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Guild Wars vs. WoW
Posted: 2006-10-14 10:57am
by Schuyler Colfax
Many people have been arguing which is better guild wars or world of war craft well it's getting anoying which do you think is better I personally think it's guild wars
Posted: 2006-10-14 10:59am
by Ghost Rider
Gaming and computers....hmmm I wonder.
Posted: 2006-10-14 11:00am
by Ace Pace
Not really compareable.
Guild Wars is Diablo 2 online.
World of Warcraft is an MMO, with all that implies, including persistent universe and not having everything instanced.
Posted: 2006-10-14 12:54pm
by Seggybop
They're very different games, but I find Guild Wars to be much more fun overall. It seems to me that Guild Wars is designed to be a great game, while WoW is designed to keep people subscribed for as long as possible.
Posted: 2006-10-14 03:20pm
by Nephtys
WoW seems to me a lot more sophisticated, even though I'm quite sure there's a good appeal to GW. One of my friends though told me he maxxed out in GW after one weekend. Not too promising in the time of play factor, really. :/
I like upgrading stuff over time. I took it slow, so I had plenty of fun at WoW until 60. Not my bag there. Play WoW

Posted: 2006-10-14 03:22pm
by Ace Pace
Nephtys wrote:WoW seems to me a lot more sophisticated, even though I'm quite sure there's a good appeal to GW. One of my friends though told me he maxxed out in GW after one weekend. Not too promising in the time of play factor, really. :/
Impossible, maybe on level, but the low cap is the point, from there is who picks the best skill layout rather then who farms the most.
Posted: 2006-10-14 03:58pm
by Braedley
Guild Wars was designed from the get go to be rewarding to those that possesed the skills to play, not those that had endless amounts of time to play. And don't get me started on paying for a service when I should be paying for a product, the big thing that keeps me away from WoW
Posted: 2006-10-14 04:09pm
by Mad
Nephtys wrote:WoW seems to me a lot more sophisticated, even though I'm quite sure there's a good appeal to GW. One of my friends though told me he maxxed out in GW after one weekend. Not too promising in the time of play factor, really. :/
He captured all the Elite skills in one weekend? Doubtful...
Posted: 2006-10-14 04:11pm
by Tasoth
Nephtys wrote:One of my friends though told me he maxxed out in GW after one weekend. Not too promising in the time of play factor, really. :/
I peeked at 20 running to the various places outside of Ascalon. Twenty is not that high, but then you have a handful of skill points to split amongst anywhere from four to seven skills plus dozens of skills to choose from. That's what it comes down to, really, is not what level and how hardcore your gear is, but how devastating your skills are when used properly. See Spikers, SS monks and some of the other builds.
Posted: 2006-10-14 05:17pm
by Stark
The design of GW *intentionally* gets to level 20 (max skill points) quickly. You won't have unlocked most of the skills, but you've got the stats of a yearlong player. It allows anyone to be competive right off the bat (ish) - remember, you can just make pvp-only characters that START at level 20 with highend skills, so you can instantly try a different character class combo in PvP or fill a spot in a tournament team. Most people who comment on GW don't really seem to understand how it works, as evidenced by 'WoW seems more sophisticated', which is the funniest thing I've ever heard. WoW has got to be one of the most dumbed-down MMOs out, and GW is quite nuanced and flexible.
Full of tards, of course, but hey. It isn't paid-for-use, so the tards never go away. For my money, WoW is derivative uninspired garbage and GW is too focussed on arena-based PvP which gets old. If I had to pick I'd pick GW because it's combat dynamic is more interesting, it's interface is better (WoW defaults to 'drive the orc' controls ffs) and it looks way, way, WAY better. Of course, EVE is better than both of them.
Posted: 2006-10-14 05:46pm
by Nephtys
As for that, stark... I rather liked Eve when I played. It had a good environment, mood muzak, and so on.. but what exactly combat nuances are there? As far as I can tell, all that matters is my loadout (Which I cant exactly change on the fly), my range to the target, and maybe a system being on or off, like shield boosters or afterburners.
Posted: 2006-10-14 05:57pm
by Stark
What? We're not talking about EVE (although it is better than both). *GW* has more complex combat that what I've seen in WoW - although they're pretty much of a muchness. At least there are more than three viable builds per class, the dual-class system makes every character more flexible, and the whining of tards doesn't result in nerfs ingame.
The big difference between WoW and GW is 'lategame'. 'Lategame' for WoW is weeks/months of grinding away, doing stupid fucking fedex quests. 'Lategame' in GW is literally less than five minutes away. or if you want PvE perhaps a week if you're slow. WoW has fuck-all lategame (zomg let's raid again), GW is almost entirely lategame. The implementation of faction warfare in Factions was pretty terrible, though.
To respond to your post, GW doesn't allow you to edit your skillbar in-combat. Once deployed, you're limited to your decisions and tradeoffs. How is this different to EVE? If you think it's bad that you can outfit a ship for mining and then have to dock to refit for combat, that's your problem. Was it you who said the death penalty (ie, having your ship explode and needing a new one) was too harsh? Is the ship supposed to un-explode and come back somehow? Combat in WoW... does it feature more than skills, items and range... no. No it doesn't. Buffs, debuffs, dots, pets, all the MMO combat elements are present in EVE. Get this - shield boosters are potions. EW is interrupts. Nos is leech spells. Capacitor is magic points.
Posted: 2006-10-14 06:01pm
by Nephtys
That was White Haven. Not moi! I'm the cute one, he's the whiner!
Hrm. I'll withdraw from any contest of GW's virtues, from my own lack of personal experience (everything else was drawn second hand. a friend told me he 'maxxed out' in three days, so that's what I assumed by level and gear).
EVE Meanwhile, I'm still confused. I guess I just don't feel that much control over combat aside from bashing it out, because I can't maneuver beyond a range slider. IE, minimal terrain, very generous firing arcs... autopilot combat..
Posted: 2006-10-14 06:02pm
by Koolaidkirby
yay EVE, go ASCN, Boo BoB!
EVE is meant for older more mature players, where as Wow is a game built for younger audiences
Posted: 2006-10-14 06:07pm
by Stark
Nephtys wrote:That was White Haven. Not moi! I'm the cute one, he's the whiner!

I can never tell you guys apart.
Nephtys wrote:Hrm. I'll withdraw from any contest of GW's virtues, from my own lack of personal experience (everything else was drawn second hand. a friend told me he 'maxxed out' in three days, so that's what I assumed by level and gear).
Yeah, the fundamental differences between the games causes a lot of misunderstandings like this. My first PvE character got to level 20 in perhaps a week, but months of on-off play later I don't have all the skills. I think NCsoft should really do more to raise awareness of how GW works - for instance, even equipment is maxxed quickly. The armour I have is 60-point armour, the best you can get. There is no farming for 'slightly better' armour, the best you can get is 60-point with different bonuses, or unique-looking 60-point. The playing field is left intentionally level, at a highpoint that is easy to reach.
Nephtys wrote:EVE Meanwhile, I'm still confused. I guess I just don't feel that much control over combat aside from bashing it out, because I can't maneuver beyond a range slider. IE, minimal terrain, very generous firing arcs... autopilot combat..
There don't appear to be firing arcs *at all*. I think it's a part of the engine - it saves network traffic, like using only 'indirect' control reduces the amount of traffic and makes the cluster more resistant to lag. At the low end, combat is indeed just turning on your guns and 'orbit 500'... all the decisions have to be made by then, and you don't qualify for any equipment anyway. But barebones that's the same of any MMO: starting WoW you walk up to a hog and chop for five minutes, until you get the different attack skills.
Posted: 2006-10-14 07:08pm
by Jade Falcon
I'll admit that I have Guild Wars, but since I've got to Level 20, I've not really felt the urge to come back to it.
Posted: 2006-10-14 07:53pm
by Nephtys
Koolaidkirby wrote:yay EVE, go ASCN, Boo BoB!
EVE is meant for older more mature players, where as Wow is a game built for younger audiences
The 2 and a half hour tutorial has a plus side, it seems.

Posted: 2006-10-14 09:49pm
by lPeregrine
Stark wrote:Nephtys wrote:EVE Meanwhile, I'm still confused. I guess I just don't feel that much control over combat aside from bashing it out, because I can't maneuver beyond a range slider. IE, minimal terrain, very generous firing arcs... autopilot combat..
There don't appear to be firing arcs *at all*. I think it's a part of the engine - it saves network traffic, like using only 'indirect' control reduces the amount of traffic and makes the cluster more resistant to lag.
That's pretty much it... including firing arcs would probably make the game too difficult to manage in three dimensions, especially with the lag making precision joystick-based flight impossible. It's nice to think about, but the interface issues make it one of those "good only in theory" things.
EVE Meanwhile, I'm still confused. I guess I just don't feel that much control over combat aside from bashing it out, because I can't maneuver beyond a range slider. IE, minimal terrain, very generous firing arcs... autopilot combat..
It really does often come down to that. Sure, there's some tactics involved in the fight, but most of your strategy is done before the first shots are fired. Setups, warp-in range, etc, those are all very important factors. A lot of the time, the fight itself is just a formality... the pilot with the better setup and strategy is going to win.
If you're having trouble understanding stuff in EVE, message Merin Ryskin in-game and I'll see what I can do. And if you want to go pirate, I can give you plenty of targets...