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Battlefield 2142 contains spyware
Posted: 2006-10-18 12:08am
by Alyeska
When you open the box, a big slip of paper falls out first, preceeding any discs or manuals. The slip of paper says, essentially, that 2142 includes monitoring software which runs while your computer is online, and records "anonymous" information like your IP address, surfing habits (probably via cookie scans), and other "computing habits" in order
Well scratch one game off my list. Even if its the best game in the world I will not accept this bullshit just to get it. EA can go frack itself.
Posted: 2006-10-18 12:32am
by Glocksman
What in the Hell!?
I go to great efforts to keep spyware out of my system.
I'm sure as hell not going to deliberately install it.
Besides, this has 'class action lawsuit' written all over it *if* the fact that spyware is present
isn't prominently mentioned on the outside of the box, since most retailers won't give refunds for opened software*.
*Though I did convince the manager at the local CC to let me exchange a Starforce 'protected' game for a title that didn't have that shit on it.
Posted: 2006-10-18 12:35am
by GuppyShark
I was already wavering as a result of EA's decision not to implement BF2142's UI improvements in BF2's interface.
So, when's Quake Wars coming out?
Posted: 2006-10-18 12:40am
by Alyeska
Glocksman wrote:What in the Hell!?
Bingo. The rest of the gaming community (users and producers) are going to watch this little event closely. If EA can pull it off, we could be in for some trouble. Though I expect patches to be made to render it invalid. I also expect EA to patch their own game to render the modding invalid.
*Though I did convince the manager at the local CC to let me exchange a Starforce 'protected' game for a title that didn't have that shit on it.
Costco will accept opened software no questions asked.
Posted: 2006-10-18 02:33am
by weemadando
GuppyShark wrote:I was already wavering as a result of EA's decision not to implement BF2142's UI improvements in BF2's interface.
So, when's Quake Wars coming out? :)
That's been my question from the start.
Posted: 2006-10-18 02:55am
by wautd
It's not like I was planning to buy that gloryfied mod anyway
Posted: 2006-10-18 03:19am
by ThatGuyFromThatPlace
The Ad system is based on different servers on different ports, it should take you all of thirty seconds to block it out and maybe five minutes ot edit yiur Hosts files and be done with it for good.
There are game servers up now with plenty of people playing and the ad service isn't scheduled to start for a few days yet so I doubt there will problems runnign the game sans spyware.
Posted: 2006-10-18 09:08am
by Davis 51
Shit, I'd better warn my brother. Unike me, he's somewhat excited with the beta. He says he isn't planning to buy it, but I want to be sure.
Posted: 2006-10-19 08:01am
by Lagmonster
I bought the game, because If I don't give a rat's ass about product placement in movies and ads on television and magazines, then I don't really think I'm going to bitch about it being in a game if A) I like the game, B) if the placement and method of delivery doesn't actually harm my gaming experience beyond a player trying to take cover behind a road-side billboard (at which point I am free to express myself via ammunition), and C) the culling of information and delivery of ads is limited to within the game itself (ie isn't running when the game isn't).
Posted: 2006-10-19 07:28pm
by Alyeska
Except that lovely language of the insert makes it clear they can watch you any time they want.
Posted: 2006-10-19 10:27pm
by Medic
As a slightly off-note observation, do you think EA does this bullshit because their rise-to-fame was in the console market, where the internet, mods and the like aren't worries if you're an anal control freak? What's to be expected from the company that monopolized football NFL football games? Madden's good, but shit, there goes anything BUT a super-realism NFL game until that contract runs aground.
Posted: 2006-10-20 07:51am
by Lagmonster
Alyeska wrote:Except that lovely language of the insert makes it clear they can watch you any time they want.
I did take the time to read the public response, and I'm fairly confident that it's not. From EA's Battlefield 2142 site, bolding mine:
"The in-game advertisement is respectful of players' privacy: it never accesses files not directly related to the game, and it does not capture personal data such as cookies, account login detail, gameplay behaviour or surfing history.
As it is an integrated part of Battlefield 2142 and not a separate program, it only runs when the game is running.
Because BF2142 delivers ads by region, the IP address of the player is used to determine the region of the player and helps serve ads by region and language; for instance, a player in Paris will be presented with ads in French. Note that this IP address is not stored on the advertisement server and is not repurposed for other uses.
A unique ID number is anonymously assigned the first time the player joins a Battlefield 2142 online game. It is stored locally on the PC but is not linked to any personal details.
The in-game advertisement gathers what we call "impression data", such as location of the billboard in the game or duration of advertisement impression. It helps see how many people have seen an ad - but not who has seen it.
We are also conscious that the advertisement shouldn’t distract the player from the overall gaming experience, so all ads fit in the unique environment of each level in the game. The content of the ads is also controlled to ensure that no offensive content is displayed in Battlefield 2142."
I still think there's a lot more fearmongering at work here than actual problem, but it's ultimately the choice of the consumer and that's respectable.
Posted: 2006-10-20 09:20am
by FedRebel
Lagmonster wrote:
Because BF2142 delivers ads by region, the IP address of the player is used to determine the region of the player and helps serve ads by region and language; for instance, a player in Paris will be presented with ads in French. Note that this IP address is not stored on the advertisement server and is not repurposed for other uses.
A unique ID number is anonymously assigned the first time the player joins a Battlefield 2142 online game. It is stored locally on the PC but is not linked to any personal details.
The in-game advertisement gathers what we call "impression data", such as location of the billboard in the game or duration of advertisement impression. It helps see how many people have seen an ad - but not who has seen it.
We are also conscious that the advertisement shouldn’t distract the player from the overall gaming experience, so all ads fit in the unique environment of each level in the game. The content of the ads is also controlled to ensure that no offensive content is displayed in Battlefield 2142."
Wouldn't the player registering the game do the samething?
I'm not sure exactly what these ingame ads are, but I'd think some would prefer not to have them at all.
This just makes 2142 even more unattractive to me, EA says that the spyware is 'harmless' and that it just allows for the adware in the game to work properly.
Posted: 2006-10-20 07:43pm
by ThatGuyFromThatPlace
On another forum somebody suggested creating a mod to bloc the adservers and then populate the billboard space with user created content, specifically tongue-in-cheek Fallout series referenses (Buy Nuka Cola/Pipboy!)
but theoretically anyone could create whatever content they found most pleasing for the setting.
If I wasn't a poor college student I would go buy a copy and do it myself just to see if it would work, but alas, I dont' have the cash or the time for that kind of stuff (at least not until after I upgrade my computer
Posted: 2006-10-21 07:54am
by Lagmonster
Ask yourself whether you would not pay to see a movie in which the characters drive past a billboard for Levis, or drink a Coke in the movie. If the answer is, "I wouldn't give a rat's ass, in fact I probably wouldn't even notice the Coke for the fact that I was watching the actual actors", then you won't have a problem with BF2142's in-game ads.
I actually haven't seen any ads yet; all the billboards and such are blank for me. Wonder if they haven't started it yet, or if they just don't care to advertise to Canada.
Posted: 2006-10-21 08:26am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Lagmonster wrote:I actually haven't seen any ads yet; all the billboards and such are blank for me. Wonder if they haven't started it yet, or if they just don't care to advertise to Canada.
Probably for the very same IP address-related factors you mentioned above.
Posted: 2006-10-22 07:08pm
by 2000AD
Someone on another forum was kicking a stink about how the 'unique number' created would allow them to track your every BF moment until it was pointed out they could pretty much already do that given that everyone has a unique log in name.
The whole thing reeks of stupid over reaction.
This isn't the reason i wont be getting the game, i wont be getting it because i'm still having fun with BF2 and there's plenty of other games out or coming soon filling up my gaming schedule (Company of Heroes, Football Manager 2007, Medievil 2, Warhammer: Mark of Chaos and DoW:DC when the UK finally gets it)
Posted: 2006-10-22 09:14pm
by Arrow
Lagmonster wrote:I actually haven't seen any ads yet; all the billboards and such are blank for me. Wonder if they haven't started it yet, or if they just don't care to advertise to Canada.
As I understand it, the ads are suppose to start this week.
2000AD wrote:
Someone on another forum was kicking a stink about how the 'unique number' created would allow them to track your every BF moment until it was pointed out they could pretty much already do that given that everyone has a unique log in name.
I hope it was pointed out with flames. Some of these guys are complete idiots.
I bought the game Friday, and I'm enjoy it (but I'll have no problem putting down for NWN2 and M2TW). I have only two complains - one is that network code likes to take a dump for a no reason at all in some matches; the other is that it some times forgets to record your awards.