Intel hiring hard..In israel
Posted: 2006-10-17 09:24am
The Inq, sourcing some very reliable Israeli newspapers
Gee, I wonder why...WHILE THE AXEMEN at Intel wield their cleavers into the staff lists world-wide, they are being more benign to Israeli operations.
According to the newspaper Ha'aretz, Intel Israel will hire 1,500 more staff in Israel by the end of 2007.
The outfit has taken on 1,000 workers this year, despite a war and the cutbacks throughout the rest of the world which will see 10,500 Intel employees being fired.
If Intel Israel followed the dictates of the rest of the company and made 10 percent of its staff redundant it would have had to fire around 700 Israelis by now.
Most of the hiring is in the R&D sections in Haifa, Yakum and Kiryat Gat.
It is not clear why Intel would consider Israel a special case (Cough! News Ed). It is known that the Israeli government gave Intel a large number of incentives to set up shop in the Promised Land. ยต