Solar ionization reactors?

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Solar ionization reactors?

Post by Maximum7 »

I just read this article on Wookieepedia ... on_reactor

It says Solar ionization reactors use hypermatter to create a miniature star to power Star Destroyers. Yet that doesn’t make any sense as they also have fusion reactors and a fusion reactor is a hypothetical mini-star. I know this is probably because writers don’t know fusion is a mini-star but it’s frustrating from a Watsonian point of view. I always regarded hypermatter as some exotic form of matter that can allow massive power generation better than fusion but now they are making it sound like they are one in the same. My headcanon has a headache
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Re: Solar ionization reactors?

Post by Solauren »

I think it would work like this -

Normal fusion is 3d fusion, and generates E = mc(2)

Hypermatter Fusion would be multi-dimensional fusion, and generate alot more energy. Like E = mc(D-1), where D is how many dimensions hypermatter actually uses (4+).

So, 4D Hypermatter fusion would generate E = m * (C*C*C) instead of (C*C). Enough energy to make fusion seem like a candle by comparison.
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Re: Solar ionization reactors?

Post by KraytKing »

That is the most absurd, wonderful Star Wars science explanation I have seen in AGES. Holy shit. Can I sig that? Like, seriously. I LOVE that you just spit out an equation for "multi-dimensional fusion."
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Re: Solar ionization reactors?

Post by Marko Dash »

i've always assumed that hypermatter exists in an FTL state, and inverse relativity effect happens if you try to slow it down. what the reactor is doing is containing the hypermatter while slowing it down, thus it begins giving off energy while gaining mass as it gets closer to C. bigger/more advanced reactors can ether handle more hypermatter at a time or can bring it closer to C.
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