Darkane wrote: I imagine that if he was rusty, he'd have been nigh-unstoppable beforehand... or he practiced with Dooku a lot.
I imagine that if you weren't so damn dumb you could actually make some kind of.Dakarne wrote:Yes, it would present an issue... I'd imagine that Palpatine had at least some form of keeping himself at top form, or possibly that Jedi/Sith can maintain skill through meditation.
Yeah, I mean cmon...Its not like Dooku was able to stand up to Skywalker and Kenobi in a straight fight, getting the best of Obi Wan and standing toe to toe with Skywalker until Palpatine's 'advice' gave Anakin assistance (RoTS Novelization.)Cybriss wrote:I Think Mace would mop the floor with Dooku. I mean cmon...he took out Palp.
And while there is a debate over who won the fight between Mace and Palpatine, whether or not Palpatine threw the fight, keep in mind that Mace never "took out" Palpatine, seeing as how it was Mace Windu that ended up a bloody splat on a Coruscant sidewalk.
Again as i've said before, I don't think Dooku would adapt to Mace's fighting style, but I'd sure love to see if anyone had anything else NEW to say rather than "Id Imagine...I mean cmon...."