In response to a question wrote:a rather long and boring question about continuity, canon and the Holocron…
The only relevant official continuities are the current versions of the films alone, and the combined current version of the films along with whatever else we've got in the Holocron. You're never going to know what George's view of the universe beyond the films at any given time because it is constantly evolving. It remains elastic until it gets committed to film or another official source. Even then, we know there's always room for change. Though the Holocron is maintained by Licensing, it is utilized by folks throughout all the Lucas companies.
+ ... start=1050is the 'foggy window' of the EU materials as described above referring to a window into the 'real' Star Wars universe of the Film alone continuity, the 'real' Star Wars universe of the Film+EU continuity,
Film+EU continuity. Anything not in the current version of the films is irrelevant to Film only continuity.
+ ... start=1140Answer to question wrote:And what goes in the blank timeline spaces of the Film Only universe - can we never know the history or background of that Star Wars universe like we can in the EU Star Wars universe?
Nothing. That's why it's film only.
I posted this as I thought this contradicted (or could be used as seen to do it and has been used that way) Chee's earlier statement regarding continuity:
+ ... start=1140a clarification is needed if the C and G level are separated, i.e. do they form independent canon or are both part of the overall continuity?
There is one overall continuity.