SWBoba Fett wrote:I'm talking about Episode 3.Spanky The Dolphin wrote:What are you talking about?
If Lucas is searching for a vulcanic scene I hope the planet where the volcano is located, won't be a desert-planet again. It's getting quite boring...
Tatooine: Desert
Aldreaan: Earth-like or Plains
Yavin: Gas Giant
Yavin IV: Rain Forest
Hoth: Arctic
Dagobah: Swamp
Bespin: Gas Giant
Endor: Forest
Naboo: Plains
Coruscant: Total Urbanisation
Kamino: Ocean
Geonosis: Arid Rocky (not quite Desert)
That's 12 planets in the five films so far. Only one is a true desert planet (Geonosis seems more rocky and less desert to me, personally).
You couldn't have been more wrong, kid.