"Talifan!" The Special Edition

PSW: discuss Star Wars without "versus" arguments.

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Lord Poe
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Post by Lord Poe »

I'll let you know what kind of response I get from Youtube. In the meantime, let's browse that website!

Let's see, first we have "George W Bush - American Idiot" that's been on YouTube for a while.

Then we have "The Death of King George" a Lego animation film where George Bush gets blown up, is labelled a Nazi, has a sign in it that says "Fuck Bush", and ends with this disclaimer:

"Despite what immediate appearances may suggest, the characters in this film are most definitely NOT intended in any way, shape, or form, to represent myself, my girlfriend, the Secret Service or any member thereof, and most certainly NOT any particular evil, half-wit Texan leader of state whose middle initial is "W"...

And even if the case were otherwise, I would certainly not find the actual shooting or blowing up of anyone's head particularly funny...

Even though they probably deserve it."

Uh oh, here's a George Lucas "documentary":

"George Lucas must be stopped" made by the "United States of Noooooo"

And a Mad TV skit that labels Lucas a racist.

Oh, and here's a good one:

Die Lucas Die (movie trailer)

"3 guys attempt to assassinate George Lucas before he can release his next Star Wars trilogy."

But of course, "Talifan" is beyond the pale.

Anyway, you can see a much more detailed version of "Talifan!" on Myspace.

"Brian, if I parked a supertanker in Central Park, painted it neon orange, and set it on fire, it would be less obvious than your stupidity." --RedImperator
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