Mad wrote:Actually, at worst, it means the superlaser acts just like turbolasers, with the power ramp-up and visible ripple propagating along the beam.
Well, don't we already know that superlasers and turbolasers function in very similar manners? Ergo, whatever we figure out for the turbolaser/superlaser will apply to the other.
This stuff says there's a visible tracer: <snip>
The c-speed theory incorporates all this data together and further explains the bolt redirection seen in the movies.
Well, at the risk of enraging Ender even more, all of this stuff refers to super/turbo/lasers essentially as if they
are lasers. I was under the impression that this was definitely not the case.
And now to respond to my good buddy here...
Ender wrote:You are attempting to disregard evidence rather then attempting to harmonize it. That is pure, unadultered antiscientific bullcrap.
I'm actually going exclusively with the movies for source material right now. Reconciling with any secondary material is not one of my objectives at the moment. Getting a solid working theory down for the movies and
then reconciling it with the secondary material (and I regard
anything not in the movies as secondary, including the ICS). After all, Mike's own canon hiearchy puts the movies above everything else. Getting conformity with the second-tier canon is important as well, though, so those would definitely hold more weight with me than any EU novelizations or what-have-you. GL himself has said that the EU is essentially a parallel universe, so if the EU authors say something that contradict with the films, it's entirely acceptable to anlayze them as totally separate subjects (canon TLs/SLs/etc and EU TLs/SLs/etc).
Ender wrote:And by all means, explain how they can do damage with the invisible part if it is not EM in nature and will thus propegate at C. Explain away the massless nature, which you havent' done aside from say "Oh, but thats wrong" and refusing to provide the proof and ignoring HDSs explanation.
I haven't refused to provide anything. I haven't had time to do it yet. Writing up a quick rebuttal to you doesn't take a lot of time. Sitting down and analyzing footage frame by frame does. My schedule not suiting your convenience does not equate to my refusal to provide proof.
Ender wrote:Since you are clearly retarded I shall explain again, despite having already said this twice.
Your inability to explain things adequately is not a failing on my part.
Ender wrote:From when the beams meet to when the damage appears is the time.
Fine. This time is even
longer than 58 frames, then,
completely destroying the notion of a
c beam. Do you want me to post every single frame? I'll be happy to if it'll resolve this matter.
Ender wrote:Really, that's great, Shadows of the Empire says differently. But I forgot, you keep trying to throw out evidence in favor of some Mysterious Unnamed Mechanism.
See above. EU does not necessarily need to be reconciled with canon. Shadows is definitely EU. Once a theory can be worked out from the canon sources, then the EU can be examined. This isn't unscientific -- it's limiting variables and examining a problem in a piecewise manner.
Ender wrote:I'd say ignoring is a more accurate term
Your consumate civility does not make one particularly inclined to pay close attention, so I may have missed something
Ender wrote:Quit that pussey "I'm gonna flame but couch it with a smiley" bullshit right now.
It's sarcasm. I tend to use sarcasm a lot in my day-to-day interactions. It's not meant to be inflammatory, but simply amusing. You, on the other hand, seem to be actively attempting to get me into a flame war with you, which I frankly resent.
Ender wrote:This is fucking ironic as hell.
Quit passing off your failings as mine.
Care to elaborate on what the failing is? I understand now what you were trying to say, but your phrasing at the time did not convey it to me, so what I understood you to be saying
was wrong.
Ender wrote:Which is totally irrelevent as you both tried the exact same shit of using lenses to get distance which does not work.
And? I conceded the point that the lens idea doesn't work because we don't know what lens the 'documentor' used. It's a valid point, and I acknowledge it. The math isn't wrong, the concept behind it is. So? I was wrong for assuming a constant that wasn't actually known, even though I thought it was based on the method I was using. Sue me. I was directed to look over the SoD page, and once I had, I stopped this line of thinking and went with another one.
Ender wrote:You stopped because every attempt to justfy it was shot to hell. You could not provide an argument to support your methods. That is indeed getting your ass handed to you in a debate.
Actually, the only thing that was shot to hell was the notion that the real world lens and the 'documentary' lens were the same. Using
accepted methods, I still came up with figures that agreed with my initial calculations. Method was wrong, conclusion was not.
Ender wrote:And yet you cannot explain the massless nature other then say its wrong and refuse to provide images or address HDS when he provides an explanation. You are yet to provide any sort of mechanism by which to explain the damage preceeding and following the tracer. Your entire approach is based off the idea of disregarding other canon evidence.
See above. "Yet to provide" being the operative term. As I said, I'm sorry if my schedule does not meet your demands, but I'm not going to reshape my work and social schedules to justify my theory on a bulletin board, as much as I might enjoy this kind of analysis. And all that's going on now is you trying to aggrivate me, which I don't entirely regard as enjoyable, and certainly not why I'm here.
Ender wrote:Flat out lie, you are now doing exactly what I said to do pages ago.
Yes, but you had nothing to do with it. That was my point. I totally forgot that you even brought it up until you said so just now.
Ender wrote:I am being hostile because being nice did not work to penetrate your wall of ignorance.
I have yet to actually see you be nice. In any case, hostility alone is just going to make me more defensive and resolved. It's not helping you at all. Presenting good reasons why I'm actually wrong in my calculations (which I have only begun to provide with the superlaser speed situation, so there's not enough to refute yet, and I acknowledge that -- again, I ask that you be patient and give me time) and explaining why yours are correct, on the other hand, would help prove your point.
Ender wrote:You did not provide shots supporting your claim that blasts have mass
Ender wrote:You did not address any issues with the existing theory and its explanations for what you think are contradictions
Ender wrote:You are yet to offer any sort of mechansim for the course shifting
Ender wrote:You have yet to explain how damage is done both before and after the bolt.
Yet. (Is this getting repetitive?)
Ender wrote:Your entire premise is based off totally disregarding other canon and official evidence.
No, my method of attacking the problem is examining canon sources
only before trying to reconcile with EU sources that are not even necessarily regarded as the same "universe."
Ender wrote:Your entire argument thus far is nothing more then unscientific bullshit.
My entire argument thus far consists of the superlaser travelling at subluminal velocity. I have made points about other aspects of the 'current theory' that I think are wrong that I intend to address, but I have not yet made an argument to that end yet. My only argument so far has been examined in the same method as Dr. Saxton's (but using the correct number of frames) and the very one you suggested as well. It has provided results which corroborate my assertion that the superlaser's
damaging portion (tracer or no, invisible or no) does
not travel at
As for my other points, as I've been saying, give me time to address them individually. So far, I've said the superlaser does not travel at
c. I've provided evidence as such, using Tier-1 and Tier-2 canon sources. The burden is now on you to prove my findings inaccurate.
Lord Poe wrote:Hmm.. Kazeite is back, I see. Moved from Poland, did you?
I'm going to assume this was directed at me and no, I'm not Kazeite, nor do I know who that is. Mike may or may not remember me from a waaays back (I doubt it; I sent him a few e-mails a year or more ago), but this it the first time I've ever registered on these boards. I'll give you an entire life story, if you want, complete with pictures