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GC Must have games

Posted: 2006-10-26 03:40pm
by Faram
Okay I went and preordered a WII but because it can also play GC games, what top three or five games should I pick up from the second hand shop?

I like everyhing exept fight games.

Posted: 2006-10-26 03:42pm
by R.O.A
Residant Evil 4

Posted: 2006-10-26 03:46pm
by NeoGoomba
Mario Golf. Its crack!

Posted: 2006-10-26 03:52pm
by Dalton
Skies of Arcadia: Legends
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Beyond Good & Evil

Posted: 2006-10-26 03:56pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
I'd say grab Metroid Prime, but the Metroid that's coming out on the Wii will probably be around those same lines but better.

It's going to be awhile before Smash Bros. Brawl hits the shelves, though. If you have any friends, and maybe there's a TV around sometimes, Smash Bros. Melee is a must.

Posted: 2006-10-26 03:57pm
by Qwerty 42
Dalton wrote:Skies of Arcadia: Legends
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Beyond Good & Evil
All of these, and if you want some multiplayer stuff

Tales of Symphonia
Phantasy Star Online
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike

And if you don't mind getting the hardware,
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures

Posted: 2006-10-26 04:02pm
by Qwerty 42
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:I'd say grab Metroid Prime, but the game the Metroid that's coming out on the Wii will probably be around those same lines but better.

It's going to be awhile before Smash Bros. Brawl hits the shelves, though. If you have any friends, and maybe there's a TV around sometimes, Smash Bros. Melee is a must.
Sorry about the double post, but just to add to the above, Super Smash Bros. is not the typical fighting series, since you specified you don't like fighting games in the OP. Whereas traditional fighters rely on memorization of attacks, SSB leans more on knowing only a handful of moves and instead relying on jumping and timing. The difference is that anyone can pick up SSB and learn instantly how to play. Watch videos of people playing SSB and a traditional fighting game and the difference is apparent.

Since you're going to need to get Gamecube controllers for Super Smash Bros. Brawl anyway, Super Smash Bros. Melee is a worthy investment for the interim, since you can get it on the cheap and it's probably the greatest party game of all time.

Posted: 2006-10-26 04:04pm
by Sunstreaker
Darth Garden Gnome wrote: Smash Bros. Melee is a must.
seconded, thirded, and fourthed

Posted: 2006-10-26 04:13pm
by Ghost Rider
to most the staements...let's see.

RE4/Resident Evil 4: Good game, but an enjoyment of the genre is prety high given the game otherwise does lose someof it's want to get past the intial high curve.

Skies of Arcadia: Yes/No to Console Role Playing Games. If yes, possibly one of the better.

Beyond Good/Evil: Very good adventure...highly underrated.

Legend of Zelda Wind Waker: Another great adventure...not underrated but hated irrationally.

Super Smash Bros: You said you don't like fighting, and while it does usually fall under that domain, it's a bit different. Honestly rent or see if someone else has it because while a fun party is at heart beating on another person/computer with repetative actions.

Metroid Prime 1/2: Adventure, and vast 3-D. Can be confusing but a worthwhile game.

I'd actually recommend Rogue Squadron 2 over three simply because three had some decent levels, but on the 3/4 perspective single person with craft mode...sucked. It was ill concieved and poorly done. Plus the only way you play RS2 was through multiplayer.

Phantasy Star well it can be fun, but it's an acquired taste in some regards.

Any of the Mario sports games are real fun if you find the particular sport you like and want a wacky adaption to such.

Posted: 2006-10-26 04:33pm
by Davis 51
No fighting games? Not even Soul Calibur II?

Oh, well, your loss.

How about Star Fox Adventures/Assault.
RE4, as said by many here, was the pinnacle of the GC.
Super Mario Sunshine
WarioWare was a fun party game.
The best ones off the top of my head was listed here already.

Posted: 2006-10-26 05:19pm
by Darth Yoshi
The thing about Melee is, it's really more of a glorified platformer than a true fighting game.

Anyway, if you don't already have them for PS2 or Xbox, I recommend the Prince of Persia games. At the very least, get PoP3. It combines the best of the first two games into one neat package.

Zelda: FSA is definitely a multiplayer game, though. It's a fairly decent effort at single player, but if you get three friends with GBAs, there's some good times ahead.

Mario Kart Double Dash. Get it. Now.

Posted: 2006-10-26 05:37pm
by Stark
Don't get Rebel Strike. You'll play for half an hour.

Zelda, Melee, Beyond Good and Evil. And Battalion Wars.

Posted: 2006-10-26 05:38pm
by Davis 51
The thing about Melee is, it's really more of a glorified platformer than a true fighting game.

You have characters, and they beat the crap out of each other. Seems like fighting to me.

Posted: 2006-10-26 06:28pm
by Praxis
Metroid Prime is a must, and it's now $5 used at GameStop.

Must haves:

Metroid Prime 1

Zelda: Wind Waker

Super Smash Bros Melee (it's a hybrid platformer/fighter/party game, a fighter but with platformer-styled action)

Super Mario Sunshine

I'd also recommend getting one of the two Rogue Squadron games. RS2 was the better of the two for single player, but if you play co-op a lot, Rebel Strike has all the RS2 missions available as co-op levels.

RS2 was also a lot harder.

Posted: 2006-10-26 06:36pm
by Utah Jak
Pretty much what everybody else has been saying. Resident Evil 4, Smash Bros. Metroid and Skies of Arcadia are must haves.

Posted: 2006-10-26 06:49pm
by Darth Yoshi
Davis 51 wrote:Wha?

You have characters, and they beat the crap out of each other. Seems like fighting to me.
Right, but how do you stay alive? By jumping from platform to platform. Granted, I'm probably using a liberal definition of platformer, but it fits.

Posted: 2006-10-26 07:06pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Darth Yoshi wrote:
Davis 51 wrote:Wha?

You have characters, and they beat the crap out of each other. Seems like fighting to me.
Right, but how do you stay alive? By jumping from platform to platform. Granted, I'm probably using a liberal definition of platformer, but it fits.
You're dumb.

Posted: 2006-10-26 07:10pm
by Vendetta
Davis 51 wrote:How about Star Fox Adventures/Assault.

Unfortunately, neither of those is very good.

Adventure is a Zelda clone without any of the things that make Zelda fun, and Assault is a Battlefield clone with poor maps, weak weapons, and atrocious vehicles. Star Fox Assault is basically the Gamecube's answer to Shadows of the Empire. The first and last levels are great, everything in between is ass. (and to think, it was made by the Ace Combat team. If they'd just cloned AC5 with Arwings it would have been ace. Even just the AC5 arcade mode)

Posted: 2006-10-26 07:48pm
by Civil War Man
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door. It's an RPG like Final Fantasy, only it's Mario, and you have to impress an audience while fighting.

Posted: 2006-10-26 08:01pm
by Molyneux
Civil War Man wrote:Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door. It's an RPG like Final Fantasy, only it's Mario, and you have to impress an audience while fighting.
I'll second that; it's simply one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played. A bit easy, excepting the hidden boss, but very fun from start to finish.

(My roommate managed to break the game, though - he was upwards of 100 damage a shot after awhile, and when you take into account the technique that lets Mario do 100+99+98+97+96...+1 damage, even after only a few bounces he was killing the bosses in one attack.)

Posted: 2006-10-26 08:32pm
by Ford Prefect
Civil War Man wrote:Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door. It's an RPG like Final Fantasy, only it's Mario, and you have to impress an audience while fighting.
It's also totally awesome. A very amusing game at times. Some of the stuff in it is just plain classic.

Posted: 2006-10-26 08:55pm
by Vehrec
If you want to scare your ass off, get yourself 'Eternal Darkness'. The game is awesome, and sometimes fakes you out with a phoney blue screen of death. What other game plays with your head that much?
Metroid Prime. Oh my freaking God. Samus is a golden armored deity who could totaly kick Master Chief's ass. (Although they should just have babies and be done with this rollercoaster relationship).
Pikmin is an interesting game and should be available on the cheep. Those little plant guys sure are cute and they are equally helpful. Good luck making takeoff date.

Posted: 2006-10-26 09:32pm
by Davis 51
Vendetta wrote:
Davis 51 wrote:How about Star Fox Adventures/Assault.

Unfortunately, neither of those is very good.

Adventure is a Zelda clone without any of the things that make Zelda fun, and Assault is a Battlefield clone with poor maps, weak weapons, and atrocious vehicles. Star Fox Assault is basically the Gamecube's answer to Shadows of the Empire. The first and last levels are great, everything in between is ass. (and to think, it was made by the Ace Combat team. If they'd just cloned AC5 with Arwings it would have been ace. Even just the AC5 arcade mode)
I enjoyed Adventures, a poor man's Zelda, as you pointed out, and combat was kinda fun. Assault, I only played multiplayer, and was fun as hell. I want to play Single player, but don't have the means at the moment.
Darth Yoshi wrote: Right, but how do you stay alive? By jumping from platform to platform. Granted, I'm probably using a liberal definition of platformer, but it fits.
*Checks game*

What the hell kinda game are you playing? 'Cause it sure ain't Smash Bros. Perhaps one of the Smash Bros. Minigames, but that's a stretch. The closest thing to a true platformer on that game is one of the single player modes. Everything else is straight up fighting.

I think DP summed it up nicely. :P

Posted: 2006-10-26 09:41pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, I never played the original so I don't know how it compares but I do know that the voice actor for Snake(who also co-wrote the first two X-Men movies) accually took a significant pay cut so that the full original voice cast could return so that all the dialouge could be redone.

I should second Eternal Darkness with a little more sense. It is a very dark, very unique feeling games inspired by the worksd of HP Lovecraft. The thing that really makes the game however is the Sanity System. Along with Health and Magick you have a Sanity bar that lowers everytime you see a monster. You can't some back by preforming a finishing move on said monster before its body dissappears, and if you sanity bar reaches zero it starts taking it out of your health bar. But as your sanity decreases wierd stuff happens. Atfirst statues heads follow you arround the room, the walls seep blood, and normal tranquil paintings depict hellish scenes. You get even lower and you head randomly explodes, the volume bar appears and turns all the way down, the save screen will tell you its deleting your file rather than saving, the opening intro will play as if the game resetted. You then return to the point before this happened. It makes the entire first play through a trip and if your like me, you'll keep your sanity bar low when you replay.

I have to put a nay on the GCN Starfoxes, Assault was crap with out Rare's genius, and Adventure was just a subpar watered down Zelda knock off.

Big big big big yes to Resident Evil 4. It is a seemingly impossibly good game. High learning curve, but you don't really notice it til you play through a second time. I must of died 10 times the first time I went through Pueblo, but a year later when I played it again I didn't even get hit, and after playing through the game a second time I could move arround the chainsaw ladies in the mercinaries minigame(worth the 20 price tag alone) with out loosing my head.

Posted: 2006-10-26 09:43pm
by Stark
Eternal Darkness is somewhat flawed in that if you're sensible, you never see the sanity effects because your sanity never gets low. :)