That is interesting. I remember in the Black Fleet Crisis books (yes, I know what peoples opinions of them are), where a Yevathan thrustship takes off without warning, and sends people hurtling away from it, and damages nearby ships.
Even the very large ships in SW that have repulsorlifts don't generate that much dust and throw people around. Look at the landing scene of the Queen's starship in TPM. The ship did not generate much of a windstorm. It is entirely possible that larger craft have much larger and much more powerful repulsors, which would explain the quote from BFC quite easily, but the designs we have observed are too small to generate that kind of lift.
"Sometimes I think you WANT us to fail." "Shut up, just shut up!" -Two Guys from Kabul
Latinum Star Recipient; Hacker's Cross Award Winner
"one soler flar can vapririze the planit or malt the nickl in lass than millasacit" -Bagara1000
I guess it depends on how repulsorlifts work. Unless they're pushing directly against dust/sand grains, I don't think they have an exhaust like hovercraft do, so I wouldn't imagine the problem of blowing dust would be all that bad.
Anyone have a good explanation from an ICS or vehicle manual as to how repulsors work?
greenmm wrote:I guess it depends on how repulsorlifts work. Unless they're pushing directly against dust/sand grains, I don't think they have an exhaust like hovercraft do, so I wouldn't imagine the problem of blowing dust would be all that bad.
Anyone have a good explanation from an ICS or vehicle manual as to how repulsors work?
Technobabble. Lots and lots of technobabble.
The best we can do now is make observations about them. For example, certain kinds only provide a few meters of lift, some provide kilometers. And, they can be miniurized into something the size of a cantaloupe.
IG-88E wrote:Repulsorlifts aren't atmospheric drives. In fact, they work in vacuum.
Repulsorlifts are GRAVITY-based drives, they need a nearby mass with gravity (IE: a planet) to function.
The repulsors push against the planets gravity pull, allowing them to float.
The reason why the thrustship blasted those people away because it most likely wasn't using a repulsor, but an atmospheric drive or some such thing.
Captain Tycho! The worst fucker ever!
The Best reciever ever!
IG-88E wrote:Repulsorlifts aren't atmospheric drives. In fact, they work in vacuum.
Repulsorlifts are GRAVITY-based drives, they need a nearby mass with gravity (IE: a planet) to function.
The repulsors push against the planets gravity pull, allowing them to float.
The reason why the thrustship blasted those people away because it most likely wasn't using a repulsor, but an atmospheric drive or some such thing.
Could an "undampened" respulsor work against the gravity produced by the people and the4 ships?
IG-88E wrote:Repulsorlifts aren't atmospheric drives. In fact, they work in vacuum.
Repulsorlifts are GRAVITY-based drives, they need a nearby mass with gravity (IE: a planet) to function.
The repulsors push against the planets gravity pull, allowing them to float.
The reason why the thrustship blasted those people away because it most likely wasn't using a repulsor, but an atmospheric drive or some such thing.
The ship used pulse-lifters. They created huge amounts of noise and caused "Ripples of atmospheric distortion" which "rolled out of the scalloped depression in its hull."
Not only did it kill people but they also damaged several nearby ships.
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
— Field Marshal William Slim 1956