DARK APPRENTICEpg.132: Daala squinted out the viewport, and suddenly she saw a whirlwind of tiny lights appear, marking deck after deck on a breathtakingly huge ship. The immense wedge shaped shadow was a single vessel, larger than anything she had ever seen before.
"I can't believe it," Pellaeon said beside her. "Only the Executor was this big—and that one ship practically bankrupted the Empire."
And here's one of my favorites:pg.303: "As we approach in-system, the Basilisk's small volunteer crew will begin a self-destruct countdown. The Gorgon will run interference until we reach our target, at which time we will turn aside. At full speed the Basilisk will plunge into the atmosphere of Coruscant. It will be unstoppable."
"When the Basilisk detonates..." Daala said. She paused as the planetary image flashed with a brilliant ring of fire that sent ripples igniting through the atmosphere. All the lights on the night side of the planet went dark. Cracks of fire appeared across the land masses.
"The explosion will be sufficient to level the buildings on half a continent. The shock wave traveling through the planetary core could topple cities on the other side of the world. The underground resevoirs will break open. Tidal waves will cause damage along the coasts. For the price of one Star Destroyer, we can lay waste to Coruscant."
The Millennium Falcon has stronger sensors than an entire fleet of Victory-class Star Destroyers!pg.93: Lando squinted at the scanners. "I'm tracking eleven Victory-class Star Destroyers heading out of the system."
"Have they picked us up yet?"
"Don't think so. There's still a lot of radiation and interference from that explosion. Looks to me like they just packed up and ran."