Crayz9000 wrote:<snip>
You know what? I don't give a shit about what West End Games says. With their well-documented major screwups, they might as well have been run by Paramount's continuity department.
They call the Carrack a cruiser, while calling the almost same-sized Lancer a frigate. Care to explain that one?
Sure, but again we have to go back to a sea going navy for comparison. The Carrack is a light cruiser and a Lancer is a frigate right? Ok, lets see..
FF 1037 Bronstein class frigate: length 371 feet, beam 40 feet.
FF 1040 Garcia class frigate: length 514 feet, beam 45 feet.
FF 1052 Knox class frigate: length 438 feet, beam 47 feet.
FF 1098 Glover class frigate: length 414 feet, beam 44 feet.
FFG 7 Oliver Haard Perry length 445 feet, beam 45 feet.
class frigate:
Now compare these frigates to the cruisers made durring the same period.
CGN 25 Bainbridge class cruiser length 565 feet, beam 58 feet.
CGN 35 Truxtun class cruiser length 564 feet, beam 58 feet.
CGN 36 California class cruiser length 596 feet, beam 61 feet.
CGN 38 Virginia class cruiser length 586 feet, beam 63 feet.
CG 7 Ticonderoga class cruiser length 567 feet, beam 55 feet.
I grouped these according to dates as close as possible, the largest size discrepency comes with the first two(Bronstein v Bainbridge) with the Bronstien being 34 percent smaller. In the next set, Garcia v Truxtun, the frigate is only 9 % smaller. The Knox is 26% smaller and the Glover is roughly 29% smaller than its corosponding cruiser. The last two, (Perry class v Ticonderoga class), the Perry class is about 21% smaller than the Ticonderoga. Now if you compare the largest cruiser to the smallest frigate you get a size difference of about 38 percent.
Ok, transfer this over to the Carrack and Lancer question and lets see. The Carrack is what? 350 meters long right? And the Lancer is 250 meters long. The difference in size of the Lancer is about 28% smaller than the Carrack.
Now the above differences between modern or recently modern vessels of the cruiser and frigates run between 20% to 30% with the exception of the Bronstein v Bainbridge comparison and the absolute biggest v the absolute smallest. You can see that the Carrack and Lancer sizes corospond well. The difference between Cruisers, Frigates, and Destroyers on purely the lengths are not that big. If you look at Cruisers v Destroyers from the American Navy, the size differences are even smaller.
Just a couple of quick ones(since I bothered looking them up)
The Arleigh Burke is 10% smaller than the Ticonderoga.
The Spruance is 5% smaller than the California.
The Kidd is 4% smaller than the Virginia.
The Farragut is 4% smaller than the Leahy.
So comparing the sizes between cruisers, frigates and destroyers in the real word seems to indicate that a frigate is 20 to 30% smaller than a cruiser and a destroyer is 5 to 10% smaller than a cruiser.(Again note that when I compared them, I grouped them according when they were commisioned so a comparison is made between two ships built at roughly the same time.)
Now this works on the Carrack cruiser and the Lancer class frigate, lets look at the Imperitor and the Immobilizer. The Immobilizer is suppost to be a specialized ship built on a heavy cruiser hull and you want the Imperitor to be a destroyer. The Immobilizer is 600 meters long compared with the 1600 meters of the Imperitor (destroyer). The size difference is the cruiser is 62 to 63% smaller than the destroyer, a complete flip flop of the other comparisons. If we make the Imperitor a cruiser and the Immobilizer a frigate, the numbers start to make some sence but the difference is still larger than the paradym above.
Personaly, I believe that the Imperitor is a cruiser design and the size difference between it and the Victory is one of realitive age. The differences between the Imperitor and other designes such as the Soveriegn and Griel's ship are alot bigger and can be explained by the differences between a cruiser and a battleship. The Executor's large size in my opinion, makes it more of a command carrier than a battleship. Just the large fighter complement and cargo/troop space alone makes it more of a command carrier in my mind than a battleship. And lets face it, a bunch of cruisers (ISD's) escorting the command carrier that is serving as the flag ship of the fleet is not conclusive evidence that the cruisers are in fact destroyers. Battleships have escorted carriers before and no one will call an BB61 Iowa class a destroyer.
And lastly a thought on the whole rebel slang of stardestroyers thing. Leia Organa was a member of the Imperial Senate and not a back world hick, yet she identified the Executor as a stardestroyer while fleeing form Bespin. Reekien was a "General" and he identified the fleet coming at Hoth as a fleet of stardestroyers. Ackbar, an "Admiral" called the Executor a super stardestroyer durring the battle of Endor. Now maybe you can call them back world hicks, but all these personel were portrayed as highly intellegent beings with a implication of an education. I would expect that these knowledgable people would know the differences between a battleship and a destroyer.
Personaly I think that the "Stardestroyer" tag is either a new designation or possible a brandname from KDY. The Immobilizer looks alot like the Imperitor but is not refered to as a stardestroyer, and it is built by Sienar Fleet Systems. The only time I can think of that a ship is refered to by "stardestroyer" is when one is refering to a KDY ship.