So, I went back to see the movie yesterday (In english, rather than the disgusting Spanish dub). I tried to analyze the duels more closely, and here are my personal takes on them...
a) The Arrest Scene: Firstly, the three (3) Jedi that went in with Mace were not only caught off guard, but also had trouble reacting because they were so close to each other. Palpatine rushed the bunch of them in a tight space. It is worthy of note that the Green-Dreadlock Jedi actually manages to make a couple desperate blocks, but seems overwhelmed by Palpatine's advance, probably because he had no space to retreat (Maybe Mace was behind him).
Now, after the intial shock, Mace becomes more confident, although Palpatine performs some intimidating moves (like a "line" pose right into Mace's chest) proving he's no wimp. Did he trhow the fight? Doubtful. As it has been pointed out, Anakin had already chosen when he went to the office, so even if he arrived to a dead Windu, he would have gone into "What have I done" mode (for not killing Palpatine before, when he discovered he was a Sith, or for having sided with Palpatine).
My opinion? Well, to explain it, I must go into a side-subject first: Power Levels. I'm a little sick of this power level obsesion people has. This has been elaborated elswhere, but, basically, being a good fighter gives you an advantage, but does not make you invulnerable. Lucky shots, fumbles and the like will always happen, no matter how good you are. So enough with this "If A beats B, who in turn had beaten C, then A beats C".
I belive Windu beats Palpatine because he manages to disarm him. Simple as that. Palpatine does a bad move (Notice how many of duels in this movie, much like real life duels, end when a contendant does a bad move) and opens himself for a disarm.
I think he was truly scared at Windu when he recoiled back into the wall. I also belive that the Lightning attack was done because he felt things were slowing down, and he needed to turn up the heat so Anakin did something hasty. That, and his "I'm weak" discourse where clearly and act aimed at turning Anakin (By creating urgency, or else Mace would have talked Anakin into reason).
Also notice that Windu struggles to block Palpatine's lightning... Compared to how effortlessly ObiWan blocks Dooku's lightning, it says a lot about how powerful the lightning could be.
Oh and, on the power level thingie. Since Anakin places his saber in the path of Windu's wrist, then his power is greater than Windu's?
b) Disarms and Realism: A move I've noticed along the movie, and that was missing from the rest, are the "disarms", that is, when the blades lock, just slide your blade down towards your opponent's wrist, and chop it off. A very realistic move, worthy of applause (If you have enough hands left to applaud, that is
Also, Palpatine (during the office scene), seems to be the only fighter more intent on hitting his opponent's body than his opponent's lightsaber, wich is, of course, moderately more realistic
Although, we could rationalise that the Jedi are actually trying to lock the sabers to perform a disarm and as such capture rather than kill the opponent (This does nothing for Maul and Dooku, I'm afraid, although Dooku had still a lot of Jedi "honor" in him)
c) Yoda vs. Palpatine: Err, we do not see the whole fight (with all the cutting to Vader/Obi-Wan). I just have a question... How come Palpatine has jumped up and is throwing pods down at Yoda? Two ideas come to mind. Firstly, he might have lost his saber. And secondly (had he lost his saber or not), he wanted to put up as much space between him and Yoda as possible.
My conclussion: Yoda was wiping the floor with him. Notice how, when Yoda lands in Palpatine's pod, Palpatine does not whip out his saber to fight, but prefers to resort to Lightning.
And then, regarding who has greater mastery of the force... Palpatine's lightning catches Yoda off-balance and disarms him, but notice how Yoda manages to block the lightning by using the force, and, more importantly... The looks on their faces. Yoda makes a "I'm gonna mop up the floor with your ass" face, while Palpatine stops laughing, gets a "Oh shit!" face, and then a progresively more "He IS going to mop up the floor with my ass!" face. Pity Yoda did not get lucky and fell in the wrong direction.
Also notice the very same "Oh shit" face on Palpatine when Yoda returns the Pod.
My conclussion: Yoda was indeed better than Palpatine, even when faced with adverse conditions, and a worthy-of-mention bad luck.
Yoda also knew when to leave, unlike certain, overconfident, "I'm the bait of the world!" Emperor....
And don't give me no "Palpatine was playing weak before Yoda" crap. That was a fight to the death, with no room for pretense of any kind. Not that Palpatine needed to pretend, he was the Emperor already.
Hmmm, another humongous-post(tm)