Official ISD starfighter complements

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Kazuaki Shimazaki
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Post by Kazuaki Shimazaki »

Coyote wrote:Kaz, Painrack and I are primarily concentrating on the multi-role capability of the ISD.
And we recognize that multi-role ability. We dispute the degree of multi role ability and its true usefulness in anything other than a police action against relatively ragtag Outer Rim Rebels.
THe thing to bear in mind about the BB comparison is that the BB's role and expectations have changed through the decades. It used to be the backbone of the fleet, but as it became evident that they were no longer useful for their intended purpose they were phased out.
Well, other designations like the DD have evolved some as well (growing increasingly independent is a clear trait).
From sources I've seen, the ISD is the most common "Large Ship". Things like the Executor, Lusankya, Eclipse etc are rare. Maybe a few dozen max in a Galaxy of some, what, 25,000 Star Destroyers? Since we see few things like Carriers deployed, then what are all these ISDs escorting?
They are going on independent ops on low-intensity threat regions. Destroyers, you might notice, are supposed to be more common than BBs.
Again, I am not saying the ISD is a direct BB-- only that it has some BB characteristics (in this case-- "commonly large" instead of "uncommonly large"-- please forgive my use of these silly sounding adjectives); it carries out "ship-to-shore" bombardment; it is instrumental in controlling and dominating through heavy guns territory in space.
OK... here's the rub.
0) Ship-to-shore bombardment and space superiority are not always handled by battleships. The Japanese contested the Solomons with destroyers, the Americans by cruisers. They only occasionally bring the battleships and carriers in for big smashes.
1) Unlike some other designators, BB and DD do not mix. You can have a cruiser-carrier hybrid or battleship-carrier hybrid. But a BB-DD hybrid is like saying a "CV/CVE hybrid"! It is contradictory and doesn't work (even though a CVE's work is often different from a full blown CV). So IMO, even if you choose to use the hybrid model, you must decide whether to say it is a DD-hybrid or a BB-hybrid.
2) "Uncommonly large" is WEG (or SoDwise: Rebel) thinking. With them, it is internally consistent because they only acknowledge one class, very rare, above ISDs. In such a scenario, you could rate the "commonly large" ISDs as BB (or BB-hybrid; I'm not adding hybrid every time) and the "SSD" as a monstrosity.
3) It falls down, however, when looking at the whole of GFFA, because there are many classes of intermediate warships. Thus the Executor ceases to be a "monstrosity" or "uncommonly large", bringing it back into the main fold, though they may still be rare compared to the ISD. In that case, calling the ISD a BB kinda falls down.
Once beyond those feats it cease to bear this superficial resemblance to a BB mission and goes into other realms: it somewhat resembles a Carrier in that it can deploy a lot of fighters; it has some resemblance to an Amphib in that it carries troops as part of a normal compliment including their base; it shares some resemblance to a DD because of its patrol, escort, and interdiction duties... see what I mean?
We see and we acknowledge it, the only difference is in proportion. You contend it is proportionally big enough (or useful enough in serious conflict) to merit being called a hybrid. We contend that it is a hybrid, but it is a hybrid like the Spruance with its two-helo capacity is a DD/CVH hybrid. Maybe I could concede a bit and call it a DDH (most things in SW are VTOL capable, right?), but that's about it.
We see some of this changing in the EU, as the New Republic was trying to switch over to dedicated True Carriers with the Endurance class, where fighters were going to be accepted as the primary warfighters and teh "big ship" was to be phased out.
I'd answer you on this, but I've already made a big mistake stepping in anywhere within 5 kilometers of a SirNitram vs IP fight and don't intend to step further in this thread by opening yet another debatable tangent if at all possible.
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Post by SirNitram »

Alright, Kaz. In an effort to get actual debate instead of stupid poster tricks, what measuring stick should be used to determine whether the troops on an ISD are signifigant or not? I would have gone for capability, myself; specifically, the stated capability to set up a temporary garrison on a planet, and their ability to board most ships. But please, what standard should we be using?
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Post by Patrick Ogaard »

This has nothing much to do with the big dispute, but both sides of the argument are using some erroneous information on the ISD and the garrison bases.

A fully equipped ISD carries 15 stormtrooper transports, and if these have the capacity of Sentinel Landing Craft (54 troops each), enough to drop 810 stormtroopers in one lift.

A fully equipped ISD also carries a dozen landing barges
for crew and cargo transfer and for ground assault. Landing barges are shielded and armed, and can carry up to four AT-ATs (or eight AT-STs) and 1,00 troops each. They can also haul the heavy weapons, supplies, and equipment required for planetary operations.
(The Star Wars Sourcebook)

The use of the word 'and' in the above quote implies that each of the barges can actually carry a thousand troops in addition to the armored vehicles, but even if that is considered a misstatement and it's either four AT-ATs / eight AT-STs or a thousand troops, a dozen landing barges will be enough to drop the entire stormtrooper contingent and an initial small force of AT-ATs and AT-STs.

On the topic of the garrison base: it's designed to allow for long term garrison duty. Again, information gleaned from The Star Wars Sourcebook:
But the staying power that enforces the will of the Emperor takes the form of Imperial garrison bases. These dark, ominous structures provoke fear, anxiety, and dread. Pre-fabricated structures, garrison bases can be raised quickly on any world or asteroid.

A garrison base serves multiple functions, from scientific to diplomatic to military. On undeveloped worlds, a base may house a scientific research tream or planetary development group. On primitive planets, a base may study cultures and xenopology, as well as develop trade agreements. But mostly, a base appears as a permanent show of Imperial force. Each garrison base, regardless of its other functions, remains a military installation charged wit the subjugation and protection of planets within the Empire.

Typically, Imperial garrisons are employed to squelch uprisings, enforce martial law, deter piracy, and support local governments, as well as protect industrial centers, fuel sources, major ports, important cities, and other sites necessary to power the Imperial machine. Through the use of extensive environmental control machinery, garrisons can be set up on worlds with hostile environments and on asteroids with no atmospheres, thus extending the Empire's reach anywhere it wishes or needs to go.
For a standard battalion garrison, under the command of a general, the following is the standard breakdown of personnel and vehicles:

800 stormtroopers
40 scout troopers
10 speeder bike technicians
40 TIE pilots
60 ground crew technicians
25 controllers
25 sensor technicians
100 gunners and weapons technicians
50 walker crew personnel
80 walker technicians
50 Imperial Intelligence officers
150 base security/detention troops
200 perimeter support troops
300 command personnel
70 trade mission / diplomatic personnel
500 support / services personnel
200 technical personnel
200 science personnel
100 medical personnel

For a total Imperial garrison of 3000, with just slightly more than a third of that being combat personnel, and without counting droids.

The available pool of vehicles is:

30 TIE fighters
5 TIE bombers (though TIE shuttles could doubtless be subbed for one or more bombers)
10 AT-AT walkers
10 AT-ST walkers
40 speeder bikes
60 landspeeders (apparently mostly XP-38 speeders)
100 miscellaneous vehicles (including cargo loadlifters and construction vehicles)

For a total vehicle strength of 260

The garrison base structure itself is of massive proportions, with sloped, armored walls up to ten meters thick at the base, with a large sub-surface portion that houses the base's main and backup power generators, tractor beam and deflector shield generators, the environmental control station, as well as waste disposal and refuse units. Above the floor level are eight levels, filled with barracks, vehicle garages, detention blocks, fighter hangars, office blocks, diplomatic offices, storage, etc. ad nauseam.

The base is topped by a fighting level dominated by four different components: a tall central sensor suite tower, three tall towers housing twin turbolasers, three enormous launch/recovery chutes for the TIE complement, and a ring of six heavy twin laser turrets. The base defenses are rounded out by an electrified fence 10 meters high, with force field gates flanked by guard towers, a ring of catwalk-linked guard towers a hundred meters back from that outer perimeter, assorted minefields, AT-ST patrols, modified probots, and a powerful tractor beam.
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Post by SirNitram »

Well, that evidence firmly screws my 'ISD is the Band-Aid ship: Can fix a booboo anywhere in the Empire until the medics arrive' theory. Right up the cornhole.
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Kazuaki Shimazaki
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Post by Kazuaki Shimazaki »

SirNitram wrote:Alright, Kaz. In an effort to get actual debate instead of stupid poster tricks, what measuring stick should be used to determine whether the troops on an ISD are signifigant or not? I would have gone for capability, myself; specifically, the stated capability to set up a temporary garrison on a planet, and their ability to board most ships. But please, what standard should we be using?
What I personally use (and I suspect IP uses) is relative ability.

When you seriously talk about hybrid, I expect a ship to actually do the jobs with reasonable facility in relation to a dedicated ship.

For example, the Kuznetsov is a mixed role ship that can do two jobs relatively well when compared to its dedicated brethen - probably the Kirov class battle cruiser and the Nimitz (though according to Sea Skimmer IIRC, the internal design coulda be done better so the compromise is less). That's a valid hybrid ship.

The two applications for the ISD is generally requested for is the CV and the LST.

But a 500m long Escort Carrier could handle the same fighter load. And of course, the 700m long Acclamator carries more troops and can even land them direct on the planet. That means the proportion given over to the CV and LST roles are not making the ship even close to comparable to a dedicated ship of the same size (within one order of size magnitude). Or how about the Evakmar-KDY Corps Transport Ships (admittedly of unknown size). Which makes it hard to support the idea of it being a genuine hybrid. As I said, it might be a DDH. It is definitely no DD/CV/LST.

There is a difference between "A hybrid ship is a compromise between its mission requirements" and "a hybrid ship has less than 10% of the ability of a dedicated ship that's 1/10th the size!"

Using the alternate measure of its adequacy to handle truly large roles, well, even you admit that in a large invasion, one won't be up to the job. Even six together is very marginal when you consider that the armored complement on the ships are extremely weak even by Line Battlegroup standards (they have 511 vehicles with 53 tanks).

It did say a Corps could handle "most" planetary invasions (but even that era of relative peace is ending), but in the Imperial Army, Corps can vary greatly in size (as can all units). A fully augmented Corps has IIRC about three million men (a set of calcs are available at the ASVS FanFic archives' Essay section). IMO, I suspect they augment rather than send a unit higher up on the official hierarchy. This allows them the Army commander to gather more troops to a needed unit without waking up people higher on his chain or overtly canceling his other commitments (which wouldn't look good for him, and this is the IMperial Navy.

If you want to say the minute CV/LST abilities onboard (minute on a galactic scale) gives it a useful Band-Aid (more formally called Immediate Reaction Light Forces) ability in low-threat regions, I would agree with you. It also makes that particular class of destroyer particularly useful for Sectorial work, which is low threat but have more variety than Main Fleet work. If you want to say that that makes it a hybrid, it at most qualifies for a DDH (a destroyer with more helicopters than the norm). If you want to say that makes it a battleship (or battleship-hybrid), I suggest you rewatch how fast that black market Hoth arty piece knocked one of your "battleships" out.
Oh, Patrick, since you have the Star Wars Sourcebook, could you do me a favor and PM me what it said for Sensors (you know, the Electo-Photo Receptors and all that)? I remember reading about it a long time ago, but forgot what it said.

Also, I'd point most of the stuff there are part of the garrison Major General's Corps structure rather than the ISD's group per se. Some of the guys are even out of the military technically. Consider:
Major Generals Are Everywhere

There are far more corps HQs than there are corps. This represents an abundance of more than pleasant jobs for less than brilliant offers - the corps HQ is the basis for the Imperial garrison. The Empire wants garrisons to be organizing points for rapid mobilization. Realizing that in a crisis units may have to be sent from many parts of sector, the Army wanted HQs in place which could take command of all the parts.

As Imperial doctrine currently holds that a corps is a sufficient force to retake any planet, corps HQs are set up as the basis of Imperial garrisons. As the garrisons also have diplomatic, trade and medical functions, additional tech, medical, science and diplomatic service personnel are assigned. These are nominally outside of the major generals' command, but reality often puts the general in charge.

The typical military contingent is at the battalion level, most often four battalions mixed in a way which is optimum for the world on which the base is situated rather than following the OB and construction a regiment. A battalion of stormtroopers, one of AT-STs, and two battalions of AT-ATs is a popular configuration. In addition, the ground support wing of the auxiliary battlegroup is almost always present. TIE fighters are a rare enough resource that any wise commander will take all he is entitled to as soon as he can get them.
A ground support wing has 40 pilots, 25 sensor techs, 25 controllers, and 60 ground crew personnel for a total of 110 men.
The TIEs are not from the Star Destroyer, but the ground support wing. Which makes perfect sense. There are only 72 TIEs on the SD. Using 40 of them for one garrison means it'd be rather low on them to say the least. In fact, I don't think a Star Destroyer can provide much more than the stormies and walkers (with people), and of course the Base.

Just pointing that out.
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Post by Deathstalker »

SirNitram wrote:Well, that evidence firmly screws my 'ISD is the Band-Aid ship: Can fix a booboo anywhere in the Empire until the medics arrive' theory.
I actually think the ISD fits the role perfectly. It can engage and defeat most any ship smaller than it, good for dealing with pesky pirates and smugglers. It can land a small Marine force, good for evacing embassies, diplomats etc or kicking the shit out of a Rebel outpost. It carries fighters for recon and interdiction of small craft and ground support. It can stay out for years on patrol. If it finds something it can't handle, it calls for help and the dedicated suppport ships and the big battlewagons come in.
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Post by Coyote »

Kazuaki Shimazaki wrote:I'd answer you on this, but I've already made a big mistake stepping in anywhere within 5 kilometers of a SirNitram vs IP fight and don't intend to step further in this thread by opening yet another debatable tangent if at all possible.
Yeah, I noticed that there is a conflict here that apparantly goes a lot deeper than I'd originally thought possible. Since it appears in a roundabout way that you and I are not so much in disagreement as had originally been thought, I'm also starting to edge slowly towards the door, making no sudden moves.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

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Post by PainRack »

Kazuaki Shimazaki wrote: Good, that's roughly what I thought it was. The problem is that IP figures that on the SW scale, those extra multirole abilities are insignificant.
And it doesn't matter what IP figures them out to be. By denying that the ISD does not have any BB characteristics at all by simply waving his hand, he's commiting a gross fallacy. Not to mention that its deliberately twisting what we said to fit into a mentality that is not our own.

I'm not sure what ILM "intended" it to be. I do know that hybrid or not, it can only be one level - the destroyer level or the battleship level. If they intended to try and convince us it is a battleship-level thing, the last thing they should do is introduce a flagship 11 times longer and have one of their supposed battleships disabled in one shot by some black-market piece.
AGAIN, we did not say that the ISD is a BB. We said that the ISD has a characteristic that RESEMBLES BB, and used this to comment on its MULTIROLE ability. Which is all explictly true, and the only level of argument left is to nitpick on how "multirole" is "multirole", which is a level of absurdity I would rather refrain from.
Does Suspension of Disbelief mean anything to you? Is ILM in-universe? Is ILM an authority on naval matters, or are they employing a very superficial examination?

Are you going to bother to post quotes and the source its from for that claim or is it going to stand on your good name?
IP. What about reading MY PREVIOUS POST. The one that you left out? its cluttered in here, yes. But I'm fucking sick and tired of you deliberately attacking a position that I'm not advocating and creating a strawman that you can pummel it.

Again.I restate what I said before. The ISD has certain characteristics that resemble a BB. This is found in its shore bombardment abilities, its engagement of system defences as well as selected incidents of capital ship operations. THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT IT IS A BB. THIS IS TO COMMENT ON ITS UBIQITOUS NATURE, which is why I initially said resembles a battleship,cruiser,destroyer and since there's re some incidents of convoy escort, a frigate too! Maybe we should just call it the ubernator.

Anyone who read that above post and believes that I said the ISD is a battleship needs to go back to grade 1 reading school.
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Post by Kazuaki Shimazaki »

Maybe Painrack, since I really can't see anything substantive here Coyote hadn't said already, I suggest you read my reply to Coyote and the addendum to SirNitram near the top of the page. I'd come back if you still have questions.

By the way, note in your quotation, I took special care to say BB-level. I did not say BB. This is intentional.
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

PainRack wrote:And it doesn't matter what IP figures them out to be. By denying that the ISD does not have any BB characteristics at all by simply waving his hand, he's commiting a gross fallacy. Not to mention that its deliberately twisting what we said to fit into a mentality that is not our own.
No, you're an idiot. None of the characteristics you describe are significant in that they are shared by battleships. It's like saying "OMG, battleships and later destroyers both got armor and guns and engines!" Kaz already covered why all your examples are generic and meaningless. Unless the DD is covering characteristics which define or are peculiar to a battleship, who fucking cares?

Which characteristic is it? It engages its opposite numbers with guns; it bombards surfaces? Destroyers do that. Cruisers do that. Battlecruisers did that.

It leads fleets? Ender and many others covered several times that DDs, Cs, and other ships can fly the flag if necessary. Sea Skimmer has even covered that its not preferable for a BB to.
PainRack wrote:AGAIN, we did not say that the ISD is a BB. We said that the ISD has a characteristic that RESEMBLES BB, and used this to comment on its MULTIROLE ability. Which is all explictly true, and the only level of argument left is to nitpick on how "multirole" is "multirole", which is a level of absurdity I would rather refrain from.
No it isn't, because the whole point of the thread is whether the ISD is way too multi-role encompassing that it cannot reasonably apply at all to any conventional classification. Kaz and I have been pointing out that most of the characteristics described are generic or rather minor, and hardly establish this argument.
PainRack wrote:IP. What about reading MY PREVIOUS POST. The one that you left out? its cluttered in here, yes. But I'm fucking sick and tired of you deliberately attacking a position that I'm not advocating and creating a strawman that you can pummel it.
I haven't seen a quote from ILM? And you're missing the point: in SoD analysis, ILM's POV is totally meaningless.
PainRack wrote:Again.I restate what I said before. The ISD has certain characteristics that resemble a BB. This is found in its shore bombardment abilities,
Everything above convoy escorts does this, so who gives a shit.
PainRack wrote:its engagement of system defences
Attacking what - Golan platforms? Are Assault Frigates also displaying battleship characteristics? All warships can engage shore defenses. BBs do it much better, and DDs and Cs get waxed - like at Hoth.
PainRack wrote:as well as selected incidents of capital ship operations.
Semantical bullshit. The definition of the BB's role as engaging and destroying capital ships is dependent on what a capital ship is defined as. In our universe the largest heavy cruisers, battlecruisers, and battleships are capital ships (and supercarriers). In SW capital ships are anything bigger than 100 meters. So unless you can demonstrate the by Earth standards the ISD engages capital ships, you're shit out of luck.

And besides, not just battleships engage capital ships.
No shit. Kaz and I have been stating your criteria for this is mundane and fucking stupid because its generic and applies to many warships. Who gives a shit if Ship A shares characteristics with a battleship if it also shares the same one with a bunch of other classes?
PainRack wrote:which is why I initially said resembles a battleship,cruiser,destroyer and since there's re some incidents of convoy escort, a frigate too! Maybe we should just call it the ubernator.
No, its called taking a versatile design and using it for other roles in a pinch; hardly means that's what it was built for or what it was intended for. I'm sure some RL vessels look curiously factotum in nature when you try to make the role catagories as rigid and immobile as you did here.

And besides, most of your examples are mundane, generic, and ultimately meaningless, as Kaz and I have been saying. But please, keep emoting.
PainRack wrote:Anyone who read that above post and believes that I said the ISD is a battleship needs to go back to grade 1 reading school.
That's not our point. The shared characteristics with a battleship and other roles are so insignificant or generic all things considered that its practically meaningless and mundane to state them.
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Post by PainRack »

Illuminatus Primus wrote: No, you're an idiot. None of the characteristics you describe are significant in that they are shared by battleships. It's like saying "OMG, battleships and later destroyers both got armor and guns and engines!" Kaz already covered why all your examples are generic and meaningless. Unless the DD is covering characteristics which define or are peculiar to a battleship, who fucking cares?
Really? Show me where he proved that the destruction of coastal forts is NOT a BB mission. You did see the point that Kaz talks about generic shore bombardment, but you obviously left out that this was Coyote. Mine was the engagement of system defences, which are equivalent to coastal battleships engaging and destroying naval fortresses.

No it isn't, because the whole point of the thread is whether the ISD is way too multi-role encompassing that it cannot reasonably apply at all to any conventional classification. Kaz and I have been pointing out that most of the characteristics described are generic or rather minor, and hardly establish this argument.
Really? And who made this.... point? Did Nitram make it? Did Coyote? Did I?

Attacking what - Golan platforms? Are Assault Frigates also displaying battleship characteristics? All warships can engage shore defenses. BBs do it much better, and DDs and Cs get waxed - like at Hoth.
And so do Dreadnaughts engaging coastal fortresses. This is a nitpick. Again, you argued that the ISD displayed NO BB characteristics at all. This is blatently wrong, UNLESS you choose to warp it into "how multirole is multirole", an argument that I'm not making.

Semantical bullshit. The definition of the BB's role as engaging and destroying capital ships is dependent on what a capital ship is defined as. In our universe the largest heavy cruisers, battlecruisers, and battleships are capital ships (and supercarriers). In SW capital ships are anything bigger than 100 meters. So unless you can demonstrate the by Earth standards the ISD engages capital ships, you're shit out of luck.
Easy. ISDs engage Yuzhan Vong matalok cruisers.

No shit. Kaz and I have been stating your criteria for this is mundane and fucking stupid because its generic and applies to many warships. Who gives a shit if Ship A shares characteristics with a battleship if it also shares the same one with a bunch of other classes?
And no shit. If you read my post, I not contesting this. I'm contesting your argument that the ISD does not have any BB characteristics at ALL, not whether the ISD is a BB and not whether this characteristic is restricted to the ISD.
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Kazuaki Shimazaki
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Post by Kazuaki Shimazaki »

PainRack wrote:Really? Show me where he proved that the destruction of coastal forts is NOT a BB mission. You did see the point that Kaz talks about generic shore bombardment, but you obviously left out that this was Coyote. Mine was the engagement of system defences, which are equivalent to coastal battleships engaging and destroying naval fortresses.
Now tell me ... where's that rule that says a cruiser or even destroyer cannot attack coastal defences, especially in a scenario where no battleships were available for the task?

You still do remember what happens to ISDs in the face of even semi-powerful defences, do you? What you can use to carry out engaging system defences with depends on the threat profile.
Painrack wrote:Easy. ISDs engage Yuzhan Vong matalok cruisers.
The Matalok, as far as 5 minutes of research on the Internet can tell, is a 1250m ship, so its true size class is of destroyer among the Imperials, cruisers among the NR. Now tell me, what's so battleship about a destroyer fighting a destroyer?
And no shit. If you read my post, I not contesting this. I'm contesting your argument that the ISD does not have any BB characteristics at ALL, not whether the ISD is a BB and not whether this characteristic is restricted to the ISD.
I must say, What a pathetic nitpick.
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Post by Coyote »

Alright, lets turn it on its head... since a Battleship can do a Destroyers work, and a destroyer can do a Battleships work, then there are no distinctions between ship[s at all except for highly specialized vessels such as submarines, carriers and amphibs. A Cruiser is a Frigate is a Battleship is a Destroyer all.

So why the fuck bother to make classifications? They're all Battlerships. A team of Navy SEALS in a Zodiac with the SMGs is a Battleship since it would engage enemy patrol boats. There's just Big Battleships, Medium Sized Battleships and Small Battleships.

Since I'm going on the assumption that this is clearly rediculous to everyone here, we have to ask why there are ship classes when they all, apparantly, do the exact same thing. The only things they do not have in common is their size and the amount, and size of, the guns they can bring to bear.

Now in SW there are different sized turbolasers, so it is safe to assume that bigger ship = bigger turbolasers which would in turn mean more destructive power.

So we have to look at the mission intent for each platform-- call a ISD when you need the presumably bigger guns an ISD can bring to bear.

Give a Navy commander a choice-- soften up the beaches of Normandy with a Battleship or a Destroyer, and which one do you think he'll choose? The BB, since it hasd more destructive power. Since it is safe to assume that the ISD guns follow thge same progression-- or even if all turbolasers are created eaqual, the ISD will have more of them-- then the ISD packs more raw firepower in its hull than a Nebulon series, or Strike, or whatever.

Size and firepower must be the determining point between Earth Battleships and other ships, since even though the stated mission of the Battleship is just shore bombardment these days, obvious that is not enough to make it special.

Since there is nothing intrinsically special about a Battleship to seperate it from all other ships, then all ships are Destroyers. Or Battleships. Or whatever suits the fancy of the person naming them.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

PainRack wrote:[Really? Show me where he proved that the destruction of coastal forts is NOT a BB mission. You did see the point that Kaz talks about generic shore bombardment, but you obviously left out that this was Coyote. Mine was the engagement of system defences, which are equivalent to coastal battleships engaging and destroying naval fortresses.
Bzzt. And I say again - clearly destroyers and cruisers can do this, but we have absolute canon evidence they do not do it well. And Golan platforms are really more like customs stations or such. Real planetary static defense is surface guns, and ISDs can't take the heat.
PainRack wrote:Really? And who made this.... point? Did Nitram make it? Did Coyote? Did I?
Check the origin of the thread. I've been acting on the assumption that my opponents weren't just sticking a thumb up their ass and crooning some random song.
PainRack wrote:And so do Dreadnaughts engaging coastal fortresses. This is a nitpick. Again, you argued that the ISD displayed NO BB characteristics at all. This is blatently wrong, UNLESS you choose to warp it into "how multirole is multirole", an argument that I'm not making.
Because destroyers and cruisers CAN ALSO ENGAGE THEM. ARE YOU HONESTLY CLAIMING THERE WERE SHORE BATTERIES PHYSICALLY UNASSAILABLE BY DESTROYERS? This is OBVIOUSLY NOT a peculiar characteristic to battleships. And we have canon evidence of ISDs getting whacked by static shore defenses. BBs are designed to go up and stand a fucking chance.
PainRack wrote:Easy. ISDs engage Yuzhan Vong matalok cruisers.
Nice. Use a ship that appeared after the ship was designed to determine what the ISD was designed to tackle by role. And worse yet, the YV's actual capital ships are their 2500 meter battleships and grand cruisers and militarized worldships.
PainRack wrote:And no shit. If you read my post, I not contesting this. I'm contesting your argument that the ISD does not have any BB characteristics at ALL, not whether the ISD is a BB and not whether this characteristic is restricted to the ISD.
You are stating the ISDs ad hoc ability to point its guns at static shit and shoot them is a peculiarly BB characteristic as if RL DDs and Cs could not do the same thing. If you're arguing that it is a BB characteristic, I say its a generic characteristic because DDs and Cs also do it, and thus its irrelevent. And furthermore its pointed out to you many a time that when real shore defenses are tackled, like the Hoth black market ion cannon, the ISD gets pasted.
"You know what the problem with Hollywood is. They make shit. Unbelievable. Unremarkable. Shit." - Gabriel Shear, Swordfish

"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi in reply to an incredibly stupid post.

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Post by Kazuaki Shimazaki »

Coyote wrote:Alright, lets turn it on its head... since a Battleship can do a Destroyers work, and a destroyer can do a Battleships work, then there are no distinctions between ship[s at all except for highly specialized vessels such as submarines, carriers and amphibs. A Cruiser is a Frigate is a Battleship is a Destroyer all.
While we don't have many battleships left, you did notice that the distinction between cruisers and destroyers especially are becoming increasingly blurred in our modern world, did you?

In fact, Battleships, Cruisers and Destroyers can be all lumped into a group known as Surface Combatants.

Just as CVs, CVLs, and CVEs can all be lumped into a group one might call Aviation Vessels. Which is why they don't mix.
Give a Navy commander a choice-- soften up the beaches of Normandy with a Battleship or a Destroyer, and which one do you think he'll choose?
Of course he'd choose the Battleship. Do you see Thrawn having some Battleships under his command he can pick from? In fact, the Emperor quietly deprived him of any BBs (apparently, he put them around Byss for his imminent takeover), crimping his campaign all around.
The BB, since it hasd more destructive power. Since it is safe to assume that the ISD guns follow thge same progression-- or even if all turbolasers are created eaqual, the ISD will have more of them-- then the ISD packs more raw firepower in its hull than a Nebulon series, or Strike, or whatever.

Precisely. And those biggies would have even more. And there are many classes of biggies. Ergo... (let you think about this).
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Post by PainRack »

Illuminatus Primus wrote: Bzzt. And I say again - clearly destroyers and cruisers can do this, but we have absolute canon evidence they do not do it well. And Golan platforms are really more like customs stations or such. Real planetary static defense is surface guns, and ISDs can't take the heat.
Really? Golan platforms are nothing more than customs stations? From where did you derivive this? We know that Golan platforms are considered to be system defences and carry the firepower of a Star Destroyer from EGWVT.
Because destroyers and cruisers CAN ALSO ENGAGE THEM. ARE YOU HONESTLY CLAIMING THERE WERE SHORE BATTERIES PHYSICALLY UNASSAILABLE BY DESTROYERS? This is OBVIOUSLY NOT a peculiar characteristic to battleships. And we have canon evidence of ISDs getting whacked by static shore defenses. BBs are designed to go up and stand a fucking chance.
And BBs were also fucked up by coastal shore batteries before, especially when facing guns of extremely powerful calibre, and cruisers are not meant to engage fortifications.

Nice. Use a ship that appeared after the ship was designed to determine what the ISD was designed to tackle by role. And worse yet, the YV's actual capital ships are their 2500 meter battleships and grand cruisers and militarized worldships.
And? Since when were "capital ships" in earth terms= battleships only? I'm so glad to notice that the cruisers and even destroyers that many consider to be anti capital ship operations are left out by your definition, in which only battleships and carriers are left.

You are stating the ISDs ad hoc ability to point its guns at static shit and shoot them is a peculiarly BB characteristic as if RL DDs and Cs could not do the same thing. If you're arguing that it is a BB characteristic, I say its a generic characteristic because DDs and Cs also do it, and thus its irrelevent. And furthermore its pointed out to you many a time that when real shore defenses are tackled, like the Hoth black market ion cannon, the ISD gets pasted.
Designed to engage and hold them off, destroy them is a peculiar BB characteristic. The French for example lacked sufficient range for their BB and coastal attack craft to destroy German fortifications in the France-Prusso war.

And by the time WW1 popped out, the layer of fortifications inland meant that any British foray into the area was sucidal, even without the presence of the German High Sea Fleet.
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

PainRack wrote:Really? Golan platforms are nothing more than customs stations? From where did you derivive this? We know that Golan platforms are considered to be system defences and carry the firepower of a Star Destroyer from EGWVT.
Golan platforms of any of the three Marks are ipso facto not systems defenses; the effective range of line-of-sight weaponry and their static orbits precludes them from being able to defend at the system level.
PainRack wrote:And BBs were also fucked up by coastal shore batteries before, especially when facing guns of extremely powerful calibre, and cruisers are not meant to engage fortifications.
Point being? BBs will by nature fair better than DDs or Cs against shore batteries.
PainRack wrote:And? Since when were "capital ships" in earth terms= battleships only? I'm so glad to notice that the cruisers and even destroyers that many consider to be anti capital ship operations are left out by your definition, in which only battleships and carriers are left.
Because traditionally only BBs, CCs, and CVs were capital ships. And besides, if destroyers and cruisers can be anti-capital ship it destroys your point as significant relating BBs to ISDs by virtue of "anti-capital ship" role.
PainRack wrote:Designed to engage and hold them off, destroy them is a peculiar BB characteristic. The French for example lacked sufficient range for their BB and coastal attack craft to destroy German fortifications in the France-Prusso war.
I sincerely doubt that SW models 1870s ship-to-ship warfare very well. And what does this tell us? You still haven't shown how the ability to engage shore defenses are a BB peculiar characteristic. And besides, the Golan platforms are the equivalent of ISDs in firepower. By my counts, that makes them something like a 5'' or 6'' shore battery, while the Hoth ion cannon is a sheltered 8'' or even a 11'' or 12'' gun.
PainRack wrote:And by the time WW1 popped out, the layer of fortifications inland meant that any British foray into the area was sucidal, even without the presence of the German High Sea Fleet.
This is obviously not the case in SW. Executor remained close to Hoth even after Tyrant got wasted by the ion cannon. And frigates engage Golans in SW. I fail to see a coherent, consistent point about how ISDs hold peculiarly or exclusively BB roles.
"You know what the problem with Hollywood is. They make shit. Unbelievable. Unremarkable. Shit." - Gabriel Shear, Swordfish

"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi in reply to an incredibly stupid post.

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Post by Mr Bean »

Posts split from Desco and responses to someone who seems not to understand what the purpose of this board acutal is

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Post by Howedar »

Coyote wrote:Since there is nothing intrinsically special about a Battleship to seperate it from all other ships, then all ships are Destroyers. Or Battleships. Or whatever suits the fancy of the person naming them.
With the provision that they're BB(L), BB(H), or whatever, yeah.
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

A battleship is the ship which forms the line of battle in a Navy with the heaviest protection and the most powerful guns. The very definition of a battleship precludes a class which is comparatively grandiose. This is why a destroyer and a battleship are mutually exclusive by definition.
"You know what the problem with Hollywood is. They make shit. Unbelievable. Unremarkable. Shit." - Gabriel Shear, Swordfish

"This statement, in its utterly clueless hubristic stupidity, cannot be improved upon. I merely quote it in admiration of its perfection." - Garibaldi in reply to an incredibly stupid post.

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Post by DavidVCSAndersen »

Imperial Overlord wrote:It does carry all those AT-ATs and shuttles. But the real killer in terms of space is probably those 12 landing barges. Anything capable of carrying an AT-AT to the surface has got to be huge.
I assume it is the AT-Barge the ISD carries:
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Post by Ghost Rider »

While providing an interesting tidbit....could have PMed it, then ressurecting an entire thread.

Locking because it is necromancy.

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