That's a certified 'Kill Jar-Jar' scene. What's wrong with that?What's going to destroy the Old Trilogy is George Lucas, who will get sick of the whole thing create a newly edited Super Duper Special Edition (with their own movie releases) where Alderaan shoots first at the Death Star... and misses. Jar-Jar will then look up from the firing controls and go "Weesa gonna die?"
1. Darth Vader - 'I find your lack of faith disturbing'. '<choke><splat> Apology accepted, Captain Needa'.... Nuff' said. Cool Badass.
2. The end of ROTJ on the DS - this is mostly Hamill's spectacular job. But seeing him get up, throw the saber away and face the Emperor with "You failed, Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me'... Well, it's a defining moment. Utterly terrific.
3. Coolest laser fights - I like lots of types - phasers, the old Ranger weapons, X-com stuff... I like laser guns(regardless of what they ARE). But none of it has quite measured up to the SW stuff in blazing battle. I dunno, can anyone show me a better series for that?
4. C-3PO & R2D2 - the best dynamic duo around. Others are great - but not quite as good. 'Don't you call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease!'. The EU has given them the best lines(Check the Shadows of the Empire scenes with em'. Priceless).
5. Lightsabers - why have very few series tried to ape this? Sword fights in the midst of battle are a badass notion. And done very well throughout the series(INCLUDING the prequels). Of course, I may be biased by my love of the Jedi Knight games.