I think you missed the point. I alluded specifically to technologies which can apparently either neutralize or disrupt shielding via methods other than simply brute forcing your way through via raw firepower. Zam Wessell's remote in AOTC does this when it tries to Assassinate Amidala. THe Buzz droids in ROTS can do it. The Rebel fighters in ANH apparently had some means of breaching the DS's outer defenses (including the shields) which has been alluded to as countermeasures in the radio drama. There are countless examples in EU sources to draw on as well. Such technologies are not an instant guarantee neccesarily (more a form of counter measure and counter-countermeasure warfare like with sensors and jamming)dave98472 wrote: Many of the points that I thought of as inconsistencies dealt primarily with this issue of the shield being breached in a manner that seemed unusual to me considering the episodes. Again, I already conceded to Vympel that anything in canon episodes immediately overrides anything from the SW Clone Wars TV series. But I don't understand Connor's dismissal of points regarding cases of shield penetration being significant at all.
**snip lengthy bits for brevity**
I probably missed a bunch of examples, if so please point them out. But from the accumulation of evidence (which includes all the cases on the SD.net page about SW Shields), it seems to me that the Clone Wars TV series DOES paint a different picture of shield technologies than the movies (I have conceded that it wouldn't override the movies though).
I'm not sure how Connor would justify the idea of a squadron of bombers penetrating the shields of the Sep flagship. What canon shield piercing technique(s) (seen in movies) would explain this? I'm not trying to say the bombers are worthless either, there are definitely circumstances that they can be effective in (DS exhaust port comes to mind). But it seems that canon sources depict fighters/bombers as not being fully capable of penetrating the shields of larger vessels (Mr. Wong even alluded directly to this point I believe).
The ability of fighters to threaten warships depends entirely on the fact they use physical munitions. And phyiscal munitions are the sorts that could use shield penetration aids as described. Hence my lack of concern over the Malevolent bit (you dont need that much firepower to destroy the bridge if you can bypass the shields.)
There are any number of ways for boarding ships to bypass shields the same way fighters can get close. Flying close to the ship, slowing down to pass through the shields (like battle droids or AT ATs), use lf shield piercing countermeasures, etc.Furthermore, in the TV series, the Sep boarding ships need to bore through the hull to be effective. I'll grant that there might be weaknesses in armor that would allow this, but wouldn't you think that the deflector shields would block this physical impact like they would block the asteroids? Later with the droid starfighters ramming them, I'll grant that they could be loaded with bombs and have more KE than the asteroids, but that still paints a pretty wimpy picture of Republic shield tech. A few kamikazes and some light bombardment and a ship is (in this case I think I am justified to say) destroyed! Compare that to the ISDs sustaining prolonged combat in RotJ. Though that case didn't involve kamikazes, I think trying to argue that turbolaser blasts would pose less risk to SW ships than kamikazes would brings up the issue of why missiles with explosive payloads aren't used instead of turbolasers? It seems a reasonable conclusion that SW ships use turbolasers as they are more effective against SW deflectors.