Bob the Gunslinger wrote:I don't think it's selfish or contentious. If Zahn is working a character's plotline to reveal him to be a traitor or an alien or the emperor's clone or whatever, the second some low-tier KJA wannabe gets his hands on the character he would have to kiss his carefully crafted work goodbye, because now Chaka has a 30ft lightsaber for one hand and Blastech Boomstick in his other hand because it was "cool." Or maybe someone will just kill the Fel bastard off before he gets any kind of payoff.
Maybe you should research the fact of Fel's children. In HoT he only says that he does have children, and thus its Zahn's fault if other characters clean that up for him. He's being given a favor by writing in SW, and thus he should play by its rules.
Nice attempt to use hyperbole to sound clever when you don't know anything about the issue at hand though.
Bob the Gunslinger wrote:And having read a number of Zahn's non-SW books, I have seen that he is fond of using character arcs with twists, surprises and back-story waiting to be unleashed. I'm not saying that Zahn is planning to use Fel as some big event character, but if he thought it was important to differentiate this Fel from the other one, I will not just assume that there is no reason, or that Zahn is an ass.
Good for him; there were next to no details on Davin, and because of RSBF, there couldn't be any other previous Fel children who could be Chak. And he's playing in George's universe. He doesn't clarify something, and someone else develops it. Well that's the price of working in SW. Fel's character certainly doesn't belong to him.
Bob the Gunslinger wrote:In fact, according to KJA, Zahn changed some passages in Last Command so that the book would transition into the JAT more smoothly and with more set-up--not an assholish thing to do.
Proof is nice, esp. in light of the total fuck off he gave Vietch.
Bob the Gunslinger wrote:Now, when we hear Zahn's side of the issue, and if it is "I just don't fucking care about you Warse wankers,"
then I will agree that Zahn is a jerk. Maybe.
He has no excuse. He failed to elaborate on the Fel kids, someone else did before him, and only one of those kids could be the right age and alive to be Chak, but no, he just couldn't use the name Davin.