EP 2 , What do you think

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How good is EP 2

not to good
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Post by Tsyroc »

Darth Yoshi wrote:I agree, AOTC is a great movie, second only to The Empire Strikes Back. The whole scene in the field on Naboo could have been omitted, though. Still, the part was when Dooku says, "I've become more powerful than any Jedi, even you, Master Yoda" is cool. Then he unleashes his Force Lightning, only to have Yoda catch it and throw it back, and finish with a kung-fu pose.

I love the part where Dooku bitch slaps an impulsive Anakin with Force Lighting. It was a suprise to me and a wakeup call for Anakin.
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Post by Slartibartfast »

*POSSIBLE SPOILERS* (yeah like everyone hasn't watched it yet)

Things that I liked about Episode II:

-That it was a lot better than Episode I (not a great accomplishment)
-That Jar-Jar only shows for about two seconds (the longest two seconds of my life).
-Jar-Jar didn't trip on anything. On the other hand, he somehow manages to do more damage to the entire galaxy in those seconds that he managed to do in the previous episode.
-Great Effect
-Great, big noisy battle.
-Funny battle with Yoda
-Severed Arm

Things I didn't like too much:
-Yoda getting ready for battle, showing off his abs and then the sword. Too tacky IMO.
-Didn't make sense for OB1 to have such flesh wounds after being mauled twice with a lightsaber.
-Long boring scenes, like OB1's investigation and stupid romance parts - even if they were in-character, I think they sucked.
-Kamino's interior, with the long-necked aliens, was all white and I couldn't see the subtitles.
-Jar-Jar appearing at all.
-Jar-Jar saying "meesa"
-Shallow Jedi Battles... even if the fight with Dooku was neat, there's none of the tension and character-development from the original trilogy (I mean *during* the battles - those duels weren't for nothing)
-Jedis were a dime-a-dozen.
-The schoolroom part with Yoda
-The mind-numbingly obvious conclusion of one of the students to OB1's extreme confusion.

Overall, I think it was an okay movie with kick-ass effects.
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I loved It, The Romance was good but needed to be further developed and tweek some of the Lines. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING was great about this movie, just below Empire.
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Post by Lord_Vader »

I think the final judge of the movie will have to be time itself. My dad made the comment to me how AOTC was similar to Empire cause Empire made you wait another 3 yrs before you got the conclusion and the news that Vader was the father and then the movie sort of just ended didnt leave a very good feeling with many people. Which is why I think time itself will be the deciding factor for the judge of AOTC. Box office-wise it didnt break TPM or beat out Spiderman like I was hoping it would. However, I personally enjoyed the movie a lot more than Spiderman and I loved the symbolism. Other people I have talked to here at college thought the movie was either better, same or worse than TPM. I guess its all just opinion. We will see what time will show us.
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Post by Jack Lain »

EP II rocked. The only thing I did not like was the sound effects.

I did not like the sound of the spacecraft in this film. Too WWII for me. Too much like bomber planes. Also the "cars" on Coruscant. Did not care for the sounds they made.

I really did not like the noises the monsters made in the arena. They did not sound like real animal sounds to me. Sounded more like machine sounds to me. I remember the second time I saw the movie thinking that no animal sounds like that.

Over all, the love scenes were fine. Anakin is a love nub. BFD. It fits with the good guy fallen image.

The Yoda scene was fine. Yoda kicked some major ass to take on a guy 4 times his own size and still cause the guy to retreat.

I think the only visual that I did not like was the attempt to ride the beast thing. But again, typical young male trying to impress a female. Doesn't matter if its cars, football or riding on the back of a gigantic tic, men do dumb ass things to try and impress women.

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Post by Slartibartfast »

Lord_Vader wrote:Other people I have talked to here at college thought the movie was either better, same or worse than TPM.
What do you mean they didn't consider other options? :lol:
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Post by Mr. B »

AotC was good, but could have been better. Some of the romance was awkwark, but was supposed to be like that, but I thought it was just a little too awkward, and the field scene was worthless.

Otherwise it was a great movie. Yoda kicked more ass than a thousand ninjas.

But to sum up how i feel about this movie I give you this review. Taken from www.fucksociety.ca

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Proof positive that critics have no fucking clue about the movies they profess to be experts of. I lined up for this film feeling the same way as everyone else was - eager, yet terrified. We all know how horrific Episode One was...what an overwhelming joy was shared by all, that Episode Two did not share a similar fate. It truly was back to the old Lucas style of storytelling, with an extremely elaborate galactic plot unfolding almost at par with that of Anakin's growing love for Padme, as well as his slipping into the darkness. Granted, the movie starts slowly, and does experience moments of non-action, but how can an audience member expect otherwise? Critical and literary, the Star Wars saga is a complex tapestry of story, and as such, requires intense story telling in order to make the collective six movies make any sense.

"It's better than The Phantom Menace. But unless you're an absolute raving Star Wars junkie, it isn't much fun." -- Todd Anthony, SOUTH FLORIDA SUN-SENTINEL

I bet this cock wrangler dotted the "i's" and high fived his wife when he finished that little bit of textual garbage - followed by a call to his editor to brag. He probably thought that his witty little jab shed a new light on the movie that no one would have stumbled upon without his courageous written work. Fucking retard. "Unless you're a raving Star Wars junkie?" Who the fuck else do you think is seeing the film? Star Wars has one of the largest followings in the motion picture industry, and as such, caters almost selectively to those who have always embraced the movies - and you're a fool if you believe otherwise. People don't show up by the truckload to the new Julia Robert's flick with slabs of beef stuck to their lips; they don't arrive in droves to the newest Speed movie clad in the garbs of Keanu Reaves. Star Wars is an institution founded by a strong fan base, and it's that same fan base that's driving it now. Buttfucker Anthony is right - if you're not a Star Wars nut, you may not like a 2 1/2 hour story involving light sabers and robot armies.

"Instead of zesty and daring, Attack of the Clones is often labored and stiff."-- Renee Graham, BOSTON GLOBE

It's not the only thing that's stiff right now...eh? Eh? Yeah, you filthy slut, you love my Jedi cock. On a completely different note, isn't that the same reason why so many movies win critical acclaim and Oscar nominations? The English Patient, Monsters Ball, Cedar House Rules...are you telling me that those eclectic stories don't center around a soft, gushy core of stiff and labored? I get more excited watching cats piss. Most of the stiff movies out there center around a single relationship, between a young man and an old Hermit, or two gay homosexual lesbian doctors, or girls coming of age. All Clones does is center around an entire galactic plot, a love story, and the mystery of the Sith. Nothing compared to When A Man Loves A Woman, huh? Huh? Fuck off.

"...as the story congeals you feel the pieces of the Star Wars saga falling into place in a way that makes your spine tingle with revelation and excitement."-- Rob Blackwelder, SPLICEDWIRE

I like this guy....he just gets it. As it is, the story simply flows, detailing major aspects found throughout the six movies - the fall of the Republic, the rise of the Empire, the love and loss of Anakin. But it's the little details that start tying things together like a Japanese girl in a rape film; the Death Star, the birth of Bobba Fett...the shocks and revelations will hit you even harder than the amazing battle and fight scenes. Just see the damn movie.
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Post by Corran Horn »

Morte wrote:I hated the Yoda fight scene.

U Basterd how dare u dis Yoda's Fight scene. It was the best part of the movi :evil: e
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Post by Morte »

Best part of the movie? Hardly...

Look, there are a lot of reasons I didn't like the fight, but the main one is that it wasn't 'serious' enough... it seemed to me like the whole point of the thing was just to make people laugh... I mean, the kung fu stance, the high-speed gymnastics. It didn't feel like Yoda.

Anyway, I'm not going to go into detail, suffice to say that we probably look for and enjoy different aspects of Star Wars.
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Post by Vympel »

I agree with Morte the Yoda fight was good for laughs and cheers but MAN when I think about it:

- kung fu stance: frigging goofy
- yoda fighting: for all his jumping around and theatrics how many times did he actually make contact with dooku's saber?
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Post by Eleas »

Morte wrote:Best part of the movie? Hardly...

Look, there are a lot of reasons I didn't like the fight, but the main one is that it wasn't 'serious' enough... it seemed to me like the whole point of the thing was just to make people laugh... I mean, the kung fu stance, the high-speed gymnastics. It didn't feel like Yoda.

Anyway, I'm not going to go into detail, suffice to say that we probably look for and enjoy different aspects of Star Wars.
Possibly. As a fencer, I was not awestruck by Yoda's technique, but I do recognize his mastery and that it and his sanshin would steamroll anyone but Dooku in short order.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

Part of what makes lightsaber combat so difficult for Jedi and Sith is that they are constantly using the Force to stop each other's moves. While perhaps not awe-inspiring for us, any Jedi with a sword would crush any modern fencer.
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Post by Eleas »

Master of Ossus wrote:Part of what makes lightsaber combat so difficult for Jedi and Sith is that they are constantly using the Force to stop each other's moves. While perhaps not awe-inspiring for us, any Jedi with a sword would crush any modern fencer.
Let me clarify: I was not awestruck by his technique because I was busy gaping at his speed and sanshin.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

Eleas wrote:
Master of Ossus wrote:Part of what makes lightsaber combat so difficult for Jedi and Sith is that they are constantly using the Force to stop each other's moves. While perhaps not awe-inspiring for us, any Jedi with a sword would crush any modern fencer.
Let me clarify: I was not awestruck by his technique because I was busy gaping at his speed and sanshin.
Oh. Sorry about that.
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Post by Eleas »

Master of Ossus wrote:
Eleas wrote: Let me clarify: I was not awestruck by his technique because I was busy gaping at his speed and sanshin.
Oh. Sorry about that.
You had a valid point. :)
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Post by Joe »

Another lame review of AoTC:


I hate it when these reviewers think they're so fucking clever with their stupid little jokes...

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Post by Slartibartfast »

Durran Korr wrote:Another lame review of AoTC:


I hate it when these reviewers think they're so fucking clever with their stupid little jokes...
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Ugh. If you can't understand the plotline of a Star Wars movie, you're either not a fan of sci-fi or a fucking moron. Either way, you're not qualified to review the damn movie.
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Post by Morte »

I gotta agree... the reviewer seemed like he was more interested in making himself look good with witty remarks than in actually reviewing the movie...
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Post by Slartibartfast »

Don't you get it? Boobie Fett!
Boobie! Wee!
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