Red Herrings. You can't just ignore it if you don't want to address it.
I don´t ignore it. I try to put them into perspective
I really can't figure where you are going with this: Cruisers are more powerful in the movies then oficial displays, thus dealing with what you consider to be a contradiction, so this makes picket ships better as a result?
IP´s argument, that the MC-Cruisers were superior to the ISDs, despite being converted civilian ships and smaller.
And where in the movies? May i quote Admiral Ackbar: "We won´t last long against those star destroyers."
Gara took out he hyperdrive. Not real critical to the ship in a fight. In fact she asks and is told she can't take down shileds or anything.
Fine. But i just looked into SoloCommand again. On page 392 we get a glimpse at the forces arrayed against the Iron Fist: Three MC-Cruisers, one star destroyer and the carrier Quasar-Fire. Nothing about a few frigates and corvettes.
bullshit, that's not at all what you meant, you specifically said it might not be an Executor class.
I also said, the Iron Fist might not have been up to stats and thats the point i answered.
Yes, but you are making the claim, not him.
Lets turn this around: What prove do we have, that the Iron Fist was in top-condition?
Yes, over the long term. Short term the thing was still raring to go.
Of course you have a source to quote to prove this.
According to the EC Zsinj went rogue almost the moment he heard of Palpatines death. Over a time-frame of three years he conquered one third of the galaxy (starting with a single sector) and waged war against the NR and the empire at the same time. How long do you want "long term" to be?
No, the difference between an adjective (imperial as sign of political affilation) and a Substantive (Imperial like Imperial-Class-Stardestroyer).
Imperial would be capitaziled just like the class name would because the names of nations are always capitalized, just like personal names. If you wnat to get picky like that, Connor is even more correct becasue if they were describing a specific class then "imperial" would have been in italics the smae way Viscount was.
Well, i might sound picky, but "Imperial (-class) Star Destroyer" is what the author of that quote had in mind, people, who read it will see and what we will get, if future authors use the NEGVV to base their work on it.
And if anybody argues, that the intention was the Viscount to be able to engage an Allegiance or an Executor, that is also nitpicking.
Don´t you think, an author, who wants to impress the fan-boys wouldn´t have written "can engage a Super Star Destroyer", if the ship would be able to do so? You might have an argument, if there are other quotes, that show the situation to be different and if you know, please tell me. I would like nothing more, than to forget about that NEGVV-entry.
the fact that it has nothing to do with the argument is specifically why he said it was misdirection you twat.
Misdirection? While that point had nothing to do with the arguement itself, it describes how things are.
Actually, NEGVV indicates that, like Rontah Heavy Engineering, Rendilli Stardrives was a sub company. See the entry in the front where it states they built the KDY design Victory Star Destroyer. So while my theory was right, my position is correct.
Indicates, aha. But it is still no solid prove. Yet the moment i base an argument on something, that is only indicated or not written out in capital letters for every idiot to understand, i´m a twat.
Until now the Victory was a Rendili-design and the company no sub-company of KDY. And even if Rendili was taken over by KDY during the time-frame from AotC (the AotC:ICS describes it as competing company to KDY) till NJO, why would Destiny´s Way speak about Republic-Class-Cruisers and NOT Republic-Class-Star Destroyers?
Bitch bitch bitch, you are still wrong wrong wrong.
And still you have no proof, proof, proof.
[/quote]*sigh* Your arguement there was that since one was a destroyer and the other a cruiser, they must be different. I have repeatedly pointed out that both are cruisers, so they could be the same ship. [/quote]
*sigh* Just that the one is a Republic-Class-Star Destroyer built by a company, that, with exception of the NEGVV, every other source describes as competitor and not subsidiary of KDY and the other is a Republic-Class-Cruiser.
Fine. In that case we´ll disagree on this until somebody at WOTC or elsewhere produces some stats for the Republic-Class-Cruiser, that are different from those of the Republic-Class-SD.
So I've argued you to the ground, and rather then conceed you just say "give me more time so I can get newer evidence". that's akin to a creationist insit that the debate be posponed until the Revelation happens so they cna prove there is a god.
No. My arguments about DIFFERENT classifications and DIFFERENT manufactures of the two ships weren´t enough to penetrate that thick skull of yours, while your wishful thinking makes you claim them to be the same ship, with no other real evidence, as that both are called "Republic" and since i have no other argument at the moment, i think it pointless to continue.
And comparing me of being a creationist is one of those debating-facilites, you are so eager to accuse me of commiting.
Excuse me for misreading an extra zero. I want to know what the hell makes you think that 250,000 destroyers is an upper limit.
The imperial order of battle shown in the diagrams of the ISB and a quote from the Rebellion or Rebel-Alliance-Sourcebook, that the empire doubled its forces in the time between Yavin and Endor, as well as the ratio of major worlds in comparison to star destroyers in the fleet in "Spectres of the past". But as long as nobody clearifies on the 25,000-number from the same novel, that is only wishful thinking on my part.
We know that ISDs throw out somewhere around 1x10^24 watts
We have the Dondonna quote from ANH.
Even if we assume that he was talking the time averaged power of the shot and not its actual power, that gives us 1 billion ships. Destroyers, the workhorses of the fleet, are gong to be the bulk of this. Yet you think that there is only a quarter of a million of them
And the moment the ISD throws out 1*10^26 watts you are down to ten million ships. Not to mention bigger ships, than the ISD, gadgets like the Tarkin-Battlestation, Executors, Torpedo-Spheres and so on. Even Dreadnoughts should throw out 10^24 Watts, since they are able to execute BDZ-operations in A.C.Crispins Han Solo-trilogy.
Fine about the engage. In that case we have "jack shit" data about the abilities of the Viscount in contrast to other ships. I hope you are happy about it.
Bullshit, its twice the size of and more powerful then a battlecruiser, and we have a general idea of how strong a battlecruiser is based off of how strong destroyers and cruisers are. We still have data.
No, we only know, that it is twice the size of a battlecruiser. We don´t know, if its more powerful. For that we have to look how it performs in battle.
I actually have a nice little table on my computer where I am currently trying to work in all known classes to their roles. So I can confidently say yes, i can squeeze all those ships in because contrary to your position they aren't all the same.
Hmm, lets see:
crew: ~ 5,200
troops: ~ 1,200
weapons: 48 Turbolaser, 20 Ion-Cannons
fighters: 6 squadrons
crew: ~ 5,200
troops: ~1,200
weapons: 48 Turbolasers, 20 Ion-Cannons
fighters: 4-8 squadrons
differences to MC80: better shielding and reinforced hull
crew: ~ 5,900
troops: ~ 1,700
weapons: 75 Turbolaser-Batteries, 30 Ion-Cannons, 6 Missile-Launchers
fighters: 6 squadrons
crew: ~8,600
troops: ~3,200
weapons: 40 Heavy Turbolaser-Cannons, 40 Heavy Turbolaser-Batteries, 20 Ion-Cannons
fighters: 6 squadrons
crew: ~6,900
troops: ~1,600
weapons: 40 Heavy Turbolaser-Cannons, 40 Heavy Turbolaser-Batteries, 20 Ion-Cannons, 8 Missile-Launchers
fighters: 6 squadrons
crew: ~6,900
troops: ~1,600
weapons: 40 Heavy Turbolaser-Cannons, 40 Heavy Turbolaser-Batteries, 20 Ion-Cannons, 8 Missile-Launchers
fighters: 6 squadrons
Majestic-Class-Heavy Cruiser:
crew: ~4,200
troops: ~ 640
weapons: 30 Heavy Turbolaser-Cannons, 20 Laser-Cannons, 20 Ion-Cannons, 8 Missile-Launchers
With individual exceptions all ships have crews between 5,000 and 7,000 men, carry a number of troops between 1,200 and 1,700 men and have 4-6 squadrons of fighters. The major differences start with the weapons, especially with the Turbolasers, Heavy Turbolasers and Turbolaser-Batteries.
While i have no idea how to resolve this, i find it highly unlikely, that the NR produced the first ship, improved the number and power of weapons and continued to build models of the older ship, when everything else was the same, but with more firepower.
But if you have found an individual position for each one of them in the NR OOB, lets hear it.
Destroyers are bigger then cruisers. Right
Carrack-Class Light Cruiser: 350 meters
Dreadnought-Class Heavy Cruiser: 600 meters
Strike-Class Medium Cruiser: 450 meters
Vindicator-Class Heavy Cruiser: 600 meters (built by KDY, according to WOTC)
Enforcer-Class Heavy Cruiser: 600 meters
Majestic-Class Heavy Cruiser: 700 meters
You and i both know, that this is wrong, but it is still the way things are done in the GFFA. The only possible solution i see for getting things more akin to the real world is to expand the classification-system with the prefix "star"
star frigate (what would cover all ships mentioned above)
star destroyer
star cruiser
star battlecruiser
star battleship
Wow, nice of you to totally distort my position.
Your position? Your position is, that i think a cruiser to be smaller than a destroyer, while i should have already cleared, that this isn´t the case. Didn´t you understand, that i was only explaining how this classification-issue is handled in the official literature?
I didn't realize 80 was less then 64.
60 Turbolasers and 60 Ion-Cannons for the ISD-I, 50 Heavy Turbolaser-Batteries and Fifty Heavy Turbolaser-Cannons and 20 Ion-cannons for the ISDII.
Before you complain, that this doesn´t fit with what we see in the movies, i want to make clear, that for a working comparison we have to convert movie-stats to official stats. What means, that the weapons of a EU-ship would be different in a movie, but still in the original ratio in comparison to the ISD. I´m aware of the difficulties of that, but if you have another idea, let me know.
And if we go by the canon, I'm right. A month or so ago I did a it of study on Mon Cal capabilities. I figured mass and scaled engine thrust. I examined weapons size and number. I looked through shielding theories. End result: Mon Cal cruisers were specifically designed to fight Imperial vessesl of similar and greater tonnage, and succeed very well.
In other words Mon Cal-cruisers are superior, but i´m to lazy to describe why. You have chackled, chicken, now lay.
Individually? No. But two or three accompanied with smaller vessels can and did in ROTJ. Which is, funny, what we see in the novels.
Including the much more powerful "Home One", A-Wings able to exploit the failure of the bridge-deflectorshield and the Executor ramming the DeathStar.
I'm not forgetting any of that, you are just strawmanning the hell out of my argument. I have consistently said a few cruisrs and some smaller ships could down a SSD. What do we see in the movies? A cruiser and 2-3 destroyers and some smaller ships take out a SSD. And the Executor was going down with or without the DS2, it hit it because they knew it was dead and onthe run. It had no shields and was surrounded by hositles. And the mon clas that WEG labels at 1200 meters scale to 1500 meters.
No problem with a few cruisers. But the way i understood IPs post, it was one cruiser and a couple of frigates and corvettes.
Home One is still three times bigger, than the other cruisers size- and masswise. The Executor wasn´t dead. It had lost its bridge-deflectorshields, not all of its shields. And it wasn´t on the run, it crashed into the DeathStar. Piett doesn´t order "lets run away", he orders "increase fire with the frontal batteries".
Mon Remonda was dedicated to war
But still based on a pleasure-liner.
Lets review: Converted Mon Cal SDs have dozens of ISD 1 type HTLs on them and can canonically go toe to toe with ISDs. Later versions like the Mon Remonda are suppossedly more powerful. And you think I am off in saying that these later versions that are more powerful can do better?
According to canon, they can´t (see the Ackbar-quote). I don´t doubt later versions are more powerful. I only question if only three of them can defeat a SSD, without one of them being as powerful as Home One. If the GFFA is technologically stagnant, how can they put more weapons, that are more powerful and improved shielding into a shiphull, that is already smaller by at least 20 percent and (for the later versions) be superior to the ISDs? And why didn´t the empire find a way to do so?
Movies over rule official
The Viscount is official. The stats of MC80, MC90 and so on are official. If vessels in the rebel-fleet at Endor are bigger, how can they belong to those classes. And even if, why shouldn´t there be other differences besides the lenght?
Movies overrule official, smallest cruisers at Endor were 1500 meters so it has zero to do with me "hoping" for anything
Actually i meant IP´s ideas about the MC90 being bigger, than the official 1,255 meters.
Sector size determined by number of key systems, thus a number of densly developed world will allow for smaller sectors and let them fit in a smaller region.
Don´t let IP hear that. I wanted to point at things in the EU, that are, well, questionable or dubious.
This would be...?
Borleias in X-Wing: RogueSquadron.
Yes, an experienced and trusted public face to deal with things and spin your actions and also handle covert things is difficult.
One has to wonder, what kind of man Kinman Dorianna was, if Palpatine needed Vader, Thrawn and Mara Jade to replace him. And why not one of the other GA´s? At this point Zahn is overdoing it.
1,200,000 clone-troopers
Canon statement
Exactly that. Don´t you think that number to be a bit low to start a war and the conquest of a galaxy with?
the superlaser using neutrinos to pierce through planetary shields,
Violates physics and thus falls before the DET theory which is supported by the canon
Yet this is official explenation of the workings of the superlaser in the DESB.
No thanks, that is enough red herrings for one day. Your bullshit is more tiresome then helping your position here.
Red Herrings? Bullshit? What i want to make clear is, that the EU isn´t infallable or consistent and if there are inconsistencies, we have to find a way to rationalize them.
Evidence? A quote perhaps, besides her unfortunate end over Dathomir?
I can't provide direct quotes as my novels are half the country away. But he returned to Rancor base to effect repairs and oversee the testing of the Second Death project, so that is atleast one time.
Fair enough.
The optimist thinks, that we live in the best of all possible worlds and the pessimist is afraid, that this is true.
"Don't ask, what your country can do for you. Ask, what you can do for your country." Mao Tse-Tung.