18-Till-I-Die wrote:
4--Tying into point 2, the Starforge Builders did die out because of a war with someone. I think the possibility may be they died against the Centerpoint Builders. In fact, it's possibel Starforge was an attempt to offset the technological superiority of the Centerpoint Builders' weaponry, which could nova stars and be used to build starsystems, a la Corellia, and black hole clusters.
What does all this mean...technically nothing really...but heres my best guess about it:
Whatever Yoda's race is, they were the Centerpoint Builders, some multi-million year old race who fought the Starforge Builders and destroyed them. They probably brought Humans from where ever they came from, millions of years ago, and built Corellia to 'house' them...possibly because they foresaw the need for powerful human Force users. Three of the most powerful Force users were humans--Luke, Palpy and Anakin/Vader--they might have created SW Human civilization as a selective breeding program to create powerful Force users, leading the Jedi. the plan derailed with the unexpected birth of the Sith, which they tried to stop (KOTOR). But while they suceeded in destroying the superficial Sith Empire, the heart and soul of the Sith survived, the Master and Apprentice, and went on to crush the Republic. By this time the Yodarace was too weak and low in numbers to do anything but watch. Eventually leading to Luke and Anakin/Vader defeating the Empire, etc, etc...the rest is history.
Of course...this is just some conspiracy theory of mine, using flimsy ties between the known fact. Sounds cool though, eh?
Anyone else have any theories? Or info to burst my bubble?
1) The Rakata died out because the Star Forge's influence exacerbated their internal tensions and caused a civil war, along with stripping away their inherent Fore-sensitivity. Aside from revolts by their slave races, there is no indication of any outside threat to them whatsoever.
2) (Minor nitpick) The Sith of KotOR were in no way the first to turn against the Jedi order; the Sith Empire of Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow et al was around a thousand years before, and it had to come from somewhere.
3) If we accept your argument that, since Yoda's race lives a very long time, it may have only been a few generations from KotOR to the SW-'now' for them... it would
also have been less than fifty or sixty of their generations from the time of the Rakata to KotOR. This would be equivalent to a little over a thousand years for us. Given that we have quite detailed historical records of things that happened much longe rago, I find it hard to believe that the 'Yoda-race' would have simply forgotten about such an enormous piece of history, especially if they're busy trying to turn humanity into a race of uber-powerful Force-wielders.
"The bird let out a slow chicken cackle. It sounded like a chicken, but in her heart she knew it wasn't. In that instant, she completely understood the concept of a chicken that was not a chicken. This looked like a chicken, like most of the Mud People's chickens. But this was no chicken.
"This was evil manifest."
- Terry "Not a fantasy author, honest" Goodkind, bringing unintentional comedy to a bookshop near you since 1994.