After a certain low point fixed ground weapons would simply have no possible advantage compared to simply keeping mobile warships inside of your shield. Thus they cannot be defeated by an enemy fleet prior to breaching the shield, and the enemy fleet cannot mass against a weak spot in the fixed ground defenses. These ships could simply be regular warships, or they could be dedicated atmospheric only craft built for the job.Elheru Aran wrote:Ground to space fire is more expensive than a ground protecting shield?
But it's quite possible that with the ease of sending ships to space in Star Wars, it may have come about that they decided that ground-to-space weaponry was largely unnecessary because if your enemy controls the space around you anyway, you're probably screwed in the long run and ground-to-space weapons only make sense in a limited tactical envelope, such as covering escapes to space like at Hoth.
Worth remembering the primary point of shore batteries has always been to deter a naval attack, rather then defeating it outright, something rather hard to do since the enemy will just decline to blunder into range. If you raise the attack price enough the enemy is far less likely to ever try in the first place. Mounting enough weapons to stop a full scale invasion outright will probably never make fiscal sense.
Aerosols are what smoke works awesome and you can put silica into it to massively increase its laser resistance if you want. Of course this will also mean the smoke cloud scatters still blinding laser light EVERYWHERE...Shroom Man 777 wrote:Aerosols' a smart idea. I bet we'll have that IRL for laser-weapons. Didn't they use weirdass sprinkler systems - or at least theorize that - as counter for laser-designated strikes?
The Sweds deployed water foggers full scale to protect shore batteries from laser guided attacks which is what I think you are thinking of. They also tested this on the CV90.
The problem is this idea works by randomly reflecting the laser back onto the ground around the a target, so it's erratic and the maximum miss distance will be low unless the bomb completely looses lock and goes dumb. That was in fact a likely result with a 1980s first and second generation laser seekers, the later ones are much less likely to fall for this due to major improvements against the backscatter/multipath problem in general which had always made LGB use touchy. The bomb now has some serious image processing in its brain and can still try to figure out the center of the laser scatter. Since then a lot more advanced laser decoys that actually use mast mounted lasers themselves have been tested. Most people some content with smoke for the role.
If you want to defeat a laser weapon attack then smoke is generally a lot better then a reasonable water fog because you'll get way more protection per weight of stuff blown in the air. The Sweds didn't want to use smoke because it would mask their own visual observation devices, and it would actually mark the turret locations for non guided Soviet air attacks. Meanwhile since these were fixed 75mm turrets around 200mm thick by the seashore inducing only small misses was okay, nothing but a direct hit would hurt them, and the water supply was unlimited.
But its not like a giant anti orbital gun site couldn't have a 500,000 gallon tank of fog oil under it, in relative terms that would probably barely cost anything. Hell you could have giant piles of space coal you burned on demand, about anything is plausible in a universe with death stars.
That's a reality, its on thing not to have a trained up mass army, it's another to go and throw all your weapons away! The later is just insane and leads to obviously stupid problems like Europe somehow being threatened by Russia on the GDP of Italy. Naboo was weak, but it was a BS sector capital that's probably like Utah territory was in 1862. Even then the 50 or so fighters they had isn't exactly a joke either, pretty much was a defense against anything short of a organized invasion.
Since like even the Ottomans used bombards for centuries!
In space where hyper drive means an enemy army can appear from anywhere in the galaxy without warning even in time of peace people would keep serious ass firepower around. They can probably make ammo with a shelf life of thousands of years, modern guns would already last like that if kept dry with the return springs taken out. Its not like real life where at the least, a major armored invasion can only come directly across a national border, or to a port which provides strategic warning.