consequences wrote:So Publius, since you believe that clones are inherently superior to droids, being biological, how can you condone their being bred as war slaves for the Old Republic, an action that received no condemnation from any individual in SW that we have seen?
Do not attack strawmen, sir.
Publius, on Friday, 28 November 2003 wrote:Clones are no more comparable to 'droids than Negro slaves are. Clones are demonstrably and empirically members of the same species as non-clones, and are therefore entitled to the same fundamental rights. 'droids are machines and no more; clones are living, sapient individuals.
Nowhere in this statement is there any thing which remotely can be interpreted as condoning the use of clones as "war slaves". In fact, this statement implicitly compares clones to Negro slaves, and at the same time maintains that they "are entitled to the same fundamental rights". This is decidedly contrary to the position you propose. Please document your reasons for attributing this position to this author.
What's your problem with machines, anyway, did a toaster molest you as a child or something?
Please refrain from irrelevant
argumenta ad hominem, sir.
So you are saying that slave owners throughout history have not attempted to breed favorable specimen together to improve the general stock.
Do not attack strawmen, sir.
consequences, on Friday, 28 November 2003 wrote:Since people are bred like animals, I fail to see the distinction between an organic sapient species, and an artificially created one.
Publius, on Friday, 28 November 2003 wrote:"People are bred like animals"? If by that you mean that human beings reproduce sexually, then you are quite correct. If by that you mean that human beings are domesticated animals like horses and oxen, then you really must provide some justification for such a brazen claim.
Nowhere in this statement is there any thing which suggests that people have not previously attempted to eugenically "improve" human stock. You stated that "people
are bred like animals", not "people
were bred like animals". Your choice of words restricts your argument to the present time. Please provide examples from the present time that justify your claim that "people
are bred like animals".