Illuminatus Primus wrote:FTeik wrote:He (and the entire NR) got his ass handed to him during the DE-time (despire the numerical advantage).
I've seen little proof the NR's main fleets were numerically superior to the Empire--they were desperate for ships themselves during Thrawn's campiagn.
Not to mention they were inferior to the larger-scale strategic fleets pouring out of the Deep Core.
IIRC, the numerical superiority of the NR was mentioned in context with the DarkEmpire-series. When i fínd the quote you´ll be the first i´m going to tell.
Which has what to do with strategic competence?
Lets see:
You base you´re estimate on Ackbar on the fact, that he defeated
an imperial Grandadmiral, which were supposed to be the best of the best. But at the time of DE with exception of Grant everyone of them is dead.
So who was leading the imperial assault that forced the NR out of the core and drove them back to the outer rim? Nothing indicates, that Ackbar or any of the other officers were able to stop the imperial advances. Not once.
FTeik wrote:I somehow doubt that he could have had a major impact on the strategy against the Yuuzhan Vong with Fey´lya and consorts still in charge during the NJO.
Which has what to do with his demonstrated strategic competence?
As already pointed out his former achivements are somewhat questionable (there goes the demonstrated) and the as far as i remember Sovv was also strategecilly competent, but was hindered by the senate especially during the fight for Coruscant. And Ebaq 9 wouldn´t have been such a big victory, if the Yuuzhan Vong hadn´t already overstretched their forces. And it shouldn´t have taken a genius to use the by the time of DW known charakteristics of the YV against them.
He is the only naval officer who outfought and defeated an Imperial Grand Admiral flat-out, and lived to tell about it.
Since the article in Insider about the GA´s those men have lost a lot of their awe-inspiring reputation, if you ask me (unfortunately).
Accoding to that article Syn (who had turned into a religious whako at that point of time) was defeated because the NR brought overwhelming forces to the battle for Kashyyyk.
He also outfought Piett, who had numerical and firepower advantage, and was considered on-par with the Grand Admirals.
Who failed to use them properly since he was following the orders of the emperor.
The optimist thinks, that we live in the best of all possible worlds and the pessimist is afraid, that this is true.
"Don't ask, what your country can do for you. Ask, what you can do for your country." Mao Tse-Tung.