Illuminatus Primus wrote:Bullshit. No one has any idea when Zahn found out about Dark Empire. In fact, your Handley quotes only say that Vietch was informed to change his story to fit the Thrawn Trilogy at the last minute.
Read the fucking quotes again. Everyone else got it EXCEPT you.
Therefore, any inconsistencies between the Zahn and Veitch stories are not the fault of either author, but rather Lucasfilm, who neglected to tell either author about the other's work, and who forced Veitch to change his work with too little notice to make the transition a smooth one.
Zahn didn't KNOW ABOUT THE MOTHERFUCKING COMIC. Is that clear enough for you?
All that Zahn and Handley say is that he requested to not have to reference it; not when along his writing process he was told--none of that. Just that LFL approved both projects while not informing either one.
Tim Zahn Interview, TFN
TZ: It was one of those "bolt from the blue" type of things. Back in '88, Lou Aronica approached Lucasfilm to suggest that Bantam do a three-book continuation of the Star Wars saga, picking up after "Return Of The Jedi", where no writers had been allowed to work before, in novels or comic books or anything else. It took Lucasfilm a year to decide to go ahead with it, and in late '89 they got back in touch with Aronica and said, "okay, let's give this a shot. Find us an author and we'll talk contract." Bantam's editors got together and made up a short list of writers they thought could do a good job on Star Wars books, sent the list out to Lucasfilm with samples of our writing so they could see what kind of style each person had, and the Lucasfilm people decided my style fit Star Wars best of the ones they were offered. So I got a Monday afternoon 4 p.m. call from my agent saying "we've had a very interesting offer here." I had no idea it was in the works. I had been with Bantam a grand total of six weeks at that time. My editor had almost not recommended me at their editors meeting because she wanted to see the book I'd contracted for and didn't want me sidetracked with this media stuff. So it was one of those things where all the pieces just laid out in the proper position, proper order, and I got the offer. It then took Lucasfilm and Bantam five months to work out their contract. I had the outline in the first month for all three books, but then I couldn't start writing for a few months but I had all of it simmering in my mind while I worked on other projects. So it was really quite ready to go by the time I actually started writing.
Post your proof that Zahn didn't want to change his story BEFORE he had it fleshed out. That's your bullshit assertion, and you've provided NO PROOF. The ABOVE however, AGAIN, proves otherwise.
As for these "ulterior motives." I never claimed Zahn's motives. I said it was Zahn's fault. How can you argue with that? If Zahn had not made that request, the fuck-up would not have occurred. You may choose to believe that Zahn's request was justified by the timing of being made aware of DE, but you've provided NO information on that. It isn't my job to prove that Zahn DIDN'T recieve notice at the last minute. That's your job to prove it.
It IS your fucking job to PROVE YOU ALLEGATIONS. YOU HAVEN'T. Give me ONE SOURCE where Zahn says, "I was told about DE before I started writing, but I said fuck that shit, my story goes first."
Actually, Adam, I can tell you from being friends with Tom and having discussed this with him that Tom didn't invent the name. The only reason it was thrown into Dark Empire at the last minute (only in the text pages, mind you -- in the comic itself it says "Imperial City" and other such ambiguous names) was because Zahn had recently written Heir to the Empire and Tom was told he had to change DE to fit that. Originally, DE took place soon after ROTJ, but at the last minute, he was told to change things to work around HTTE. Thus, a lot of changes were made to the text pages to smooth out the inconsistencies between them.
All I stated was that what occured you had Zahn to thank for. Which is true.
Which is bullshit:
Therefore, any inconsistencies between the Zahn and Veitch stories are not the fault of either author, but rather Lucasfilm, who neglected to tell either author about the other's work, and who forced Veitch to change his work with too little notice to make the transition a smooth one.
The consequences were a direct result of his actions.
Maybe I'd extend the benefit of a doubt; but based on his personal commentary on other authors' work in VotF, especially regarding the Clone Emperor, I don't find that assumption teniable. Not that it makes any difference.
Oh, did he hurt your feelings, because he badmouthed Dark Empire?
Maybe that's because Veitch has been doing that to Zahn since TTT came out:
Veitch Crying a River #1
Stuart James Ross: How do you feel about the way that other writers have handled the continuation of the Star wars legend?
Tom Veitch: Do you mean the novelists??
Stuart James Ross: yes
Tom Veitch: I will be out front with my opinion on this. I don't enjoy reading most of them.
Jim Fisher: You mentioned that Zahn hadn't been released as Dark Empire was being plotted. Why wasn't Dark Empire seriously changed or shelved [as Kenneth Flint's Heart of the Jedi was] for continuity problems?
Tom Veitch: Why wasn't Zahn's plot changed to reflect Dark Empire, that's the question.
Veitch Crying a River #2
In those days I had quite a bit of "power" relative to these Star Wars projects, largely because I was the first guy into the pipe. Lucasfilm asked me if I wanted to write a Star Wars novel. I said ok, of course. But when they set up their license with Bantam, Bantam's editors said "you don't want a comics writer doing this...we'll get you a REAL science fiction writer!" All I can say to that is "hah hah". I'm not a fan of the books that Bantam has done, with the exception of the McQuarrie art book and one or two of the novels.
Seems like this fuck has QUITE a chip on his shoulder, doesn't it? And its because Bantam chose Zahn over HIM for the novels. Zahn FIXED a lot of bullshit in the EU after TTT in his Duology, and rightly smacked those that needed it. Most of those books SUCK.
All we do know is both authors were uninformed when LFL approved both their projects. That TZ did not want to reference DE when he found out, and LFL allowed him. Then Vietch had to shoehorn his story in at the last minute. If you have precise info on when TZ found out about DE, by all means, bring it forward.
See the thread, and see above. If you have any information whatsoever that says Zahn didn't want to to change his storyline BEFORE he layed it out, BEFORE it was approved, and BEFORE he went ahead and began writing, post it.
And that "SW toilet paper" wasn't described as such in your quotes. Handley said that the novels and comics are definitely both in-continuity, and George Lucas personally chose those at the helm of the Marvel SW comics back at their inception. GL loved Dark Empire and had more to do with it than the Thrawn Trilogy (to which he just told Zahn to not mention Prequel stuff and that C'boath couldn't be a cloned Obi-Wan and that the Noghri couldn't be the Sith). So please, justify this fabrication.
It was after Dark Empire and Tim Zahn's books that he [Lucas] took a back seat and let his staff deal with the books.]
LL is spineless. They never crack down on any author, so no, its not really telling, because they never treat anyone else any differently, or do any real proactive work.
Except for comic writers, apparently. Which goes to show you what they think is more imortant: Novels>Comics.
Palpatine would be dead again by TTT; her last mission would have been during Palpatine's return--would it really matter so much that he didn't give his "Last Command" during his death on the Death Star II? Besides, it never made any sense that Palpatine wanted Luke dead during RoTJ.
Oh, no. Not only did Luke refuse to become his new Sith Lord, he took his OLD Sith Lord away from him, caused his death, AND the destruction of his Empire. Nope, nothing to be TOO pissed at there...
After the DE arc, Palpatine would've been dead again. All it would've taken would be to say Palpatine instructed Thrawn to remain on his mission in the UR.
And Palpatine would NOT have called his greatest tactician to Byss? Thrawn simply sat it out, then waited for the Emperor's SECOND defeat to act? Yeah, that makes sense.
Palpatine's already dead, and the trick of C'boath is Luke actually thought he was a Jedi, not that he was under the knowing teaching of a Dark Sider.
Doesn't matter. Luke would know a Dark Jedi from a Master by this point, since he was suddenly "super Jedi" after DE.
With the end of the DE arc, Palpatine's dead again, Thrawn can do what he pleases.
Right. After he sat on his thumbs until the Emperor was defeated AGAIN. So he decides to sift through the Emperor's best scrap help take back the Galaxy. I guess the resources at Byss wasn't much interest to him. Right...
Are you honestly suggesting that Vietch and LFL would've left the only possibility as "you have to continue the story where DE leaves off and bring the Emperor back AGAIN from his death at the end of DE." What kind of a false dilemma is that?
WTF are you talking about?
Well it sure makes it easier to criticize when your hypotheticals are predicated on the ridiculous assertion DE would have to be immediately on top of TTT, and the Emperor wouldn't be killed off again by the end of the DE arc. At least Thrawn wouldn't have been a meaningless pawn overshadowed and manipulated by the Emperor in retcon.
Yeah, Thrawn is so meaningless that every week, someone asks in what novel Luke turned to the Dark Side, but they know of Thrawn, and Thrawn has appeared in games, action figures, and other media since his inception. Meanwhile, you're pissed that DE with an Emperor that wears a Dracula opera cape complete with the tall collar is actually minimized in the grand shitty scheme of the EU.