaru it would be a cool thing to bring to b-day parties and the like.

Any of you seen it?

Posted: 2006-10-11 02:10pm
by Uraniun235
I haven't seen it but it better have a decent trackball for Missile Command.

Also, having played an actual Asteroids arcade machine (as well as the original Star Wars game), some of those games really deserve vector displays to shine, in my opinion.

Re: Anyone see the Arcade game at Costco?

Posted: 2006-10-11 02:13pm
by Xisiqomelir
Can you change your ROM and emulator list in any way? If not, it's probably better to get your own MAME cabinet.

You could either build your own from scratch, save on the 2 Gs and modify everything to your exact desire, or use mostly prefab parts, still average ~$2000 and be still able to customize the controls, monitor, emulators and ROMS, as well as be able to upgrade later.

Posted: 2006-10-11 02:48pm
by Korvan
I built (still building actually) a mame cabinet for bout $1000 cdn. Includes the controls for 4 players and a new 27" TV. The computer is not included in the price as I'm using one of my old ones. I've got about 4000 games loaded on it and my controls will play about 95% of them.

It was a fun project, but my workmanship is nowhere near professional quality.

Posted: 2006-10-11 05:19pm
by TrailerParkJawa
1. It does come with a trackball although I have not tried it yet.
2. The game comes with Red Baron and Battlezone but I have not tried those either to see out the vector graphics look. I loved Red Baron!
3. No, you can't change out the list of games. However, since this is a license product from the company that made it you can feel warm and fuzzy inside that you are not breaking any laws.

If you go to and search for "arcade" its the 2006 Ultimate Arcade Stand-up Unit. I'd include a link but its long and messy and have forgotten how to dress them.