ala Dark Horizons.Star Wars: Episodes 7-9: Rumours of George Lucas following up his original trilogy with another down the track have been around for years - some were solid information, most were just wishful thinking. As a result unless something solid comes through on them I'm not touching speculation on the topic with a ten foot pole. Well today came word which whilst not solid, is from an insider source whose regularly provided totally accurate intel so far for over two years on a variety of projects so I tend to take his word for it. If true, its also good news for fans let down by the prequels: "One of my pals at ILM told me a few days back that another trilogy 'might' happen. This is the sequel trilogy that Lucas said he'd never do. It's very very early days yet, but apparently there is some talk, even to the point of Mr Spielberg - who was interested in doing 'Clones' at one point - stepping in for Lucas, who may want to write, but probably won't want to direct. If Lucas doesn't they'll probably work out a deal for say Frank Darabont to pen (ala the current "Indiana Jones IV" arrangement). This one would be the three films following Return of the Jedi, Han Solo, Skywalker, post-Darth etc. How hard of a time are they going to have on their hands getting some of those original players! ha ha! finally a fitting use for CGI hey? The deal is everyone wants the sequels, except Lucas, who is apparently exhausted [Personally I'd say studio pressure]. If Spielberg directs, it could be ok. Better than those terrible prequel movies". Thanks to 'Wookie Walker'.
May we actually get three more without Lucas at the helm or on the pen?