Illuminatus Primus wrote:That's the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. You're expecting me to believe the most stable state of political equilibrium is the 25-year Empire over the 25,000-year Republic? And you're basing this on what? The death thros thirteen years before the Empire?
And the Empire, and what happened after it. I'm not saying it is particularly stable, but at least it had cohesion.
Even in its better days, "service" in the Old Republic can be
slow. It took
three centuries for the Jedi Knights (and by extension the OR) To
get around to saving those enslaved Lorrdians. Yes, I know they had some other things on their mind, but
three fucking centuries? This government works? That's why sometimes I wonder whether the Old Republic works by governing "less" (and I'm not talking "less" as in not being Imperialistically oppressive).
CSB Ch13 The Kanz Disorder wrote:The Kanz Disorders were a dark period for the Kanz Sector, at the time an isolated region of space on the frontier of the Republic. Nearly four millennia ago, provisional governor Myrial, of Argazda, turned away from her duties to create a base of power for herself. She and her people revolted against Republic rule. They tried to establish a dictatorial regime and enslave the rest of the sector.
At the time, the Republic was preoccupied with many other conflicts. Border wars with expansionist species occurred with depressing frequency. Meanwhile, the Senate was paralyzed with outmoded policies and methods.
Over years of careful plotting, Myrial and her servants purged the sector's fleet of disloyal souls and built a network of spies. They waited until the time was ripe. They assassinated all who opposed them and declared themselves independent.
Instead of a clean severing of Republic ties, the revolution became a frenzy of destruction. Lorrd was just one world caught in the conflict. Myrial ordered the world bombed from orbit and its inhabitants sold into slavery. The Lorrdians collaborated with other revolutionary elements and Myrial decreed that any Lorrdian who spoke or communicated with another would be put to death. The Lorrdians were forced to change their culture just to survive.
The Republic, overtasked with problems of its own, did nothing. Myrial's empire lasted for three centuries, until the Jedi Knights were finally able to bring about order and free the Lorrdians and others persecuted under Myrial. However, in the years of conflict over 500 million Lorrdians and five billion other beings died.
For their part, the Lorrdians have vowed never to let the galaxy forget that dark period. They are outspoken critics and activists (and sometimes much more) against the practice of slavery.
Does the term poorly representative sample mean anything to you?
Poorly represented? The bulk of SW material describes the period from a bit before TPM to the end of NJO. The other 25000 years or so have gaps of decades or even centuries (or occasionally
millenia) between records. The history is filled with "somehows".
The high resolution sample suggests that galaxy is almost naturally repulsive. It is rather amazing with such a galaxy, it could stay glued together at all!
The only thing I could guess at so far is the galaxy had a "critical size" beyond which the multiplexity of interests cannot allow it to remain as a semi-cohesive form without coercion. At some point, the OR waltzed past the point.