Not a problem. This post may have run a bit on the long side, but hopefully it provides some insight into the Yevethan/Imperial situation.It might be prudent to double check the Yevetha entries in the other literature, which I don't have anymore.
Maybe, maybe not - but why not go all-out for maximum pity points? It's not like she's going to call bullshit on him. The Rebels have a tendency to believe the worst out of Imperials (ref Iron Fist, Solo Command* - Gara Petothel's identity of 'Lara Notsil' rested on the Rebels believing that she was Admiral Trigit's forcibly durgged, unwilling mistress).To that my response is, what could Spaar have gained from lying about those details? Did he think Leia would be less sympathetic if they were only put into forced labor?
Recall that the entire purposes for the visit to Coruscant and contacting the New Republic was to keep them out of Koornacht, while the Yevethan fleet prepared to exterminate all "vermin" from the cluster. Spaar was spinning a "woe is us" story for Leia's benefit to explain the Duskhan's League "fear" of the New Republic - or any large government intruding into their space.
Lots of worlds had been subjected to forced labour, but tossing the additional degradations makes the Yeventha even more sympathetic and their mistrust of other species even more understandable. I don't have the exact wording, but Spaar's strategy appears to have worked. Once or twice in Before The Storm, Leia defends the Yevetha's xenophobia to her advisors on the grounds of those claims and her reticence to sending the Fifth Fleet in search of the Black Fleet is precisely because of the Yeventhan sensitivies, so clearly there was a gain to sharing that information with Leia - it did make the Yevetha more sympatheic and bought them time to prepare for their extermination campaign.
Remember, Nil Spaar is a known liar - when his thrustship fired up its engines without warning and left port, dozens/hundreds were killed and injured. When the Republic military sealed the ship beneath Coruscant's shield and had a warship pacing it, Nil Spaar went on the HoloNet with a "poor, abused us" story, claiming that Leia was attempting to seize his ship and he had to act in haste or else be captured by the duplicitious, scheming Chief of State.
Later, he breaks into the emergency HoloNet channel to transit a message throughout the Republic, claiming Leia is a dictator in the making, gathering power to herself and trying to seize Koornacht Cluster out of her own ambitions. In each case, the story he spins makes the Yeventha out to be innocent victims of another's unwarranted aggression.
The ethnic cleansing is described as a defensive measure as well, destroying enemy settlements on the League's borders, bases that were stepping stones to an invasion of Koornacht. In Tyrant's Test, in their 'desperation' to protect themselves from 'New Republic aggression', Spaar proclaims the Yeventha's alliance with the fictitious "Grand Imperial Union", specifically to bring up the specter of the Empire and cow the Republic. Again, the Yevetha are the victims, simply trying to defend themselves from Leia's personal crusade against them.
Given that, I would consider any claims made by Nil Spaar towards the non-Yevetha to be highly dubious at best; he's had a long history of lying specifically to engender sympathy and support from other beings.
He did discuss war crimes, though - his actions aboard the Forger. Plus, he was a lifer - he was in in prison to stay, so new admissions couldn't hurt him. He just needed an incentive. I've included the quotes from the book as well, to illiustrate the Imperial interactions with the Yevetha. It is possible that Sconn's lying, but he has no incentive to do so; Leia's given him what he wanted and anything he says can't hurt him in prison, since he's already an accomplice to mass murder, so he really doesn't have a reputation to ruin.Why would an Imperial POW discuss possible war crimes to a representative of an enemy government? The POW was likely a part of any injustices against them.
So, if we can take Sconn's words at face value, the Yevetha were used as conscripted - if highly skilled - labour and the Imperial presence on the planet was focused more on keeping them from killing each other than massacring dissidents - since the Yevetha were described as hard workers that offered little trouble. Now, it's certainly possible that Sconn omitted the concubines and displays of remains from his interview, but there's a couple things to take into consideration - that the Imperial contact with the Yevetha was debliberately limited and the fact that none of the yard workers "bat an eye" when the higher-ranking Yevetha guts a lower-ranking one in front them. In later scenes, Nil Spaar kills a young male who has offered his blood to nourish Spaar's pregnant wives in front of his advisors; none of them remark on this. Later on, one of Spaar's advisors later proudly informs a captured Han Solo of the benefits of summary execution.Shield of Lies wrote: "Was it with the Forger that you visited N'zoth?"
"Oh, no. I was on Moff Wevlin-second watch bridge commander of a Fleet tender," he said, hooking one leg over the other. "Why should I talk to you about N'zoth?"
"Why did you talk to the NRI?"
"Because it didn't matter," Sconn said, shrugging. "Because it was a novelty. Because Agent Rallis was such a clueless young lad that I thought I might have fun shocking him with tales of my travels with Papa Vader." He leaned forward. "You're different. You matter. For some reason you really care about what I know. And you're not going to be any fun at all to shock. So I'm afraid you'll have to show me a bit more consideration then Agent Rallis."
"But you forget, Sconn-I already have the deposition," Leia said. "You don't have much left to sell."
"Oh, but you don't know what I left out-"
[Sconn convinces Leia that the price of his cooperation is a trip into space]
Sconn turned back to Leia. "Sit me where I can look out," he said. "I'll answer whatever questions you have."
[Leia shares the record of her interview with Sconn with the Inner Council and Joint Chiefs]
"This is the part I thought you should see," she said, starting the projector.
"Black Fifteen was used mostly for new construction and finish work, not as a repair depot, but it had the reputation for the tightest work in the whole sector. Any captain who had a choice put in there. We took Moff Weblin in there for a rebuild on a blown number four power cell.
"That's not an overnight in any yard, so the captain told me to look into shore leave. The station morale officer laid out the rules: enlisted restructed to the yard and the station, officers permitted but discouraged from going down to the planet.
"I asked him what was up, since Black Fifteen had been there for three years at that point at that point and it didn't usually take the troopers that long to bring the locals in line. He told me that one out of every two Imperial personnel on the planet was a stormtrooper.
"'There's been very little trouble for a few months now, but I don't trust them,' he said. 'They're crazy,' he told me. 'More blood than rain fell in the streets before we got here and it will again when we leave.'"
Leia heard her own voice asking, "What did he mean by that?"
"That's what I asked him. But it turned out he wasn't trying to show off his metaphors. He meant it just like he said it. More blood than rain."
[discussion of Yeventha blood, reproduction and dominance killing]
"After I heard this, I had to go down to the surface myself and see. There were Yevetha all over the yard and no sign of this. The yard boss told the captain they were hard workers-especially since they'd figured out we weren't leaving soon."
[Sconn decribes the murder of a lower-ranking Yevethan male by a higher-ranking one]
Sconn shook his head. "When the yard started losing Yeventha workers to this stuff, having to retrain new ones all the time, I guess the Imperial governor told the troopers to put a stop to it. But they never managed to, unless it happened after Moff Weblin left. And I ended up the onyl one of my crew to go down. After he heard my report, the captain restructed the officers to the base."
From this, it's not unreasonable to assume that publicly displaying the bodies of murdered dissidents is highly unlikely to bother the Yevetha at all and is just another lie from Nil Spaar to evoke sympathy from Leia. If they existed at all, the, 'dissidents' were probably Yevetha who wouldn't stop killing those of lower station, costing the Imperials skilled personnel.
Even the Yevethan subservience that made the yard boss so nervous is another facade - led by Nil Spaar, the Yevetha seize the Imperial ships and stations and massacre the Imperial families.
If we can take Paret's outrage as genuine, then as the commanding officer of the flagship of Black Fleet wasn't even into massacres himself which, I'll admit wouldn't mean much if the Imperial governor was.Before the Storm wrote: Like a cluster of insects returning to the hive, the fleet of Imperial transports rose from N'zoth towards the great dagger-shaped Star Destroyer. More than twenty thousand citizens of the Empire were crammed into the insect fleet-soldiers and bureaucrats, technicians and families.
"Activate all autotargeting batteries," said Nil Spaar.
There was a collective gasp from the prisoners on the bridge, who were watching the same display screens as the Yevethan commandos who now occupied their stations.
"You're all cowards," Commander Paret called out to the invaders, his voice bitter with contempt and anger. "A real soldier would never do this. There's no honour in killing the defenceless."
"Nil Spaar ignored him. "Lock on targets."
"You vicious, pathetic fool. You've already won. How can you justify this?"
"Fire," said Nil Spaar.
So, just to encapsulate - the Imperials did conquer, enslave and force the Yevetha into labour for them. This was not a particularly heroic, commendable or justifiable act.
However, if we take the word of a known liar at face value and dismiss other sources of information (Nil Spaar's willingness to lie whenever it suits him, Sconn's testimony, Paret's outrage at the idea of massacring innocents), then the Imperial occupation of Koornacht Cluster was particularly brutal. If we do not , then the Imperial occupation - aside from the 'either you work for us or we'll shoot you dead' aspect - was focused more preventing intra-species violence and keeping the Yevetha away from Imperials and sensitive technologies.
As Leia put it: "I'm starting to wonder if the greatest indignity the Empire subjected the Yevetha to was holding them to a higher standard of behaviour."