Night Caller cannot be a even a modified CR90 corvette. There simply isn't enough room to cram all of those starfighters in. Robert Brown argues the point here: wrote:[No. Night Caller was simply rearranged internally (remember, Wedge didn't come to the conclusion that it was a subtype and not a refit until walking through it) This seem DESIGNED to carry a squadron, whereas the Wraiths really had to cram their x-wings into the NC.
Another Corellian Corvette subtype found!
Moderator: Vympel
The mod CRV carrier can hold about 6-8 fighters inside and another 9 on the docking stations IIRC, they extend and I think 3 fighters can dock on each. It is not bilaterally symetrical. I drew up a redesign that placed the hanger across the bottom and deepened it by a few decks, much better IMO, In the campaign it carried a 6-8 X-Wings and 4-6 Defenders, non-hyper capable fighters similar to A-Wings, 2 seat, but only 1 set of weapons, triple lascannon forward. The Corvette was a custom design built for the local Moff.
See now THIS is why every EU ship except those in Dark Empire are FUCKED.
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