the shield IS the mechanism for creating an explosion. Its something to act against, unlike the mythical flak burst (which requires something else to not only trigger it, but to create the spherical detonation. For the most part, this must be done in a vaccuum as well as in contact with other things. In my case, I HAVE proof that shields can trigger bolt explosions. You have yet to prove that the bolts can explode in thin air or in empty space.Darth Garden Gnome wrote: Well exploding against a shield requires an extra mechanism. Exploding is just exploding.
We see beam weapons used on the Death Star, in Ep2 AOTC, etc. And we COULD argue as you do, but that also assumes that its impossible to have seen the beams offscreen. (By logic we could throw out the majority of elements in the novel because "we didn't see them." - but its only a problem when its a direct contradiction. In this case, you're assuming the beams would look like the bolts, which may not ber neccesarily so.)Well to be fair we only see one type of 'bolt' in the movie, so one could argue movie>novel.
And we don't see only one type of bolt. We see a number of types of bolts - least of all ones of varying length (not to mention color. And some are semi-transparent solid bars, and others have glowing bright cores with a "nimbus" around them...) And some have pulses in them.
Now WHAT were you saying about "one type of bolt?"
How the fuck did you jump from "minor" to "backwards savages". This has nothing to do with level, but the KIND of technology. You're the one assuming they employ a single kind of shielding (and that its teh same kind the Naboo use.)And since when does minor mean they're backwards savages? They can have up to date technology, just on a much smaller scale.
Pulling your "we don't see it, its not there" bullshit again. Just because the movie doesnt specifically give them shields doesnt mean they aren't there. Only direct contradictions require overriding. Simply because you didnt see the glowing effects you expected does not constitute a direct contradiction.Well that's all fine and good, but it's still is speculation. Even if the novel dictates so, we see no reference to it anywhere in the movie. We know the N-1 and droideka had shields.
By that logic "we see no reference to flak bursts" in the movie - so that means I can toss them out. Case closed

Again, you pull the "we dont see it, it doesn't exist" manuver. Not only that, you decide arbitrarily we "don't" see it, so it must mean they're flak bursts. Did you notice where Curtis said:Well the bolt defraction theory is most interesting. I do believe I see this in AOTC with the Geonosian fighters atacking the LAAT. However no such effect is visible in TESB, where the bolts seem to just explode. In light of this it may be posible that this flak is both, well flak, and shield reactions.
[quote="Curtis Saxton"
The daughter bolts are necessarily more susceptible to further decay, and when the shield is stronger than the bolt the shower decays into an almost indefinite cascade of branching splinters so that it is dissipated as a mere blink of light.
Some bolts dissipate so rapidly they only appear as bright flashes of light - which we in FACT see in TESB.
I love how you decide to dismiss the analysis of both Mike and Curtis as 'mere speculation' in favor of a theory that is based on mere speculation itself ("we see bright flashes in the movies from the bolts" + "we hear mention of flak and exploding bolts" = "Turbolasers that can explode like bombs at will!" + "plugging one's ears to other theories and problems with flak burst theory.") Deciding to throw up a Wall of Ignorance now, are we?
Semantics games. He's referring to particle shielding (which IIRC has been sometimes referred to as deflectors, since they deflect physical debris. Few capital shields physically deflect the bolts, most diffuse and absorb.) What the FUCK does this have to do with our discussion, anyhow?Deflector shields being different from ray shields? Seems to be a pretty radical idea, seeing as how when TIEs approach the Falcon in ANH Han tells Chewie to "angle the deflectors." But since TIEs don't carry physical warheads, it would seem deflectors are rayshields, and may be a combination of both ray and particle.
Droideka shields are distinct from Naboo and Gungan shields, which are further different from other kinds (Gunship and Falcon shields, both of which have been observed in an atmosphere.)Then it would seem that after a short time in atmosphere starship shields lose their "glow." The Gungans, as you said are primitives and shielding technology is different than that of the rest of the galaxy. The droidekas, ont he other hand, may have something to do with it being a more personal shielding.
The gunships HAD shields. Just because you demand there be a reference for it to be true doesn't invalidate it. THe Core ships HAVE shields, yet unless they were invisible they WEREN'T in use (which creates a great many problems for rationalization.)The Gunships may or may not have had shields. The core ships may have very well had shields, but there color dissapeared after the exposure to atmosphere, like the N-1.
The color is due to interaction with the atmosphere. The only way for the color to disappear would be for that interaciton to cease (Either the shield creating the interaction stops its interaction, or the medium it interacts with disappears.) Of course if this is true, it also helps explain the "gunship shields" if this is the case, so you lose out on claiming "the gunship didn't have shields."
So you'd be dumb enough to send your own men in when you have a simpler option available?Which again presents the problem of killing your own men. No poin tin letting off an huge blast if its goning to kill your own troops.
Besides which, the ranges involved (as well as the ranges in hoth) were quite distant - they precluded any probability of friendly-fire kills (and even then, clonetrooper armor is resistant to explosions and shrapnel - as per the AOTC VD)
"Maximum firepower" did not drain the AT-ATs of energy. It might have accompanied an extended recharge rate for the guns (or at least some of them). I don't recall Veer's AT AT suddenly stopping in place because it fired a "max power" barrage.It would have been unwise to throw all your energy away in huge mass atakcs even if they would work, when your going to need them to take out the generator. And since Veers didn't know what the rebels could have cooked up to kill his walkers, he was smart not to throw it all away in an attack, that MAY have been sucessful.
Also, precisely because he didn't KNOW what the Rebels had planned would be reason to wipe them (particularily the snowspeeders) out en-masse, especially when they are grouped together like they were before getting close up. Do you seriuosly think giving your opponent time to execute his tactics is a GOOD idea?
1.) He didn't throw all his energy away in a maximum-firepower burst. The AT-AT did not suddenly suffer a massive power drain the minute it fired off the full-power barrage. This is purely speculation on your part.Again Veers had no idea what waas waiting for him out there. To throw all his energy away in one huge attack, only to find that the Rebels had more for him, and he was out of enegy. That would have been devestating
2.) As I said before, the fact he DOESN'T know would be reason enough for him to kill the ships quick before they have a chance to execute their attacks.
1 - They only stole one AT-ST, and that was because they had Chewbacca helping them (how the hell would an Ewok know how to operate an AT-ST anyhow? The Ewoks ran the speeder bikes by pure luck!)I if do recall the Ewoks were on top of the walkers, and eventually in them. And the troopers aren't exactly the most reliable in this situation, being fully visible to fight a camoflauged enemy. The Ewoks might hav ebeen stealing At-STs left and right had not aone fired adjacently to itself. And then timber! Bonk, and the AT-ST, and any other troops with it, would have been gone. And its not liek they had that many to spare either.
2 - Concealment/camoflage has little to do with shooting an Ewok or two away from your mobile artillery.
3 - The AT-ST's can still step on Ewoks, and even then, the ewoks that WERE close were never effective in damaging them.
4 - the traps were all executed at range, as were groupings of ewoks (you MIGHT remember them firing on the catapults, on ewoks running away, etc.) Not once were flak bursts used, when these would easily take out large groups of Ewoks in a single attack.
5 - none of your reasons actually explain WHY the Flak bursts weren't used, or why it would be bad to use them against the ewoks (especially when they were clustered as we saw) In fact, they serve as ample reasons WHY you would want to clear them out as rapidly as possible, to diminish their abilities as threats.
You also argued they were used against the Falcon by TIEs, which are FAR smaller (and whose firepower for CONCENTRATED bolts has trouble penetrating without repeated/sustained strafing). Flak bursting by TIE fighters would be utterly pointless.Against enormous targets liek an ISD, flaking is useless. Flak has been seen to be used to target fast moving fighters, not kill capships. I beilieve I've already stated that, anyways.
But as I also pointed out, its far more efficient to use "low power/rapid fire" bursts. Not only can you direct the overall energy fire more effectively, you can rely on the concentrated nature of the bursts to penetrate shields (in fact you can more tightly concentrate the bolt, even at low power, to concentrate the energy on a far smaller area. These are called "needle beams" - several blaster types like the Luxan penetrator fire such a bolt, and some blasters have needle beam modes (ref. Han Solo at Stars end.) This is also far more precise than a brute force and energy-wasteful "flak burst".
And we already KNOW such capability exists, unlike with the Flak bursts.
Flak bursting a energy bolt that already requires many multiple hits to penetrate in a concentrated state is going to be worse than useless. Any "flak bursted" fighter bolt's energy is going to be effortlessly radiated away since only a small fraction of the bolt's energy will be absorbed (Rather than the full bolt.) Even worse, that energy is very broadly dispersed, making it far easier to dissipate and radiate away. The Falcon can easily shrug off several capital scale anti-fighter bolts - what makes you think a flak burst is going to have an easier time penetrating than a concentrated, far more powerful burst?It doesn't help if you can't even hit the intended target ship either. Hence flak bursting, even when concetrated bolts are more powerful.
Shooting over the horizon is an example of a "non-LOS" use for blasters. As I poitned out, they DON'T have the capability to shoot at non-LOS targets (as per the sources I cited.) Its not the horizon that matters (That is only an example) - its the fact that blasters are *explicitly* called line of sight weapons. That means you NEED line of sight to employ them. A flak burst would NOT require line of sight.I fail to see how flak bursting=shooting over the horizon. Sure if a shot detonates and the presice moment it can hit something IMMEDIATLEY over the horizon, but then agian so can a blast that hits the ground near the horizon also. This doesn't prove anything.
We didnt see the flak bursts. Your ridiculous assertions about "friendly fire casualties" don't excuse their absence (in fact, they prove it.)Hmm? How does this discredit that theory?
Had we seen flak bursts, we should have been seeing blaster bolts exploding with a tremendous output of energy comparable to the release of many tons of TNT (as I have been saying all along and you have been willfully ignoring.) - something that would have caused quite LARGE and noticible effects in an atmosphere. Hence, they weren't used.
None of the BS you are posting is proving your theory. You just appear to be holding on and nitpicking in hopes I might get bored and leave so you can concede victory. But you've lost. I've not only provided more than sufficient evidence to back my side since this debate BEGAN, but I've been supported in this by the independent analysis of both Mike Wong and Curtis Saxton, which only lends FURTHER weight to my side.I believe I mentioned that you shouldn't take the quote to seriously, and that it was just something I threw in towards the end. It has no real relevence in this debate I suppose. But like I said, it's worth a try?
You have a poorly defined, vague theory you defend entirely on the basis of your own subjective interpretations of visuals and dialgoue, coupled with deliberate dodging of counterclaims through nitpicking and speculation. I am getting tired of your bullshit, and this pretension that you actually have a case. Continue to refuse concession and I will withdraw even the slightest pretense of civility towards you. I am under no obligation to put up with this inane stupidity.