Illuminatus Primus wrote:The Fact File contradicts itself. Plasma doesn't work for blaster weapons--visuals are all wrong. The EGtWT doesn't work by itself cuz those energy blasts, if simply self-contained, would travel in parabolic arcs.
Fair. As I've said before, I think there might be enough evidence to go either way on this topic, but
without evidence to prove it yet, I will concede the point for now.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:By changing the meaning of the official and canon text, which is indestinguishable from discarding it except for the dishonesty in the former.
I see where you're coming from here. Personally, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and suggest that he was only stretching to source in order to make everything work together. However, I do understand your position and (in light of later remarks), rest on this point as well.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:You just don't get it, do you. When you attempt to say your theory is better than your opponents because it unifies more sources, and you facilitate that unification by taking out-of-context and warping the meaning of the sources such that they are, in actuality, ignored or arbitrarily weighed and bent to the theory, rather than the other way around. Not to mention to claim that shoving all the sources in there, regardless of destroying the actual meaning by simple definition of English words, is automatically superior is a Golden Mean Fallacy.
A claim like that is dishonest. And to adhere to it obsessively when this is pointed out over and over is dogmaticism.
See above. Point conceded and rested.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Obviously. It doesn't work for a couple weapons, and not at all for hand blasters and most small-arms.
This is one of the things that suggested to me to find something else in the first place, given that at least two if not more sources suggest that the systems of a blaster a closely related to those of turbolasers and others.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Now you're dodging, asshole. We said it didn't work under basic sense and Occam's Razor because he was changing the meaning of words and making shit up so he wouldn't have to discard or limit his pet theory. Get it?
See above.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Idiot. You can't call a liquid plasma blob a laser without mangling the meaning of the word. This is semantic dishonesty.
I agree that the extent to which it was modified is extreme (see above). However, "author's intent" should not be a factor.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:You can't say that the damage propogates at lightspeed without mangling the theory in the AOTC ICS. This is dishonesty. He pretended the AOTC ICS supported him. It did not. Get it?
Damage doesn't propogate at lightspeed from the beam launch. I've demonstrated this with the superlaser. I realize this is rationalized in the beam theory with the power ramp-up idea, but to me "damage propogates at lightspeed" reads "when the trigger is pulled, the damage will hit the target in d/
c seconds,"
not "when the trigger is pulled, the damage will hit the target in d/
c seconds after ramping up." This is a different point than he makes -- this is my direct quibble with the damage-at-
c notion.
Illuminauts Primus wrote:Funny you support Mike, yet it is Mike himself who said this in the fucking thread. Want to read the refutations you claim don't exist?
Sure, I support Mike. He's a very smart guy and has some very solid theories behind him. Doesn't mean I think he's right all the time.
(This is in relation to the immediatley preceding statement and beam theory in general, not to the Marc thready)
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Not to mention, moron, the same Fact File quotes the AOTC ICS almost word-for-word, contradicting itself by assigning seperate mechanisms for what it describes as the same weapon. Do I need to really explain to you why under SOD that internally inconsistent historical sources of low quality are discarded?
No, you just needed to explain to me where and how they were internally inconsistent. You have finally done so, and I am now conceding points.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:A force field, even if it is shaped like a tube, is not reasonable, and it is not a "beam fired at lightspeed." A plasma blob is not a pulse "along that beam."
Just to try to clarify -- is shielding technology not regarded as a force field? I see references to it as a "volumetric effect," but I haven't looked into what, precisely, this means yet. I often find shielding technology much more difficult to figure out than even FTL technology, so I generally try to shy away from it beyond saying, "It's there, it works, and here's its performance capabilities."
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Furthermore this contradicts multiple quotes, some of them listed here, that the weapon is "coherent light." Works better with exotic luxons than a blob in a tube, eh?
I must confess that I'm unfamiliar with luxons in general. I just looked something up, and they seem to have some very exotic properties, so I'm going to look into them in great detail before speaking directly on the topic at hand again. But without even looking at them, of course they work better than a blob in a tube. I still think the idea was creative and had some merit for that alone, if nothing else.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Repetatively refusing to admit that liquids won't maintain rigidity, that he as mangling the quotes and thusly AOTC ICS contradicted him, and being obtuse regarding how beam theory better worked for his own fucking splash pictures is annoying. You concede where you're wrong.
I do. I'm flexible -- I'm not here to prove a point (well...that's partly true, 40-80k km/s figures are still on the table) or get my exact theory accepted. As I've said, my theory can change moment to moment based on new information I receive. And I'm happy to do that, so long as it's not a waste of effort. If I get to learn something out of the process, then great. My whole reason for being involved in these types of sci-fi tech nature discussions is because they're fun brain exercises. And when people aren't willing to be flexible, it
does get annoying. So I see where you're coming from, but I hope you can try to understand where I'm coming from as well.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Maybe you're offended by our rudeness or derision, but what you don't realize because you didn't properly research this, is Marc had twice pulled the exact same shit. We'd already had two debates over it, and countless others.
As I've said, I didn't realize that I had access to the archive to properly research it, which I already said I should've tried to do anyway. (I think I actually did try, but I must've done something incorrectly, because I didn't get any meaningful results back)
Illuminatus Primus wrote:He never conceded a point, and when he wanted our theory explained, he wanted unreasonable demands, like how the particles interact and where are they in modern science. Meanwhile his blob and magic tube were perfectly cool. It is offensive and dishonest to maintain a double standard.
Fair, but he does have something of a point here. Many remarks were made in that thread (do I really have to go quote them) that he wasn't paying attention to science. If the beam theory also doesn't pay attention to science, then there's double standards going on all around. However, I haven't look at it yet (and the fact that I found an article on luxons at all suggests that the beam theory
is in modern science), this is probably a moot point.
He's a unsufferable shmuck. Even his fucking signature is pretentious.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:See above. When you don't deal with it, ask unreasonable demands, and then refuse to deal with observed flaws in your own theory with anything but ad nauseum fallacies, yeah, you become pretty fucking annoying.
Agreed. But I'm going to interject myself here -- have I done that? I think I've been fairly reasonable (demanding only that people remain civil and discuss the topic) and directly discuss flaws...
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Buddy, he presented the same lame theories from his website twice before, and failed (like you) to follow the countless other discussions and detailed analysis and video clips regarding Mad's theory. We were sick and tired of him asking for it in perfect scientific journal-worthy form, while he got to spew whatever ad hoc technobabble and quote mutilation served him. Both other times he refused to concede. He refused to concede this time too, essentially calling us assholes, but too passive aggressive to do so. The only reason he bugged out after that was because Mike spanked him.
See, I didn't know this. I agree that
that's annoying. And I've stated above and before my reason for not being aware of the previous discussions.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Buddy, he himself quoted a picture to challenge me (which was actually incorrect as a refutation, but I digress), which showed an entirely translucent, monochromatic bolt, which is totally against his theory and a white core of any kind.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:You do realize by post times I posted the link to Marc's thread before you edited your post, right?
*nod* I said in my subsequent post "see edit remarks."
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Refusing to answer points, refusing to research, and basically implying we're lock-stepping idiots, well--think whatever you want.
I have done neither of the first two. I try to answer any and all points that come up once I have put forward something for actual discussion. I've gone over
this what seems like half a dozen times too. And the third is subject to interpretation. My only intended implication is that you were giving me an extremely unwarranted (from my POV, not knowing all this baggage you're all carrying) hard time, despite my efforts to remain civil even through your derrogatory responses.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Don't expect us to consider yours until you've disproven the other. I'm still waiting for Ender and you to hammer out where the SL is inconsistent with Mad's theory.
Fine, then I'll table my theory for the time being while I look into Mad's.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:He couldn't take the heat so he got out of the fire. That's not our problem. It is our problem he consistently refused to deal with points raised over three debates over many months and refused to concede when wrong, and maintaining rediculous double standards while treating us like we were inconsistent, irrational assholes with his pedantic faux-courtesy and his passive aggressive, snooty tactics.
You see pedantic faux-courtesy and passive-agressive snooty tactics, but I see a guy being polite and reasonable in at least his manner if not his asserted points. You weren't inconsistent or irrational, but it seemed when I was reading it like you were unnecessarily being assholes. But given the new information you've told me about putting his theory forward twice before, my viewpoint on this has considerably changed. I still see no reason to be so flagrantly verbally harsh on anyone or one another. I'm not trying to suggest a style-over-substance thing here, but substance-with-style is certainly much easier to read and react to than substance-with-abuse.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Its the same thing Ender said at the beginning. This has all been done so many times we're very exasperated with it now. Since we've been here for all of it, it wasn't a big deal to expect you to look into it.
See previous remarks on "not doing research." I don't know how many times you want me to apologize for my oversight here.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Well that's good then. And I hope you realize that since the Fact Files are internally consistent, that point cannot be used as a citation under SOD.
No, no, I'm going to use my newfound sources as they are stated. They should get here within a week or so. I'm just trying to demonstrate that I'm interested in figuring out a real ( know what I mean), solid working theory here and have no personal agenda that I feel I need to set forward. I just want to talk tech, debate theories, and have a good time doing it. And maybe, just maybe, figure out a good solution in there along the way.
Illuminatus Primus wrote:Sorry?
Thank you.
And then...
Mad wrote:Interesting fact... way back in another thread, IP argued against my theory. I had to modify it a bit from my original theory. My unified theory still has problems with its attempt to work blasters in, but the turbolaser portion of it is the currently accepted TL theory, at least after the workout it went through in that thread. It wasn't just accepted overnight.
*nod* I'm looking forward to jumping into your theory, Mad
I'm sorry if I seem to be short-changing you by bypassing your theory to propose my own.
As I said above, I'm tabling mine to look at yours first.
And then...
Connor MacLeod wrote:There are three different scene cuts: the "formation" of the superlaser blast, the cut to Leia, then the cut to the beam firing on Alderaan. There is no evidence that it occurs progressively, so it cannot be "at least a second" as you claim.
The "formation" scene shows the SL 'tracer' firing. It does not just show the formation. So at least the "formation" scene and the firing scene
must be progressive, even if Leia is not (which I see no reason not to assume...). As such, it's 28±2 frames without Leia, and 50±2 frames with Leia. Again, I see no reason to assume that it's
not progressive. Movies are generally filmed in a progressive fashion. When we cut from the heroes to the villains, it's not to show what's going on meanwhile, it's (usually) to show what's going on while the heroes are doing something uninteresting. I point out that immediately after Alderaan explodes, we cut to Kenobi, who reacts to its explosion. This is definitely a progressive event. The entirety of the movie seems to be progressive, so assuming that this particular instance isn't is inconsistent.
Connor MacLeod wrote:Moreover, the "lightspeed" nature of lasers and turbolasers is reinforced in the AOTC ICS, and the SW novels "Destiny's Way" and "Rebel Stand.", as well as indirect proof in comparison to commlinks (blasters and laser cannons can be modified to act as makeshift commlinks, whose transmissions propogate at the speed of light, as per Iron Fist and Solo Command) Further, we know from the BTM CD and the EGW&T that the superlaser is basically a compound turbolaser (which is in and of itself a compound laser.), thereby suggesting that superlasers are also lightspeed or near-lightspeed weapons. So there is certainly substantial evidence for Curtis' interpretation of the scene.
There's more than one way to "skin a cat," so to speak. Some lightspeed element doesn't necessarily require it to be the damaging component. My theory above (though currently tabled in favor of discussing Mad's) puts forth a way for lasers to be involved ("coupled with light"), providing a light speed
element without requiring that the beam be light-speed.
Connor MacLeod wrote:Hypermatter reactions involve annihilation of the reactants. I doubt there is much substantial, if any, matter left over from the reaction to be used in any sort of beam. (and if it was, this would still require near-c velocities to achieve the kinds of energies required.)
I didn't mean leftover reactants, I meant the reactants themselves are instead taking and fired. But where is the hypermatter stored, I ask? Didn't this pose a problem previously? I don't think there was a solution worked up on Mike's page.
Connor MacLeod wrote:The beam is composed of hypermatter? How is that supposed to work? (For that matter, we should be *avoiding* more complex solutions, not pursuing them aggressively. The more unknowns added, the less likely the theory is to work, unless absolutely required. In this case, alot of unknowns are not required.)
Connor MacLeod wrote:They're at the firing ports. And if your hypothetical "hypermatter" beam passed through those crystals, they'd induce an annihilation reaction. Doesn't quite seem to work.
Ah, yeah, that kinda kills that notion.
Connor MacLeod wrote:As a "particle beam"...<snip>...they can do it to weapons as well.
Hrm. Good point. Conceded.
Connor MacLeod wrote:How is it dogmatic? Your analysis is overly-simplistic, ignores the implications of certain bits of secondary evidence, and requires a theory that involves a far greater number of unknowns to substantiate it. All I have pointed out is that at best, you have established a "lower limit", but this does not prove that your interpretation automatically supercedes all others. In fact, your continued "I'm right and you're not" attitude is rather dogmatic in and of itself.
Don't "overly simplistic" and "involves a far great number of unknowns" contradict each other? And I never suggested that my interpreation superceding anything. It's just an idea to discuss. Now that we're actually discussing it, it's failing rapidly, and I'm conceding to the those points because they make sense and are logical.
And then...
Darth Wong wrote:No, his theory was a complete joke. He correctly noted some imperfections in current theories, but his preferred theory did absolutely nothing to rectify those problems and in fact added quite a few of its own.
I suppose that's true enough.
Darth Wong wrote:His cardinal error was to believe that if you can show theory A is not perfect, then theory B wins by default. That is a huge logical fallacy, and that is why his argument was weakest when his theory was subjected to closer scrutiny rather than being held up as the default winner.
*nod* I agree -- just because theory A is 'wrong' (not saying it is in this instance, just going with the hypothetical), B isn't suddenly 'right.' If 'evolution theory' (I know Mike loves this topic
) was for whatever reason suddenly proven wrong, 'creation theory' (ha!) wouldn't suddenly become 'right' (although the creationists sure would like to believe that this would be the case).
Anyway, now that everything seems to be clarified from an interpersonal standpoint, can we get back to actually discussing this stuff?