Did Vader know Leia was his daughter?

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Did Vader know Leia was his daughter?

Post by Sidewinder »

In 'A New Hope', Vader reports that his interrogation of Leia was unsuccessful because her will was strong. However, Vader is strong in the Force; he should be able to overpower Leia and learn the Death Star blueprints' location. What if he was lying to Tarkin?

I think Leia called to her mother when she was being tortured. Vader reads Leia's mind, is shocked to learn that Padme is her mother, and ends the interrogation to avoid hurting Leia. He comes up with the plan to release Leia and follow her rescuers to the rebel base, in order to save her.

What do you think?
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Post by Grandmaster Jogurt »

Sounds... far-fetched, to say the least.

Especially considering the fact that he seemed pleasantly surprised to learn that Luke had a sister in the Emperor's throne room.
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Post by Straha »

She never knew Padme was her mother... furthr more if he had suspicions of the sort he would have acted on them, IMMEADIETLY, as he did with Luke, yet he didn't. Why? Because he didn't have a clue she was his daughter till after he died.
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Post by Vympel »

That's completely ridiculous, sorry.
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Post by Solauren »

In the real-history, Vader never suspected Padme's children survived. He probably assumed that Palpatine, his new happy master, would have told him.

As a parellel, if he realised Leia was his daughter, well, screw releasing her, teach her the Force, pump her full of Sith poison, and kick the Emperor's ass.
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Post by Admiral_K »

Some people bitch that Vader didn't know about Leia, or that he did not realize Padme was having twins. However, the Force is not omniscience. Some times force users are hit with burts of "inspiritation", but for many things they have to directly meditate on them.
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Post by Noble Ire »

As a side note, Vader never knew Padme was carrying twins until the end of RotJ. As is obvious when he looks into Luke's mind, he is quite suprised to find out she existed at all.
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Post by Sidewinder »

Grandmaster Jogurt wrote:Sounds... far-fetched, to say the least.

Especially considering the fact that he seemed pleasantly surprised to learn that Luke had a sister in the Emperor's throne room.
He may have feigned surprise in order to keep the Emperor from knowing what he was up to.

After all, Force users can communicate telepathically. I doubt the Emperor couldn't overheard Vader saying, "Ah, a sister," without using the Force-- which is possible, and the Emperor may have feigned ignorance of Vader's plan so his apprentice would underestimate him, and he'd have the advantage of surprise when he bitchslaps Vader.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

I'm pretty sure Palpatine did know that Vader was planning to overthrow him. There's a Mara Jade quote somewhere that at the very least hints at it, but I don't have the relevant material on hand.
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Post by SAMAS »

When Vader mentions her in RotJ, he sounds suprised, like he was reading Luke's thoughts, then came across Leia, and had to hide a: "Holy crap, she had twins? I have a daughter!" inside of him.
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Post by Cykeisme »

Sidewinder wrote:
Grandmaster Jogurt wrote:Sounds... far-fetched, to say the least.

Especially considering the fact that he seemed pleasantly surprised to learn that Luke had a sister in the Emperor's throne room.
He may have feigned surprise in order to keep the Emperor from knowing what he was up to.

After all, Force users can communicate telepathically. I doubt the Emperor couldn't overheard Vader saying, "Ah, a sister," without using the Force-- which is possible, and the Emperor may have feigned ignorance of Vader's plan so his apprentice would underestimate him, and he'd have the advantage of surprise when he bitchslaps Vader.
That's even more far-fetched.

I'm sure Palpatine suspected Vader was planning to overthrow him someday. They're Sith.
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Post by Skylon »

Weren't the details of Leia's interrogation covered in some kinda radio-drama type thing back in the late 70's? From what I heard Leia was drugged and Vader played Force games, so that she'd think Vader was Bail Organa.
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Post by Trytostaydead »

Pretty far far fetched for the reasons already stated above. And remember Vader's reaction on the Deathstar II. He found out about Leia being his daughter because of Luke's strong feelings that he was emitting all over the place.
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