Spartan wrote:
And? The cost of the itelligence, army, stormtrooper corps would pale in comparision to the naval budget. The intelligence community shouldn't even be mentioned in the same breath as the military buget. There are governmental concerns, but most systems and sector are relatively self-sufficent. Only the most expensive of services need to be provided by the galactic government: defense, dissaster relief, etc. Which is exactly what real life national governments do, ie pool funds for projects to expensive for the regional and municipal governments. Have a look at the US federal buget sometime, or better yet look at the historical bugets from the vietnam and cold war periods for a slightly better comparission. Look at the big ticket items and note how the defense buget is a third of the federal budget. Next note how small the federal budget is to the actual gross national product of the US. Unless you have evidence that the GE spends huge amount of their GNP on entitlements, your going to have a difficult time justifying the small size of the EU imperial fleet due to fiscal problems alone. Politics is a far more likely solution, if we really want to be slaves to minimalistic numbers for the imperial fleet.
Why on earth would the Imperial Army and other defence budgets be insignificant? Training and manpower would had comprised a huge component of the budget, especially since we learn from Han Solo trilogy and other sources that Imperial training is run on multiple worlds, as opposed to just one planet. hell, for the stormtrooper corps on Carida, apparently, they have to go on livefire missions before they can graduate(ala Starships troopers).
The navy is not the sole recipient of the armed forces budgets. Imperial garrisons, subsidies of localised armed forces, transports, sensors facillities , intelligence budgets which include a vast array of unmarked freighters and specialised droids, all these add up.
There was plenty of funding, it was the Imperial senate that restrained Palpatine's ambitions. He had to hide the truth about the deathstar after all, and it cost the equivalent of a mere 20 sector groups. WEG's description of the imperial fleet doubling in size between ANH and TESB, despite the virtual non-existence of the rebel threat. The rebel alliance was never a concern in the first place, the open rebellion of entire Sectors of space however was. The Empire can only be over-militarised if they do not need the forces that they are fielding. Given the seperatist example or even the Mon cal example they clearly do need an overwhelming national presence. Remind me again what happened the last time the Galactic Government, short changed on military spending.
yet, WEG attests that the Executor and ISD projects consumed a significant portion of the Empire research allocation. Even accounting for miminalism, the Imperial navy and its rapid expansion in comparison to the Galactic Republic was atonishing. There would have been budgetary pressure to restrain the imperial fleet.
This explains why the navy decided to go for "big" ships, or even Death Stars as opposed to just spamming ISDs. Such a design philosophy also enjoyed more prestige and put more cash in the teeth department of the Imperial navy, as opposed to support.
You'll have to direct me to where I stated that star destroyer and star frigate escort commercial shipping. ISD's and the other destroyers were ofcourse designed for combat; but in peace time there mission profile is to patrol and provide general security to their assigned Sector of space.
You stated that the destroyers and frigates were meant to destroy pirates. Consider this, even the presence of a Koloth battlecruiser in the attack on Paelleon Chimaera was relatively ineffective. Furthermore, we have seen various anti-pirate missions executed before, most of them do not involve ISDs.
ISDs are held for general patrols and combat duties. Considering a need to combat piracy as well as growing illegal activities in the fringe, smaller vessels would had been expanded first. Once they had been built, the Admirality could had expanded the destroyer fleet. However, we know from the ISB that they chose to rapidly expand the big ships category first, ranging from the Executor to other unknown classes.
Reasons? They were more prestigous and obviously enjoyed more political support amongst the politicians and upper leadership of the admirality.
The argument of "mission" is already met by the tier of support vessels. The need to cow sectors and other planets would NOT have been met by the ISD, despite the orginal databank claims. It would have been met by super vessels.
Your realize ofcoure that all naval vessels are intended for military operations, including the tiny standard-scale vessels like carracks, and strike cruisers. ISD's do conduct partols, otherwise what would you call the the mission the ISD's at the beging of TESB were performing, as they conducted independent operations in searched of the rebels. They perfom the missions that you state also.
My apologies. My meaning was that destroyers would had been stuck to fleet duties primarily and would had been expanded according to the needs of the fleet. Duties like anti-pirate missions and against other criminal duties would had been met by smaller support vessels.
In real life virtually any naval vessels can conduct patrols or show the flag. What I'm saying is that the vast heavy naval vessels in the fleet exist to prevent the open rebellion of whole sectors of space. If the GE were stable, rather that a ready to self destruct at a moments notice mess that Palpatine constructed. They would not have needed any thing bigger that an ISD to maintain order. Heck, even the ISD design is overkill.
And? I thought your initial argument was to rebut Noble Ire statement that seven digit ISDs were probably not present, by claiming that the Imperial economy could achieve such figures.
My argument was that this was probably true, as the monies required to support such a large fleet would had been instead spent on creating the larger supervessels that the navy admired, as opposed to more numerous destroyers.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner