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Post by Mad »

The the Topps Widevision card pic (here for it from the movie) is from a scene with a scaling error from when the compositing was done, I think. The ISD in front of the Executor has a smaller bridge tower than the Executor in the background. This is impossible if the bridge towers are the same size. Since the ISD is in front, its bridge tower should be slightly bigger, not smaller! This implies that the Executor's bridge tower is actually a good deal larger than an ISD's bridge tower. Either that, or something else weird is going on in that pic.

The Endor picture looks better (bridge tower scaling matches up well), and easily sets a minimum length of 16 kilometers, and perspective can account for the missing 1.6 kilometers. It easily shows that 12.8 kilometers is not long enough.
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Post by Robert Treder »

I think that widevision card might just barely be able to work if the ISD is like directly below the Executor; the bridges seem roughly the same length, but the ISD's is at a sharper angle and is partly shaded. It's still fishy, though.
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Post by Cal Wright »

That's it. Your not just a fucking idiot, but a lap dogg.

Emperor Palpatine wrote:
They don't just slap shit on the screen jackass, or else things would be out of whack from shot to shot.
What? Get a translation here, please... If you can't speak properly, don't.
What? Don't kick your ignorant ass in a debate with facts? I'm sorry, message boards on the other host.
The site is crap. That suit doesn't support itself. He was there and he fucking burned. It's a symbolic meaning with his body burning.
Can you stop with this 'fucking' thing? If you don't know how to use that word, please, don't embarrass yourself.
The only embarrassment is you. I have refuted your claims on this thread along with many other denizens, and all you can FUCKING do is claim I don't know how to speak? Your a FUCKING moron.
Let me guess... this kid is going to reply with a dictionary definition. I have forseen this... C'mon, do it.
Let me see... if a show said '10 years later', do you think it really is 10 years later? Such things happen off the camera. Same thing about Vader. Happened off the camera.
You make no sense asshole. This statement is a direct example of...


I'll say it slowly.


That my, dear simpleton,
You would be a FUCKING expert on simpletons wouldnt you asshole.
is not an assumption.

I know it's not a FUCKING assumption. It's a FUCKING fact you stupid shit. Stop being an ignorant asshole and listen to the FUCKING facts.

They don't assume the length.
Here's a FUCKING clue asshole.
me wrote:They don't just slap shit on the screen jackass, or else things would be out of whack from shot to shot
Very good. Anything else you'd like to use against me. I mean, besides my own argument.

Well, I'll trust you, since the site wouldn't work on this computer.

That just made me scratch my FUCKING head.

But people here don't ask why.
That statement just tied the record in a thread. Twice now a statement in a thread has been


Wow, you truely are a marvel for stupidity. Darkstar must be proud.
They go on with their rattles and rantings and never once question the site developers.
Talk about a complete 180. Your the FUCKING asshole that doesn't question thier shit. Asshole.

Anyway, there's this Visual Guide or something to the crafts of Star Wars.
If your talking about the Essential FUCKING Guide don't bother. The errors are so glaring. The start of the problems begins on the cover for crying out loud. Illustrated by Doug Chiang. He couldn't scale a FUCKING coke can to a kitchen sink if his life depended on it.
I'm sure they got some ILM designers to tell them (or even draw it themselves) the parts of each ship.

Your hopeless.
The Star Destroyer is 1600KM.

No, I stand corrected. Your a FUCKING moron.
The SSD is said to be more than eight times bigger.

Where? Official sources? The 'Official' site. Go away. Your stupidity is giving me an excedrin size headache, and heartburn that a pack of TUMS couldn't solve.
I'm sure this info might be provided by the guys at ILM,

We've been over this. Ah fuck it. You don't listen.
but it might've been gotten from the site.
Don't back pedal. It just makes me more rabid when it comes time to flame again.
But why the word 'MORE than...'? Why 'more'?

Because, just like you, instead of saying "Hey, we here at" or "Hey, we here at the Essential Guides writing need to cover our ass instead of admitting we're wrong"

They don't trust the site?

Or did they get the 'more than' from the staff of ILM themselves?

Slim chance. Then again, why didn't they get the size of the Death Star II? Slipped thier mind eh?

If it isn't, then I'll let the matter rest, because this is a book... and can't compare to the movies.
So you wasted all of our time for NOTHING?!? You must be the fast a race were you go backwards.

If my intelligence were, ahem, fucked up,

It's not IF...
what about yours?

Apparently it's sound. Because mine was able to reason and bring facts to bear so much so that you BACK PEDALED. I made the competition go bassackwards.
Let me see... oh wait. I forgot.

No surprise there.
You hardly have any trace of it.

I have never met anyone that could reach so far up thier ass, they could pick the brocoli out of thier teeth. I guess we all have our talents when we don't have intelligence. Go figure.
Ah, words can't define your 'intelligence'.
[Beavis] Damn I'm smooth [/Beavis]

Watching the movie? Just watching the movie?

Hmm. Since it is the highest form of canon and it gives us the evidence we need. Yes.
Ah dah! You expect to just watch and the lengths would come up.

Visuals over dialogue or some fucked up book by people that need extra cash.
What are you typing?
Your grave obviously. You can't go any further back unless it's to go 6 feet under and finally be laid to rest, like this argument.
Of course, if you meant 'take the lengths of one ISD and then duplicate it." in your poorly constructed sentence, then you would be more on the mark.
I figured the pictures on this thread would have been enough. Alas, they were not. Your just a FUCKING idiot. God I love that word.

And my post 'I'm perfectly aware of this' has proven I'm aware of it.
Wow. Look who's talking now. A blithering idiot.
What ass?
Dear God. Do they CLONE these people, or is there a special academy?

Well, sure, I'm stupid.

Finally you admit some truths.
But the First Prize for that 'stupid' award still goes to you.

Back down the drain again.
He's dellusional people.

I know. Of course they need some scale.

Only after countless flames, and having the evidence shoved down your throat.
But is the scaling accurate?

If you know how to do it. Which leads me to believe your disbelief is due to ignorance. Hell, with what little physics I've learned I know you can use the FUCKING movie shots.
That's what I'm saying!

You haven't said jack shit. Asshole.
Of course I need a plane to be bigger than a human.
Muddy the water, but I can still see through it. Get on with your bull shit.
But is it accurately sized?

If you do shit right, and not just slap an image on a screen.
That is the question for your limited grey cells (if any.).
Most uneducated people, and newbies to the message boards would be taken back by this. However, sadly, I am a veteran of not just boards, but chatrooms and the internet as a whole. Don't try to put my own argument against me. Just say your FUCKING wrong and be done with it.

When have they ever used speculation?

When they were asked about Vader's bo...Dear god. Shut the FUCK up. Okay, I'm tired of retyping the same god damned thing over and over.
They (according to the words...) clearly based it on the length of the model,

The model is in centimeters. Not KMs, so there again they fucked up. I have two models in my room. One of the Tantive IV and the other is an ISD, I'll assume the 'Avenger' because they always show the box art from ESB when the 'Avenger is chasing the Falcon. If I took a shot of the ISD, then superimposed a shot of the Tantive IV and moved it to scale, what difference does the length of the models make? None. Unless I apply thier measurements in order to SCALE them to each other. I.E. make the Runner smaller than the ISD.
since they KNEW the length of the model. Only now, at the end, do you understand???

Unlike you, I knew at the beginning. It's you who doesn't understand. You just rehashed my words and flung them back at me. At least for once I had some intelligent comments coming to me. Then again, I had to do TWICE the work.

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Post 1500 acheived on Thu Jan 23, 2003 at 2:48 am
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Post by Robert Treder »

/me applauds Cal. I fucking hate these anti-swearing cocksockets.
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Post by Slartibartfast »

Hey, I did that first! Applaud me too!
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Post by Boba Fett »

SPOOFE wrote: Boba Fett...
The port side of the SSD is illuminated just like the ISDs below.
It doesn't look like that to me. Remember, ISD's are almost white (as witnessed in ANH)... the color in the picture looks a ruddy tan. And the SSD is a dark grey-ish blue. The two faces pointed towards the audience seem to be appropriately shadowed... the problem, it seems, comes from the fact that the underside of an ISD is more steeply angled than an SSD, allowing us to see the far surface of the SSD (which appears very bright) but not the ISD (so we can't tell how bright it would appear).
I was talking about the picture from the OT. As I see now the picture from the SE version it seems much-much better.
No different light colours.
That makes your comment acceptable for me! :wink:

Still we need to think about the size of the command tower.

It still doesn't look to me a standard size KDY tower.

Edit: Just saw Mad's previous post and I think he's right. It seems to be a scaling problem.

PS: Special thanks to Crown for fixing that huge pic!
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Post by vakundok »

SPOOFE wrote:Vakundok...
Then the fault was mine for failing to make myself clear, and I apologize. I'm glad that we were able to get that resolved.
Never mind!
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Post by Robert Treder »

Slartibartfast wrote:Hey, I did that first! Applaud me too!
/me applauds Slartibartfast.
And you may ask yourself, 'Where does that highway go to?'

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Post by Vympel »

Flaming of idiot split from the end of the actual debate- if you wish to flame more, the HoS is open for the purpose :)
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Dammit, I never see these until it's too late...
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Post by Baron Scarpia »

I'm still waiting to hear "Emperor Palpatine"'s rationalization of the pic I posted from RoTJ. If the Executor is only 12.8 km, how can 10-11 1.6 km ISDs fit alongside it like shown?
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Because to official website says so. :P

He's not forthcoming and we won't hear from him other then to belittle us because we don't accept 12.8 KM out of hand when canon shows us a much greater length.

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Post by Darth Servo »

Baron Scarpia wrote:I'm still waiting to hear "Emperor Palpatine"'s rationalization of the pic I posted from RoTJ. If the Executor is only 12.8 km, how can 10-11 1.6 km ISDs fit alongside it like shown?
[Idiot imposter Palpy]
Well, um, it well could maybe possibly be an optical illusion. Yeah, thats it. Its all an illusion. The official web page is infalliable, don't you know that?
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Post by Emperor Palpatine »

I'm still waiting to hear "Emperor Palpatine"'s rationalization of the pic I posted from RoTJ. If the Executor is only 12.8 km, how can 10-11 1.6 km ISDs fit alongside it like shown?
I saw the picture. Yes, it is pretty convincing, but it still isn't clear that it [the ISD] was really directly in front of the SSD. You've only think it is directly in front.
But, yah. Convincing enough. No more arguments from me. Now, to ask those Jedi Council members on They probably wouldn't answer 'Is Palpatine REALLY Sidious?", but I'm sure they will to this.

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Post by Darth Servo »

Emperor Palpatine wrote:I saw the picture. Yes, it is pretty convincing, but it still isn't clear that it [the ISD] was really directly in front of the SSD. You've only think it is directly in front.
You saw the pic but apparently didn't read the text that went along with it. The ISD's bridge tower appear roughly the same size as the Executor's. We know from other sources that the bridge towers of the two different classes of ships (ISD and SSD) ARE in fact the same size. Therefore, the ISD must be about the same distance from the camera as the Executor.
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Post by Baron Scarpia »

Emperor Palpatine wrote:
I'm still waiting to hear "Emperor Palpatine"'s rationalization of the pic I posted from RoTJ. If the Executor is only 12.8 km, how can 10-11 1.6 km ISDs fit alongside it like shown?
I saw the picture. Yes, it is pretty convincing, but it still isn't clear that it [the ISD] was really directly in front of the SSD. You've only think it is directly in front.
But, yah. Convincing enough. No more arguments from me. Now, to ask those Jedi Council members on They probably wouldn't answer 'Is Palpatine REALLY Sidious?", but I'm sure they will to this.

Emperor D. C. Palpatine

Even if we don't know exactly how close the ISD is to the Executor, it is indisputably in FRONT of the Executor. So assuming it is right next to is gives only the LOWER LIMIT of the Executor's length. If the ISD is, in fact, closer to us than I am asserting, then the Executor would be even LONGER than the observed 17.6 km. It is indisputably longer than 12.8 km, regardless.
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Post by Cal Wright »

Emperor Palpatine wrote:
I'm still waiting to hear "Emperor Palpatine"'s rationalization of the pic I posted from RoTJ. If the Executor is only 12.8 km, how can 10-11 1.6 km ISDs fit alongside it like shown?
I saw the picture. Yes, it is pretty convincing, but it still isn't clear that it [the ISD] was really directly in front of the SSD. You've only think it is directly in front.
But, yah. Convincing enough. No more arguments from me. Now, to ask those Jedi Council members on They probably wouldn't answer 'Is Palpatine REALLY Sidious?", but I'm sure they will to this.

Emperor D. C. Palpatine

First off. Grab your closest dictionary. You know, the one with all the B-I-G words in it. Look up the 'stupid fucker'. You see that picture. That's not an ass, that's really you. Clever eh?

It is very FUCKING convincing that that god damned ISD is in FRONT of the god damned SSD in that picture. How the HELL can you NOT see that. In the same post you give us your concession, yet your still going to take it to the Jedi Council. The same fucktards that I have already debunked. Much like your argument. Not only that, but would they not just rehash what's already on the site? Please, for the love of any god that exist, stop bull shitting. Thank you.

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Post by SPOOFE »

You've only think it is directly in front.
It doesn't need to be "directly" in front. If the ISD is in front of the Executor at all - and unless you wish to claim that the Executor's hull is selectively transparent, it unarguably is - then we can get a lower-limit estimate.

Please learn a little about perspective, Mr. Palpatine. The farther away the ISD will be from the Executor, the LARGER the ISD will appear to be, as long as the ISD is between the viewer and the Executor. This means that in the two shots presented in this thread, the Executor is actually LARGER than we are scaling it to be. Meaning it is LARGER than 17.6 kilometers (how much larger, I don't know... probably insignificantly so).

As for the differing sizes of the bridge towers... I would chalk that up to loss of data due to contrast bleedover, that is, since the ISD was in shadow, the darker parts will appear larger than the illuminated sections on the SSD... the added illumination will make the lighter sections appear larger.
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Post by Vympel »

I don't think there's anything more to be gained from this thread. The actual debate is here, and the flaming of the moron is in the HoS where it belongs. Locked.
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