I was once Pure Sabacc, but that name means nothing to me now.Edit: What Noble Ire said. (Hey, weren't you called Gustavsomething?)

Moderator: Vympel
I was once Pure Sabacc, but that name means nothing to me now.Edit: What Noble Ire said. (Hey, weren't you called Gustavsomething?)
Actually, most articles with little or no valid sources get deleted and fanon is outright banned. If anything, contributors simply write about things that are seen, but not chronicled and make sure to note if a particular piece of info is speculation or not.I believe he is refering to the fact that anyone can make a wikipedia entry, and anyone can alter said entries. Thus, the actual info in each article is highly suspect.
How could you possibly tell?Did you feel your hair ruffle just then?
And I state my counterclaim above.That was my point, zooming overhead. Wikipedia entries, as I understand it, are written by average people with absolutely no connection whatsoever to Lucasarts. Average people presumably without perfect memories who can get things wrong, as shown above.
Technically, they are, since the Sith were originally an off-shoot of the Jedi.Unless you want to claim that all Sith are Dark Jedi.
Huh? I thought that was retconned, since we have zero evidence from the movies that any of those guys have any Force ability whatsoever.Battlehymn Republic wrote:
I'll need to dig out the article. Again, there needs to be a generic term for Force user. The Royal Guards are Force latent, as are the old Senate Guards.
I've never heard that guardsmen were force sensative either, but if they are, it wouldnt break the rule of two. They would by Dark Jedi (dark force users), at least of a sort. Similar to Assajj Ventriss' position.If they were Jedi serving under the helmets, why weren't they purged? If they were Sith, wouldn't that break the rule of two (and wouldn't they be sensed by the Jedi)? Why did Yoda pwn them like they were non-force sensitives?
Dark Jedi
The Lords of the Sith are not the only ones capable of calling upon the corrupting powers of the dark side of the Force, though they are by far the most dangerous Force-wielding foes of the Jedi. The blanket label "Dark Jedi" is often used to refer to non-Sith Force-users, though these Darksiders may never have been true Jedi, as can be seen by the countless "Dark Jedi" trained during the reign of the Empire, during which the Jedi Order was dead and gone.
During the Clone Wars, Sidious and Tyranus had a number of Dark Jedi serving the Separatist side. Among the most notable of Count Dooku's inner circle were Asajj Ventress, Sora Bulq, Artel Darc, Dustrose, Karoc, Vinoc, Sev'rance Tann, Nikkos Tyris, Saato, Tol Skorr, Kadrian Sey, Drevekka Hoctu, Trenox, and Quinlan Vos. Sidious, as Emperor, continued this trend after the formation of the Empire, with Dark Jedi such as the Inquisitorius, the Secret Order, the Emperor's Hands, the Dark Side Elite, the Emperor's Royal Guard, and various Dark Side Adepts. After the death of the Emperor, the Inquisitor Jerec and his cadre of six Dark Jedi made an attempt to seize the Valley of the Jedi, the place of imprisonment of all those who were destroyed by Kaan's thought bomb during the Battle of Ruusan; Jerec and his cohorts, however, were eliminated by Kyle Katarn. New Dark Jedi are constantly crawling out of the woodwork, some of them fallen students of Luke Skywalker, like Gantoris, Kyp Durron, Brakiss, Kueller, Tavion, and Desann.
Why?Pcm979 wrote:*Removes foot from mouth again*Mange the Swede wrote:Could you be thinking about Gustav32Vasa? But he isn't a troll.
This really isn't my day.
Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that he had been labelled and I shouldn't have said anything, but I remembered that he used to post rather frequently. I guess I've been out of the loop.Ghost Rider wrote:Why?Pcm979 wrote:*Removes foot from mouth again*Mange the Swede wrote:Could you be thinking about Gustav32Vasa? But he isn't a troll.
This really isn't my day.
The fucker was a troll, got labeled and has posted extraordinaly infrequent since then.
Just because some don't think so does not make a person who never backed up one's arguements, consistently said he did, and never gave any logical reason why, is any less of a troll
So...why did you think I was him?Pcm979 wrote:Oh, so he *was* a troll. Good, I'm not seeing things.
Using Infinites is bad leap of logic, and poor show of evidence. It in no way disputes what is shown and said in DE 1 & 2 about the Guard.Kurgan wrote:Yes, I know, in the EU there are thousands of Dark Jedi working for the Sideous Corporation after the Jedi Purge. The thing is, if these Imperial Guardsmen (and the Senate Guard) were Dark Jedi, don't you think somebody would notice, or their power would get demonstrated?
The only source I know of that says these guys have Force abilities are the Crimson Empire/2 comic books. ANH: Infinities says they have Darth Maul style saber staves (plural of saberstaff; yes, with red blades just like Maul), but then they are so weak that not only can Luke mow down a squad of them himself, Han Solo can hold his own against them... even stabbing one in the back, killing him.
Because getting asskicked by Yoda shows them to be weaker then one of the greatest Jedi mastersCE wanks these guys up there, but ROTS shows them to be chumps, hence the need for a retcon of somekind.
Perhaps not all royal guardsmen are force sensitive, but the Imperial Soverign Protectors described in the Dark Empire Sourcebook are. They are force sensitive, but only have limited training. They were the souce of the Emperor's Dark Jedi in DE & DE2.The only source I know of that says these guys have Force abilities are the Crimson Empire/2 comic books. ANH: Infinities says they have Darth Maul style saber staves (plural of saberstaff; yes, with red blades just like Maul), but then they are so weak that not only can Luke mow down a squad of them himself, Han Solo can hold his own against them... even stabbing one in the back, killing him.