If i remember right Solo had moved his spice from his shielded hold to accomidate another even more illegal cargo(not sure what it was have to look it up) that was not really profitable. He was then forced to dump his spice load in his escape pods to keep from getting arrested. He then tried to go back after the "heat" was off an retreive it but the Imp's had found is stash so was forced to leave.greenmm wrote:Not quite. It doesn't say that Jabba was mad at Han for dumping part of his load of spice. He was mad for dumping his cargo of spice. Technically, that could be subject to interpretation either way, but it makes more sense to assume that he dumped his entire load.Mr Bean wrote:There are six lockers all-togther and togther they have 20% the volume as Solo's Main HoldIf they had been, then Han wouldn't have needed to worry about dumping his Kessel spice load and pissing Jabba off, since he could have hidden the spice in the shielded holds. Either spice is extremely hard to shield from sensors (possible, but I don't think the EU books say anything about that)... or the secondary holds aren't shielded.
Simply put Solo had more Spice than shielded holds
the Falcon's Power generator was upgraded as well as the engines. The Falcon's power core was not standard. The Quad lasers come with their own dedicated power generators. Also Solo enlarged the Falcon's "fuel" tank to help accomidate the fuel drain that his super engines require. needless to say the Falcon(without its sensor shielded hold) can not carry as much cargo as a stock YT-1300 freighter. for a regular shipping company that would be bad but the point of the Falcon is smuggling High value cargo into illegal or shady areas so the loss of some cargo space to make the ship better able to deleiver its cargo would be a acceptable trade off.