At the beginning of the film Micheal makes it clear that he wants nothing to do with the family business. It is only after a rival mafia attempts to assassinate his father and he gets beaten up by a corrupt cop that he starts getting involved.Oh good point. So Kay had even more exposure and time to understand Micheal and his family before still deciding to marry him. After he became Hutt Don.
This still doesn't justify the atrocity he committed. And there has to be more to Tusken society than murdering, torture and kidnapping people. Their society would be unable to sustain itself otherwise. For all we know, it could have only been a small minority of the Tusken's who were torturing her.No, what I'm saying, I already said. The Tusken kids that Anakin killed are going to grow up to kidnap and torture someone elses mom. Anakin realizes this and easily could have been used to further fuel Anakin's rage.
Mike was worried about his families safety. He may not have liked his families business but he still felt that it was his duty to protect his family. Besides, Mike killed people who actually deserved it (a corrupt cop and a mafia boss) whilst Anakin murdered children.A choice that he didn't have to make. Even Sonny and Tom at that point were still trying to dissuade him from doing so. They were going to handle things, but Mike made the VERY rational decision "It's business, not personal" to take an active roll and become a killer and drug pusher and pimp etc. Keep in mind that Mike killing the police officer and Solotzo (?) took place days, maybe even a few weeks after his father was shot. Mike also had a very large family base to use as support. It doesn't even come close to Shmi dying in Anakin's arms, her being the only family he ever knew, and going on his killing spree literally SECONDS after Shmi actually died.
Mike probably joined the marines out of a sense of patriotic duty. "I want to live a normal life but first I must do my duty to my country". You are aware that the majority of the soldiers in WW2 went on to lead normal lives after the war, right? Just because Mike joined the marines it does not mean that he didn't want a normal life.And learn to read. My point about Mike joining the Marines was not a jab at his character dumbass, but showing that it was not a normal life (the life Tom, Sonny, Vito, Fredo, his mother and the rest of the family wanted for him) Mike wanted for himself.
Which is why he needed immediate psychiatric help.Oh you are a fucking idiot. NO ONE IS SAYING IT IS OK DIPSHIT. Are you purposely ignoring the circumstances Anakin was in? The emotional stress of the moment he faced just seconds before? The overall circumstances of his life at the moment?
You are aware that most soldiers who commit atrocities have nasty post tramatic stress syndrome afterwards right? The idea that someone can massacre a whole village and be perfectly okay mentally afterwards is comical. Are you really that ignorant about basic human psychology?CIRCUMSTANCES. Fuck you are a thick brick. What caused Anakin to snap, is something that can literally NEVER happen again, because his mother is now dead. The only way that anything remotely the same could happen again, is if someone pretty fucking evil spent like, over a decade manipulating his mind and actions and influencing him with some sort of external... force and make him think the same thing might happen to Padme... Oh wait.
However, even ignoring the fact that Anakin would probably be suffering PTSD for the rest of his life there is still the fact that he could snap again if he lost another person who was important to him. Like say, his wife? Oh wait.
What Channel said is absolutely correct. Meeting someone when they are nine and meeting them again ten years later IS like meeting two entirely different people. Are you really trying to tell me that Padme was in love with a child she meet ten years ago? So love struck that she couldn't see that the object of her affections has obviously changed into a monster?That reply has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. Are you just plagiarizing what Channel has already said and then doing a piss poor job of figuring out where to copy/paste it?
Obviously it wouldn't be a good idea to chastise Anakin. What she should have is inform the Jedi council, or at least Obi Wan about Anakin's actions.Wow it is great that you would imagine that, BUT THAT ISN'T WHAT HAPPENED FUCK HEAD. Padme wasn't horrified, we saw that. Or maybe she was and figured that moment might not be the best time to chastise Anakin and a shoulder to cry on was what he needed at the moment since his mom just died in his arms and he committed a heinous act as retribution that he can't seem to come to grips with.
Of course the only reason they were reliant on Anakin to get them off Tattoine was because of plot induced stupidity. But regardless, I'll conceed this point.And Anakin didn't just accidentally save her planet... he was THE KEY component in allowing Padme to even get to Coruscant, let alone get back to Naboo. Then he did, what no other pilot was even capable of doing unless you are going to say that Ben Burtt was going to fly through the TF droid control ship?
Without Anakin's courage and bravery and complete lack of worrying about his own well being, he wouldn't have been in a position to 'accidentally' destroy the droid control ship.
That EU crap sounds like, crap. Besides, even if no one was actively opposed to the torture it still does not make it okay to kill them all. By that logic it is okay to kill all white people in 1980's South Africa.As for the whole tribe taking part in the actual torture, I never said they were. If the EU crap is to be believed, then in fact the whole tribe was reaping the benefits of her torture, and certainly, EU or no, no one was opposed to it.
Oh, I understand the circumstances perfectly. It still doesn't make it okay for Padme to be okay with it.I really can't understand how you fucking idiots can ignore the circumstances that led to Anakin killing the Tuskens. The only conclusion I can come to, is that you all have shitball mothers that you don't give two fucks about.