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CD player for the elderly/visually impared

Posted: 2006-10-15 03:26pm
by Arrow
A couple of weeks ago, my grandmother suffered a stroke, and she's lost most of her vision. She can only see ~40% out of her left eye, and very little out of her right, and she has a hard time seeing shapes, but can see colors very well.

Anyway, she's not in rehabitiation, and bored out of her skull. She some books on cd that she can listen too, but we haven't been able to find a CD player she can use. Specifically, I'm looking for a CD with only basic functionality and big, bright color coded buttons. I've looked at Toys-R-Us and BestBuy, and my Dad has looked at Circuit City, with no luck. Most of the childrens CD players I've seen online have smaller buttons than what I'm looking for, and have extras I don't want (like microphones).

Can anyone give me any suggestions on where to find such a CD player?

Posted: 2006-10-15 03:32pm
by Bounty
I can't help you with a new player, but can't you get a regular CD player and put bright, colour-coded, fluorescent stickers on the buttons?

Posted: 2006-10-15 03:59pm
by Arrow
All of the players I've seen in the local stores have small buttons; most of them are finger tip size. It may not be enough for her to see, and if she can, she might have trouble hitting the buttons (her fine motor control is also a bit off, which I thought I mentioned in the OP but didn't).

Posted: 2006-10-15 04:22pm
by salm
Just put "cd player blind" in google and you´ll come up with a whole bunch of pages, for example:

Cd Player for blind people